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  • in reply to: Export Dealer Lists not working #56886

    For him to login select the Troubleshooting Login support under Paid support options. Make sure your site has been backed up recently. If it is something broken in SLP , I believe his his policy is that he would refund you the support costs.  He is really busy right now since he  is going to be on vacation next week, so if you get that support processed today,  I can notify him and he may have time to look into it tomorrow.

    Next day Biz login link


    So it should be under your icons at bottom of the page under MaPS MENU

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    Hello Jason,

    I asked in the other post for your Plugin environment. Please read posting guidelines so I may better assist you.

    Did you also install and activate the experience add-on from your dashboard?

    Did you scroll down the page under Settings/Map  and go beyond the map markers icons?


    in reply to: location_manager is not defined #56877

    Whew! Thanks for letting us know. I was going to ask if you had something like Smush, apparently Smush was breaking javascript and thus in conflict with SLP.

    in reply to: Child Categories Not Showing Up in Search #56875


    Understand your frustration about the videos. We have not updated the older SLP videos for a while as many are still useful. The back end of the settings have changed quite a bit for the categories but work the same way. Only diff is Tagalong is now part of Power add-on.

    As far as what you are mentioning about the Parent/child and dropdowns, (see bottom of this docs page where it mentions the premier ) although the you tube video refers to settings under categories and Tagalong it still shows you that you MUST have a premier subscription for that feature. the choice of the drop down settings are now under the search form under category but certain drop-down selectors will only show up if you have a Premier subscription.  I believe I answered incorrectly the other day when I said use the cascading for selector type. I was mixing up the tags with the categories for using the selector. tags do not have parent child hierarchy so that was a mistake on my part. I have responded to your developer in email about it.

    This doc page about category taxonomy reflects Power add-on

    If you had a customized search form on your previous site and you state it had a drop down for parent/child perhaps you had a developer work some magic, but it wasn’t done from the built in selector in the back end of the SLP interface.

    The Parent child drop down menu for categories has always been a feature of the premier subscription. You reflect in your info above that you do not have Premier, I have noted that you purchased Power add-on in Feb of 2018 but do not see any Premier purchases.

    The 2015 you tube video that the developer posted about that feature is from 2015 and states thus:

    “The October 2015 update to Premier Plugin works in conjunction with the 4.3.01 Tagalong release to add a new category selector to Store Locator Plus. The new selector type auto-generates independent drop down menus on the locator search form to filter locations by various assigned categories. Type of dealership or products carried, for example.”

    So ignore that part that referes to Tagalong, at the time it was still being sold separate but categories is now part of Power add-on.

    as specified in that video it was introduced as a “new” feature” for PREMIER back in the fall of 2015 Premier subscribers already have both Power and Experience included with their purchase and now there are even more features added to Premier, plus Premier subscription price has been dropped.

    There are now multiple ways you can show categories in the search element as part of Premier.

    In addition to the ones mentioned in the older you tube video, with Premier  there is also Horizontal checkboxes, that will also allow for parent/child , button bars (for single category but uses clciakble category icons) and the cascading single parent dropdown.

    I do not recall a Parent/child dropdown menu as being available on search form ever if you had  just tagalong (or Power) as a stand alone product. I recall it was in a  release of the premier subscription a few years ago. You can see the details of that feature listed under the description for Premier plug-in (not sold separately but shown as the plugin that goes along with the subscription)
    The horizontal checkbox for categories was developed more recently as part of a paid customization for a premier customer and also shows parent/child.

    If you wish to update to Premier, please send an email to support and they may be able to give you a coupon towards the Premier sign up fee.

    in reply to: Export Dealer Lists not working #56867


    Could you follow the instructions in ” Troubleshooting Large Scale exports” and let us know.

    There are a variety of situations that can cause issues with  exports, including WP memory, OS limits, PHP versions.

    I am not able to reproduce the issue using the same SLP add-ons and  have not seen any reports of this occurring . We have just reached out to one of our larger clients to see if they are having issues with exporting.




