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  • in reply to: Trying to change to Location Boundary #57538

    Then You would want to use the ignore radius,  and /or use the drop down or discrete search. 

    Or you may want to  use the Country influence guess


    If you are using location sensor then turn that off.  Or if you always want that store to show up, set it as featured, or you could rank it higher then the other location There are a few options of how to go about it for your specific situation.

    The way you are describing  how you want the search and results to appear is not how the location boundaries work, the location boundary :binds” the search to only your locations  in the SLP data base but you still need to select the proper settings under the search, results.


    As far as when the location boundary is fixed, apologize but we had been evacuated due to hurricane and the developer is behind his schedule as a result


    in reply to: problem with update #57529

    Refer to the documentation about Legacy Addons

    in reply to: pages are not working with power extension #57528

    Please provide your Plugin environment etc.


    I am in an evacuated area and cannot access your account. Please refer to the above Posting in Forums guidelines

    in reply to: Geocoding Service: Rate Limit Exceeded #57527

    You would need to contact Google Support.  You have set limits, that much is apparent by your screen shots.

    The other problem, Google is messing around with their Geolocation algorithms. Even in their own “proprietary” commercial Google MAPS.  When you search the  google Maps and just put in a number and do not add text such as Zipcode or a state or something more specific , goggle returns the message as you are seeing, could not find address.


    It is unfortunate, in their zealous endeavor to get people to sign up and pay for more and more APIS, such as “Places” they are no longer automatically associating a number as being a zip code. Suggest you add instructions in your search element to add more then just a zip code for best results.

    Premier has a feature called Show Google / Show address guesses that may help. I cannot guarantee  Google wont change their algorithms again. The developer added features (to premier or to MYSLP) to work with google and to try and compensate



    Yes. Google announced in May of this year, no more grandfathered sites. Refer to the numerous news feeds, here and June . Obtain Google API key enable both Maps Javascript API and geocoding api and add billing. Refer to our documentation or Googles

    1) Follow those pop up buttons where it asks if you are owner of the site and add the billing and keys. Google explains what is needed when you open those pop ups


    2) Alternatively you might want to consider the MYSLP service. MySLP takes care of the API and updates  SLP. It is subscription based plan.  You would need a plan for each site. Plans start as low as $5 a month, depending on number of locations and views.



    Compare the two in docs or on our home page


    Thanks for letting us know

    in reply to: Is there a way to prevent duplicate locations? #57494

    When you import select skip under Location/Import/ duplicate handling. See documentation

    in reply to: Can the Find Locations button be resized? #57484


    Please view documentation with keyword such as search layout.

    You can also try various SLP plugin styles. If you need to change layouts more then what is available you can choose to purchase the experience add-on to change layouts. See What to buy for more ideas oif what you can do with the Plugin or the MySLP plans

    in reply to: Maps "This page can't load Google Maps correctly." Message #57477

    I am not sure what you mean about “Manually adding the API key”  How else would you be adding it?  it is a  simple copy and paste in the correct field to SLP as shown in the docs.  Getting an API

    are you using a form in some other project or via another plugin?

    Where are you adding the Maps Javascript API?

    If you use the Inspect under the browser developer tools and click on the error js99,  it shows under the index where the error is and under  Wordfence… ( I deleted the id that I saw in there) …Is wordfence blocking the  communication to Google? Or Has the owner of the API key restricting the # ofMap loads and using a development API?  Or are you using Wordfence to add the Maps Javascript APi .?  See the error message on your site in the index, it points to”js:99 You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.

    Ug @ js:99

    If you believe you are using the correct API and have set it up correctly and have associated a billing account and not set up any limitations  then  you will have to contact Google Support.





    Once you have your API keys straightened out, you may want to consider other ways to minimize the impact if costs are a concern to you (or security)  Suggestions in the authors news feed here

    Since I do not know what features you are using, (You did not provide the screenshot of your plugin environment requested in posting guidelines)  i can only make general suggestions and not advise you on best way forward.



    in reply to: location sensor zooms out #57476

    Google algorithms are getting more and more restrictive or invasive, don’t know which.   Now even their own commercial “Proprietary” maps that run on their own Algorithms will not let you search by zip code and return correct zip codes if you have never searched there before.  They are telling you to “add a place” (maybe they want o sell more of their PLACE APIs which of course charges you an even higher rate per use)   or they return a street address for options to choose from and they say “Add more info like the text zip code”  We can only tell our customers to add labels in search forms or as responses to add more defining  info, like state etc instead just a number.

    we have added features to Premier to counter act this, such as show Google guesses but there are only so many ways to try and circumvent their algortihms.

