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  • in reply to: Geolocation Issue #55199

    For your country ,  do not set the Map domain as Australia .

    if the only issue is Australia, use the “discrete search” it is part of the experience add-on. It does not limit the search to just Australia . For some reason Google has a thing about the postal codes in Australia. It is the Google search algorithms that are causing this. The Australia Postal codes are not unique enough apparently. , We have had other customers who have an issue with Australia searches and the append search worked or the dripdown country discrete filters.  Another suggestion,is to add in the search box label directions for your user so they know they have to add more information.  The more details put into their search the better chances they will have of returning the correct results.  You can also have the dropdown of countries to search using the Widget part of the add-on as well. There are many ways to work around the Google map search by postal code  discrepancy.



    in reply to: Just Updated: Can't Bulk Delete #55198


    I just got off a long conference call with the developer . He asked how many locations you have on your display page in WP admin, that was one question, Another question was about your theme on your site  we may need to log into your site if you are having continuing issues. The last WP update had security patches and anything at all in any other plugins that have javascript errors, or in your theme will stop everything in its tracks. If you have “display locations on your SLP page at a high number and then try to do a bulk delete the WP site can never catch up with drawing the page and it will stop both export and delete. So we really need more information specific to your site. Please send an email to Contact us so we can look into your specific issues further.  Can you please send the info to support or post in the Premier forum?The developer will be able to work with you directly.

    in reply to: No search results #55195

    no you do not need power to use the SLP , I was just wondering if you had pages enabled somewhere and if that was effecting your site. I cannot recreate your issue…

    I just went to the url you showed above

    and entered the zip code you showed me and got all the results showing up on the map and under the locator.  I guess I am confused, what do you think should happen?  Could you be more specific?

    Do you want the results to already load before a search is entered?  Or do you want someone to just hit find locations without entering any information?  Or Are you talking about that Search widget on the side bar  that isnt a SLP widget


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Store Locator Plus Power v4.9 crashes site #55187

    I cannot recreate your issue. I just deleted my Power 4.8.6 and Added Power 4.9 no problem, except that I forgot to delete the Power add-on and received an error message when i tried adding plugin, error message said file directory already existed.  I do not know if the issue is because you are using PHP 5.3,

    I will have to ask the developer. I am guessing that could be the issue, that version of PHP. I believe you would need at least  5.4 or higher.


    PHP version   5.3 was in  2009… there any way you can update that?

    The author/developer did not opt to auto update peoples SLP plugin and add-ons but he is considering doing so. I have mentioned that some people may have issues with that, such as the one you are experiencing. So it is something that he is considering and your feedback is helpful.


    The problem with the add-ons not automatically being shown is because of the WP-CRON. When WP has a major update, like they just did, thousands and thousands of plugins also update, by the time it goes through all the thousands of plugins it may not get to the  add-ons which are not sold in the WP directory.  The SLP auhtor is aware of this and , again, that may be something he will do in the future (auto update when SLP updates)


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    in reply to: Just Updated: Can't Bulk Delete #55186

    Please provide a screenshot of your plugin environment and your site url (see posting guidelines)

    if I recall your issue before was improper formatting of your CSV files, I provided you with what I saw s an issue I thought. But you can send me the CSV file you are trying to import, send it to support at “contact us ” and I will get it from there.


    As far as Exporting, i am running SLP 4.9, Power 4.9. I just exported over 100 locations, Select export and then press the apply button. Mine exported in a nano second.  I am afraid there may be an issue with your server since you are experiencing so many issues that I cannot recreate but I really need to see a screen shot of your Plugin environment etc. (Php version, WP versions, site url)


    also if you are on a shared server Google counts all the geocoding queries from the server not just your site. They also have been throttling down and will not goecode more then 10 locations at a time.  The SLp developer is developing a new version of Power that will show you the actual load process. Many people hit load again and again before the process has been completed. That stops everything in its tracks.

    The :cant communicate with the server” is not an SLP issue but a host issue. Are you using Go daddy or some other shared server?



