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Mike, if you could share what you have found once resolved that would be of great benefit to other users. There are so many plug-ins out there, some orphaned, some not tested fully with latest version of WP, some that conflict with themes. Any info is helpful. For instance we had a forum contributor recently answer another post that Smush was causing SLP and other plugin admin panel to not work.
CiciKeymasterThank you for providing your plugin info.
The js error attached does not provide any details for us to assist you.
A couple of suggestions:1) On your test site did you add a Google API key?
2) Troubleshooting for javascript errors..See this Page in documentationCiciKeymasterPeter,
Is your customer or any of your customers using Third Party add-ons? If so please note that they are not working since DeBaat has not updated them. We are trying to work something out with him,they were “bonus add-ons” for Premier customers only. in the meantime we had to deactivate his plug-ins with SLP version 4.9.16 since they were crashing sites when people updated SLP to 4.9.15.
P.S> We noted your Premier subscription renewal has not been paid.
CiciKeymasterWhat version did you update from to? And what Add-ons do you have activated? None of the recent updates changed CSS or styling views or custom settings. Before updating I read the View details under the Plugin before updating and I make sure I have a recent back-up. Any CSS should be saved in your local directory.
The announcements in NEWS usually tells you what has changed and why and provides other important information, such as the changes to the google API as of June 11 2018…
You can always access by viewing under “Details” under the plugin in your WP Plugin ADMIN panel; I would always look at this before updating . Under “view details ” you will see the changelog for each version of the core SLP . Since I do not know which versions you updated from and to or what your plugin environment is I can assist by providing this snapshot of the core SLP changelog.
Here it is for you:
IMPROVED When Google cannot locate an address the user enters in the search, clear map markers and not a “cannot locate address” message in results.
IMPROVED Added ability to load locations from other WordPress Store Locator Plus installations.
CHANGED Third-party Event Location Manager, Social Media Extender and User Managed Locations add-ons are no longer supported.
IMPROVED prepare for connections to Store Locator Plus managed services (MySLP).
FIXED add on duplicate output by addressing internal object instantiation issue (singleton v. multi-object models).
CHANGED dropped support for Google OEM licenses. Only Google Maps API with pay-as-you-go billing is supported.
UPDATED privacy policy information
IMPROVED new Vue-based add/edit locations form.
FIXED changing the country when editing a location now triggers geocoding.
FIXED setting either latitude or longitude to blank when editing a country now triggers geocoding.
CHANGED Experience Add On must be updated to version 4.9.14
CHANGED Power Add On must be updated to version 4.9.14
CHANGED Dropped support for the slp_edit_location_right_column filter, may affect older unsupported add ons.
NOTE Power must be upgraded to 4.9.14
PATCHED loss of settings when upgrading from prior version to 4.9.11CiciKeymasterPeter, did your glitch go away?
CiciKeymasterYes you can do that. Before deleting all records make sure that you have a back-up of your site to restore to if needed.
There are a few ways to handle this, under Import there is a Skip geocoding, update duplicates , etc etc.. You would want to select skip geocoding if you have the lat/long in the export files. That will speed up the import process and not add to any query limitations.. (all the Google query limits are changing, see news feeds and posts and documentation about the changes such as adding a billing account if you haven’t done that as yet. If you are running SLP version 4.9.15, you will notice there are two fields if you decide you want to restrict the HTTP referrer please read the info about that as well.)
If you do decide to do a fresh import make sure the file column called sl_id is deleted if you are deleting all locations and adding as a fresh install. sl_id is the id that the SLP locations database assigns. If you do NOT delete your locations the sl_id must match what is already in your locations table.
See the CSV duplicate handling
CiciKeymasterThank you everyone for coordinating efforts and providing feedback. Good to know. Our answers tend to be, when all else fails try the WP debugger to narrow down the plugins that could be causing the issues.
CiciKeymasterThat link you provided is for your WP log in so I cannot venture to guess what you may be experiencing.
Instead of downgrading did you try to restore from a back-up first?
Did you migrate your site recently? Those type of issues are most likely a javascript error. Use the WP debugger and you should be able to see which plugin is the culprit. How to:
CiciKeymasterAre using add-ons? You have not provided your Plugin environment or site url so it is difficult to advise you. Do you have the Power add-on?
Power add-on provides Pages Appearance settings
and as of recent updates custom template
Try the demo to see if the Premier or Power add-on work the way you need them to
CiciKeymasterYour “next day biz support” order was just processed today. I refunded it and answered you via email.