    Hello warren,

    When posting in the forums could you please provide your SLP  Plugin environment information.  We need this info to provide you with possible solutions. (see posting guidelines)

    Go to the SLP menu under INFO/Plugin environment and [rovide screenshot is best, that will show us which SLP add-ons you have activated and the versions as well as the php, mysql, WP versions.

    Did you download both Power and Experience add-on from your account and activate them?


    When you say it is not appeaeing under Maps are you referring to the Settings/Map in the back end or are you referring to the front end, i.e the Site url where the  SLP map appears?


    in reply to: Export Dealer Lists not working #56859

    Are you selecting under Locations/Bulk/ export/download csv file…or are you trying to export “hosted” csv file?

    I just tested on my site with same versions you are showing and not having an issue.

    in reply to: License not in Valid Format #56856


    I mentioned to Lance about the Premier input etc, I tested on my site and did not lose my Premier Subscription info and I tested by enabling/disabling but that is something that you would have to ctach at just the right time to duplicate. He mentioned that if the server drops/loses connections it could be an issue — but normally SLP only checks the license maybe once per day or week. he wasnt sure exactly. (I caught him in the middle of something so that was off the top of his head answer)

    Thanks for getting back to me. Good luck with this major endeavor!

    in reply to: Within Radius Suddenly doesnt work #56855

    Could you provide your Plugin environment?

    I visitied this page,

    I entered post code 3004, I selected within 50km…it returned 5 locations

    On same page, when I inspect site with Chrome developer tools, look under Console setting
    I see this warning:
    Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys

    As we have been announcing over past  month or so: Google terms of service, for third party  mapping applications to work (such as SLP) you will be required to have an API key. they extended the drop dead date to have the billing account added to your API account to Jul 11 but you Must have a Google API key now for ALL sites. The current versions of SLP has added fields under General , see Getting started ,  Required API keys under News feeds and more under the docs or

    INFO on API:

    Additionally when you say within radius is not working, please note you do not have location sensor aware (as part of Power add-on) activated on that site page that I could see , so the radius  is based on the settings you have as defaults and  based on the user search criteria and the drop down menu.

    Radius behavior

    Search settings

    How search works

    in reply to: License not in Valid Format #56853

    hmm, I will see if the developer has any ideas on why that would happen since I cannot reproduce on my test site. thanks for providing the plugin info.

    Are you also migrating site to HTTPS protocol?

    in reply to: License not in Valid Format #56846

    Thanks for the update. Let us know if you have any issue after you get the Google API key switched over. One should not effect the other but it could be a cache issue. Also, which version of SLP and Premier did that happen on?

    in reply to: Admin section not allowing me to click on anything. #56843

    NO plugin should disable any other plugins WP admin panel. We have done extensive testing and it is not a bug with SLP.

    We do not know what you are using for plugins, etc. so cannot advise you as to your next steps.

    You can use the WP debugger and see what is causing the issues. If you have Smush you can deactivate and see if that fixes your issue as others suggested.

    in reply to: License not in Valid Format #56842

    Double check that you do not have any proceeding spaces in the license if you copied it over (there may be a space in the front, I know that has happened to me before.)
    As far as exporting……you can export using the Power add-on.

    SLP 4.9.16 there is a Load locations data from any WP site , but it will not transfer (load) categories.

    in reply to: License not in Valid Format #56841

    Double check that you do not have any proceeding spaces in the license if you copied it over (there may be a space in the front, I know that has happened to me before.)
    As far as exporting……you can export using the Power add-on.

    SLP 4.9.16 there is a Load locations data from any WP site , but it will not transfer (load) categories.

    in reply to: Locator will only show results at 200+ miles #56838

    I do not understand your question. I visited the site, I entered a zip code in the search , I selected drop down of 25 miles entered zip code 29910 and a result came back.

    Your site does not have a location sensor because:
    1) it is not a secure site
    and 2) You do not have the power add-on.



    Please review the documentation about, results, location sensor,  Javascript errors and the Google API requirements. .