    Perhaps I am confused, but the screen shot you showed us starts with http as sown below…are you getting any mixed content errors when inspecting in your browser? You have not provided us with your site url so I cannot look at it in the browser to see if you have a valid SSL,  or if   you have mixed content errors or if the marker you originally selected is pointing to an old image file.  Try re-selecting the map marker  under settings/map.  All my markers start with https://…….:

    your home marker
    cannot be located, please select a new one

    in reply to: "Add" and other tabs not displaying #55183

    Please clarify: What is your question? You are showing the WP admin Panel and not the SLP plugin environment, please read the Guidelines for the  information required for us to assist you.


    in reply to: Force Choose Category #55182

    Lance has a new premier version that he has customized for a customer, see the video he has produced within the docs for  the Category button bar

    If that is not exactly what you want to do, you can try changing the Search form layout with html. The layout docs page should help you. If you need assistance with the format, I will have Lance contact you or you can send him a quick chat in the Slack channel. He is in the middle of coding and updating the Power add-on and customization but he might be able to give you a quick answer. if you are not part of the Slack channel yet and wish to be, send a quick email thru the Contact us

    in reply to: No search results #55168

    have you updated your SSL certification if needed. Google Chrome update to security requires an intermediate certification in many cases  . As of Google Chrome version 60, it is possible to view certificate details via the lock icon “menu” This option has to be enabled manually by accessing chrome://flags/#show-cert-link.

    When you enable it and restart Google Chrome, the option to view certificates will be visible when you click on the lock icon.  Check if your cert has been effected.


    I do not see Pages in your new plugin environment  but it was in your old one. Pages is a legacy add-on and will not work with SLP 4.9.

    There is a new version of Power that will be released that should fix any issues you are having with SEO pages.


    You need to check your SSL certificate. A lot of browsers have  become strict about the SSL cert.

    I just went through this on my test site and had to update even though it was only a few months old had to get an Intermediate certificate.


    You can test  and run a diagnostic on  your SSL cert using the Digicert 

    in reply to: Update Crashed WP Login #55155

    The info you have provided does not show us what versions you are using of anything.   SLP 4.9 has been tested, I have updated, others have updated. No adverse effects. it sounds like you may be having a WordPress issue.   Suggest clearing your cache and contacting WP if you are having issues. Check there support forums to see if your issue is answered here

    in reply to: Latest Version search not working #55151

    I do not know what versions  of SLP nor if you have any add-ons.

    Please provide the information requested  in the Looking for support guidelines about your plugin environment


    I just went to that site and searched and it came back with locations in zip code 55402.

    What specifically is your issue? Could you provide details and your plugin environment information?


    in reply to: Disable Tagalong Legend #55149

    The words tagalong legend never existing in any code of SLP.   Someone probably tried typing in as a shortcode on their  WP page. (Or somewhere as  CSS) That was never a valid shortcode for SLP.  You will have to look in WP admin pages to see where it is  and just delete it.


    Without your plugin environment I cannot  really guess to what is happening.  Please see the Looking for tech support at top of forum page and provide us with the required information so we can better assist you.

    in reply to: No search results #55125

    Your SLP versions are outdated and may not work with WP 4.9.

    Pages is a legacy add-on and will not work with  SLP 4.8 and higher.  The SEO pages features are available in the Power add-on

    As a result of the WP 4.8.2 update, SLP had to patch and update to be compatible with that version on WP.


    Please see the authors news blog on the subject

    in reply to: SLP 4.9 & Power 4.9 – Missing "Store Pages" menu item #55109

    Correction, it may take a couple of days for the patch Power 4.9.1 to be tested and released to production.

    in reply to: Power version 4.8.6 has been disabled. #55108

    The aito updates coincide with other plugins also being updated, when WP has a new release it often delays auto updates. Thanks for helping Elizabeth. The Power 4.9.1 will be released to patch the SEO pages issues mentioned in another post.

    in reply to: SLP 4.9 & Power 4.9 – Missing "Store Pages" menu item #55107

    I have informed the developer and he is patching it in 4.9.1 should be done later today

    in reply to: Google API Issues #55106

    Could you provide your Plugin environment ? The Plugin environment tells us what versions , etc. A screenshot is best.