As far as zip code field not working on iphones it sounds like your theme or CSS is not configured properly. Try choosing another style,or try a responsive WP theme.
I cannot get to your site because of the security protocols violations. So there may be an issue with iphones because ot that as well, i cant tell.Whenever you post in the forums or via email requesting support we always need a screenshot of your Plugin environment . In your email you only showed SLP 4.9.15 and Gravity Forms Location as being used on your site. You did not show that you were using any other SLP add-ons Power, experience or Premier) . We have posted in the news and in various forums replies that ALL DeBaats third party add-ons appear to be crashing sites when users update SLP to 4.9.15.
You can try posting in his forum or writing to him, we have not been able to get him to update those third party add-ons that we were including with premier subscribers as a bonus to our premier customers. we have since taken them out of all new Premier subscriptions.
Version 4.9.16 of SLP will automatically deactivate ALL third party add-ons. As I mentioned in the email, either roll back to 4.9.14 and earlier versions, preferably through a restore i.e. back-up site, or deactivate those Third Party should ALwAYS have a previous back-up to restore to since we do not “auto-update” any of our plug-ins, the choice is up to the customer whether or not to update. If you are selling things on your site it is even more important since the privacy and security protocols are becoming more stringent….
Please refer to the Posting guidelines to see what types of information we need. More information is better then a limited “it broke” question..
June 5, 2018 at 12:00 PM in reply to: Fatal error: Access level to SLPUML_UI::$addon must be public #56737CiciKeymasterThat is true. Those are third party add-ons that were developed by DeBaat. SLP version 4.9.16 will automatically deactivate his add-ons
You might try to reach out to him to see if he plans on updating any of his add-ons but the SLP developer will not be fixing those third party add-ons since they in essence belong to DeBaat.
CiciKeymasterThank you,
1) If you would like the results to load closest to the user when they search you would need to have a secure site (https)2) Check to see if another plugin or your theme is causing the errors as mentioned above that are preventing SLP to woork properly.
info on Troubleshooting and things to look for in documentation
CiciKeymasterwithout knowing what you are using for versions add-ons etc: (see posting guidelines )
I quickly went to your site page, it took a while to load but either way, you can also check using a browser drop down under developer tools AND inspect the console.
You will see these errors:js?key=AIzaSyDzCNhUx_nNpDNHtnDVZrBGhj3LEPQj-ek&language=en&ver=4.9.6:95 You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.
Eg @ js?key=AIzaSyDzCNhUx_nNpDNHtnDVZrBGhj3LEPQj-ek&language=en&ver=4.9.6:95
crfA3JdGF0U.js:57 ErrorUtils caught an error: “<![EX[[“Bootloader: %s is not in the component map”,”GeneratedArtilleryUserTi…”. Subsequent errors won’t be logged; see
reportError @ crfA3JdGF0U.js:57
crfA3JdGF0U.js:57 ErrorUtils caught an error: “<![EX[[“Bootloader: %s is not in the component map”,”GeneratedArtilleryUserTi…”. Subsequent errors won’t be logged; see
reportError @ crfA3JdGF0U.js:57If you reply or post again:
Please provide your Plugin environment for SLP as requested (seee Posting guidelines)..
CiciKeymasterCheck out the demo which is running current versions of SLP..also many of our customers are using the Only with category shortcodes or the Category button bar to obtain the results you are looking to achieve,
(if they switch to MySLP you will no longer have the PHP issue,) anyhow what you are describing already exists but it is in later updates of premier unless you use the shortcodes (see documentation to use the one you need
CiciKeymasterif we have enough customers on the MySLP enterprise plan. Lance will consider customizing some features in there .
there will be no further customization of the WPSLP do it yourself plugin or add-ons other then the one currently in the pipeline for a WPSLP customer. That customization has something to do with a feature within the category/ button or tool bar and would be in the next release of Premier, but then again you are not able to update you said…soooo….🙁
DEACTIVATE SME if you decide to update SLP!!! SME will crash the site if there are “strict type checking ‘ enabled in PHP
If You have “strict type checking ‘ enabled in PHP , the base plugin SLP had to set their addon property ($addon) to public — As we now see, SME does not support that and we have had a report of it crashing someones site.
UML should still work.