    Also  you can see  errors that are coming back on that site url and warnings by using any browser tools and inspect console:

    This is what came back on that site.
    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
    galleria.mediagrid.css:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
    jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
    modernizr.full.min.js?ver=1.2:4 [Deprecation] Application Cache is deprecated in non-secure contexts, and will be restricted to secure contexts in M69, around September 2018. Please consider migrating your application to HTTPS, and eventually shifting over to Service Workers. See for more details.
    r.applicationcache @ modernizr.full.min.js?ver=1.2:4
    2slp_core.min.js?ver=1528995476:1 Google JavaScript API geocoder failed with status ZERO_RESULTS

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    in reply to: Remote File Retrieval No Longer Importing #56834

    on punch list to be fixed , thank you for notifying us.

    in reply to: Remote File Retrieval No Longer Importing #56831

    Thanks , received the info we will look into it.

    in reply to: Remote File Retrieval No Longer Importing #56824

    hello Boone thank you for all ths info.

    Could you check first to make sure the remote retrieval file is still accessible to the public. With all the changes Google has been making one cannot be sure.

    if it is still accessible could you send the link to us via the contact form support and mention this post so we can check it out?

    in reply to: Categories not found after update to latest version #56823

    Hello? Are you all set? please post in Premier so I can keep track of these and provide you with our full attention. The one site you are using the Plugin and it shows Premier being used along with Experience and Power.

    Thanks, if I do not hear back I will close this post.

    in reply to: Woo products data all gone after update #56822

    ? Hello Is this Vickie? or Jackie? similar question was asked in Slack to the developer. if same question are you all set?

    in reply to: Woo products data all gone after update #56821

    Please provide a screen shot of your plugin environment .  Also the site url that has the SLP on the page so we can see if you have any console errors. (see posting guidelines)

    Additional info is helpful. I.e when did you notice it? What plugin did you use to add WooProducts, etc. The SLP plugin environment will show us the versions you are using, WP and our add-ons as well as PHP and MySQL versions.

    in reply to: Categories not found after update to latest version #56814

    Please provide your Plugin environment as requested in the posting guidelines.
    It does not appear as though you have the Power add-on installed on the dev site but it is installed on the first site.   The Power add-on is required for categories. Check in your admin panel to see if you have the current version of Power installed and activated.

    in reply to: Location Sensor Gone After Update #56811

    Roll back to an older version of SLP to have ProPack still work (that is legacy , please find suggestions and info  here and July 2016 posts here, and here in docs site  . Many  announcements, posts and emails were sent out over the past two years. For a  year we offered discounts  for those users who wanted to update. We apologize if  we missed you , our record s show that your purchase is over 4 years old and you have not updated the base plugin in many years  so may be missing important security patches.  Basically it is suggested if you want to continue the outdated add-on, do not  update the base SLP plug-in.  or  you may consider switching to MYSLP SAAS which is a managed software service using the Store locator Plus for a low monthly fee. You would not need to worry about maintaining and updating the SLP plug-in under our managed MYSLP service. See product and docs page for more info. If you switch over there is a way to load your locations from the current base DIY SLP to the managed SLP service

    NOTE: Is your site a secured site, i.e a valid SSL cert?  an https site? and do you have a valid key from the GOOGLE API developers console?

    IF it is not a secure site, location sensor will not work with Chrome or the Google service regardless. Many other browsers are also adding these security measures.  Google and Chrome have had restrictions since Chrome version 50 (released in 2016)  and they will only return locations that are  using location sensor if the  request is generated within the url of a valid site (https://).  See the Google developers console for more information.


    in reply to: Store Locator Plus conflicting with another plugin #56803

    One other suggestion i.e. regarding the the duplicator plugin. The Google API key you obtained for the cloned site. Did you have ANY referrer restrictions? Referrer restrictions are not suggested for testing or staging sites. you should have no restrictions for the purpose of testing. Check for errors on the console

    If you do have an IP Https referrer restriction you will also need a Geocoding key.

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