    You have multiple issues as you are probably aware.   The sensor not required indicates there is a theme or a plugin that is old and never updated.   That has not been an issue for years with Google Maps so a plugin or your theme is using very outdated Google APIs

    Check out the troubleshooting guide

    You were on the right track , but  as you mentioned turning off plugins didn’t help because the issue is in your theme your hometown theme has a Google MAP API included. They also have  in the script an Ajaxform fatal error

    If you look at that failure using the browser tools you see the syntax error: “Uncaught TypeError: $(…).ajaxForm is not a function!”

    The map not showing is an issue because of the above failures it never “get” s to SLP

    More info in troubleshooting

    “The Store Locator Plus map is a very visible indicator that something is wrong with the JavaScript on your site.  It is often the first thing you will notice.  Often the problem is not with the Store Locator Plus code.   Since the SLP plugin cannot control if its JavaScript is run first or last there is a high likelihood that some other broken JavaScript runs before it.  When that happens and there is a fatal error in the other code ALL the scripts stop running on the page, including the SLP JavaScript.  That means the SLP script won’t talk to Google and that means Google won’t get the request to load the map tiles.”

    If your theme author does not fix their issues,  I would try another theme.  Make sure to have a staging site or dev site so that you do not lose everything, and make sure you are using a back-up tool, we suggest jetPack.


    If you need  total support revamping the site you  can contact us  and we will put you in touch with the Cybersprocket team.

    in reply to: Filter Location is not working properly. #55104

    Thank you for reporting the issue to us Patricia.


    in reply to: Adjusting Layout #55087

    Thx Ben

    Download your Experience add-on. We may need to take a look at your theme to see if it is overriding the plugin style css rules.

    Did You know that as a Premier subscriber  you can post in the Premier forums?

    if after enabling the Experience add-on that allows you to add some css rules , or if you  do not see the Plugin Style you need under the Settings/view the developer  may be able to add a  plugin style that works with your theme.



    in reply to: Adjusting Layout #55083

    Please provide your plugin environment., you can try other Plugin styles but without the information regarding versions and your site url I cannot help you. See documentation about map styles.

    see docs about layouts

    in reply to: Unable to activate my "Power" Plugin #55077

    The developer is in communication with you via email. I wanted to post the information here in case anyone else is having issues.

    there was an issue with the compression zip file

    The patch yo Power has been made  and that should no longer be an issue.  The other issue was you needed to update SLP to the current version 4.8. or higher.

    your other issue was not being able to delete your Legacy  Tagalong Directory. tagalong needs to be deleted since Power replaces that functionality.  That is most likely an issue with your directory permissions.

    He will continue to work with you through our support channels.


    in reply to: "Decompression Failed" – SLP-Power.Zip – 4.8.62017-11-19 #55076

    Hello ALL,

    try it now, the developer fixed the compression file while at the rest area. 

    ​i was lucky to catch him while he wasn’t driving . He was working while on his mini holiday and the internet service stopped in the middle of some updates thus causing this error.


    thanks to you guys, I decided to delete and re-install Power since i could not recreates the issue. this gave us some useful clues as to when this may have happened since there was no issue before.


    P.S.  The next release of SLP and Power will be 4.9 to be published some time in the next few days. He will let us know via changelog if this effects anyone using the new WP 4.9.

    Thanks again for your patience and sorry for the inconveninece

    in reply to: Filter Location is not working properly. #55075

    The developer is travelling today. He will be patching the  Power add-on on his return.,

    in reply to: "Decompression Failed" – SLP-Power.Zip – 4.8.62017-11-19 #55072

    Thank you for notifying us I have identified the issue and notified the Developer, he is travelling today and will look into this tonite or tomorrow as soon as he can access his developer tools and computer.

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