CiciKeymasterIf you are still not able to add locations :
Maybe this will also help you find the issue with the javascript error, (just me looking at your public site not the developer)
If you click on the website link (example) under any of the stores that show on your map under results, and follow the link for the website and then inspect in your browser under console , you will see errors.
every one of them is showing this . Uncaught ReferenceError: slplus is not defined
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (slp-power_userinterface.min.js?ver=1527625231:1)
at n (jquery.js?ver=1.7.1:2)
at Object.fireWith (jquery.js?ver=1.7.1:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.7.1:2)
at HTMLDocument.B (jquery.js?ver=1.7.1:2)
Hint: With the Pages interface. Need to make sure Power is updated and caches are cleared.
Second check the Page template to make sure you have correctly set that up
If after all is said and done you still are having issues you can request the developer log in (note that is a paid support feature) it could be a combination of settings in your admin that is breaking the SLP JS — we are out of guesses.. the site login paid support is a $300 support service,. You must have a staging or dev site that the developer can log into. He will look at your site and identify your issues but he will not customize or recreate your site, theme pages etc.
If it *IS* Store Locator Plus current version bug we would refund you and expedite a fix.
I hope you have had luck in narrowing down the issues. Let us know when you have and what they may have been so others can benefit.
CiciKeymasterGood to know, is the back end admin panel working for you now?
Let us know if you resolved that.
On the front end as a follow up, now that there are no blatant failures in the console a warning is showing up and this you Will absolutely need to take care of very soon. The updates to 4.9.15 allow you to add a Browser key with HTTp restricters but only if you also add a Geocoding API. otherwise you can just get a Google API key without the referrer restrictions. Either way the important change is that NO SITE will geocode and the map page and search will break if you do not have a Google API with a billing account attached.
Please read the NEWS feed, there have been two annoucements in our news feed about these google API key changes.
The MAy 8 news feed says do not add referrers but that ws before the current release of 4.9.15. So if you plan on staying on 4.9.14 do NOT add referrer restrictions
The warning on url:
Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys
Jw.j @ util.js:226CiciKeymasterI will have the developer weigh in as he is more familiar with restores and possible issues when you did that restoration, I have updated numerous times and test the update process on two separate sites and have never lost the “Add locations” functionality. As soon as the developer can break from his current dev work he will weigh in.
As a side note I do see this error on your site
it is failing here with a 404 error
when I conduct a search it appears another error coming back from your theme
When search does not work correctly. Troubleshooting information here
Also your server must be setup to allow the built-in WordPress AJAX handler to execute. Additionally, ANY PLUGIN or THEME that is breaking javascript will break SLP functionality. I am guessing a good place to begin looking is at your theme
CiciKeymasterYou would not want a back up from 2016. If you updated WP to 4.9.5 or 4.9.6 it probably would not be compatible, as far as “add locations button missing in the back end….that would not be missing from the 4.9.11 update….did you migrate your site by any chance???????
CiciKeymasterannouncement in MARCH that was posted and sent to all news feed subscribers about the bug in 4.9.11 . If you noticed the issues back then you should have immediately notified us and we would have provided you instructions to restore from a back-up immediately.
You need to restore from a back-up from before that update. If you updated on a live site (never a good idea by the way) you may need to follow the instructions in the article if you have an experienced IT person to assist you.
CiciKeymasterPublished now, check for updates from your WP admin pane
The categories text repeating itself is fixed for 4.9.15. It should not effect functionality.
The big changes for 4.9.15 which is now in production will be the addition of a Google geocode key for those people who want to add referrers to restrict their API key.
CiciKeymasterAre you adding a new API key or updating an old API key?
If a new key did you add restrictions? if so the geocoding portion will not work with SLP version 4.9.14 or lower.
As a result of the Google API changes that will be in effect June 11, we are changing this in the next release (Version 4.9.15 )s this week . Once version 4.9.15 of SLP is released you will have the ability to add HTTP referrer restrictions if you also obtain the Google Geocoding Key
(The Google API key used for back-end geocoding of locations.)In the meantime double check your key
CiciKeymasterI cannot read half of your post because you have not entered it correctly
You have not followed the posting guidelines. Please provide the information requested, versions, add-ons?
If you need to change the Results layout that would require the experience add-on.
If you are inquiring about widgets that is part of experience add-on. please see the docs site for more information .
I am not understanding your exact question, if you have a screenshot or an example of what you are trying to accomplish that would be great.
The docs site can be searched by keywords. for example: URL control
CiciKeymasterIf you updated WordPress did you also update SLP? Do you have the power add-on?
You did not provide enough information for us to assist you. Please read the posting guidelines
- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Cici.