    Thanks for understanding and for your patience

    in reply to: location sensor zooms out #57472

    Im sorry, we thought it was zoom and had an update in 4.9.19, but someone mentioned it still persisted, got the developer to delve in deeper and  it was a bug   it was fixed in Power 4.9.20 (red face)

    Sorry.  there have been so many changes with Google APIs lately and so many people not adding the geocoder has been  the go to answer.

    Please accept my apologies…


    in reply to: Location Sensor finds, then relocates elsewhere? #57470

    Jim, I provided another info about the SEO Page and the Fallback info on the Split page

    in reply to: maybe found some small bugs #57469

    Ok, we understand, same thing happens to our site when Woocommerce updates it seems.

    You should always make sure you have a recent backup prior to updating, or update on a staging site first if you have concerns.  Some best practices, which we are sure most developers and site owners follow have been outlined in the below doc.


    in reply to: Split: Location Sensor #57466

    When you post could you please provide the Plugin environment?

    P,S I went to your site and showed me the locations zoomed around my area in SC.  But only AFTER I accepted  “allow” the popup window that said Bodycote wants to know your location.


    Before I accepted it showed all your map locations around where I gather your center map at is in Europe. As documented, yes the fallback if cleared out will auto set to where the center Map is for your Map (see docs here). The fallback is  there for when the   Google server is “busy” or offline and not able to geocode or “call” to load your locations.  If you reset to blank it will fill in with the Center latitude/longitude of the map domain you have chosen.    You can have a different Lat/long fallback  then your map domain or the center map if you so choose. If you do not add anything it will automatically fill with one of the two options described.

    When I went to one of the More details pages and the SEO page opened up , these errors came back, again using the browser tools inspect element under console: I will ask the SLP developer about the cslmap.build_map

    Uncaught TypeError: cslmap.build_map is not a function

        at slp-power_userinterface.min-1536159478.js:1

    2secureAnonymousFramework?v=1.0.338-1429&lang=en_US:469 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘2’ of null

    at getLocation (secureAnonymousFramework?v=1.0.338-1429&lang=en_US:469)

    at _getOrigin (secureAnonymousFramework?v=1.0.338-1429&lang=en_US:717)

    at _window_onMessage (secureAnonymousFramework?v=1.0.338-1429&lang=en_US:721)

    in reply to: Split: Location Sensor #57461

    @ jim


    Please do not glom onto another persons post.  The issue was resolved for the original poster.  People have different themes, site configuration and other plugins, in your case you have a cacheing plugin, also if ANYTHING breaks the syntax, javascript fints, it can break or effect SLP will split this topic.  Looking at your site using browser developer tools under console immediately returns this error

    Uncaught ReferenceError: addToHomescreen is not defined

    at locations:2282

    addtohomescreen.js:2 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

    3secureAnonymousFramework?v=1.0.338-1429&lang=en_US:469 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘2’ of null

    at getLocation (secureAnonymousFramework?v=1.0.338-1429&lang=en_US:469)

    at _getOrigin (secureAnonymousFramework?v=1.0.338-1429&lang=en_US:717)

    at _window_onMessage (secureAnonymousFramework?v=1.0.338-1429&lang=en_US:721)

    in reply to: Trying to change to Location Boundary #57460

    Do Not use Boundaries Influence guesses, as mentioned it is a bug and it hasn’t been fixed as yet.  I will let you know, or we will email you when it is fixed.   if you cannot reset it, use SLP janitor and find the boundaries option under the premier portion and reset. I just had to do that on my test site after testing out your issue.

    There is another option, it is Country Influences Guess

    When checked use the selected Map Domain to influence how Google guesses what the user meant when entering a search address.  I use this for instance on a test page for Around Australia, on that page I have the shortcode as [SLPLUS  center_map_at=”Brisbane” append_to_search=”Australia” initial_radius=”1000″].   But I have my Map domain and center map at in the back end as US.  If I did not add the shortcode it would always load the US center at map first instead of the Australia Map since my backend is set to use the US Map domain

    As far as setting country. there are a few different ways. You can use the Append feature or a shortcode to redirect to the country page. (see docs for various shortcodes) 

    You can have a map page with results that only shows x country,,,for instance `

    [SLPLUS map_region=”cr” center_map_at=”San Jose,Costa Rica”  initial_radius=”1000″ append_to_search=”Costa Rica”]`

    I am not sure I fully understand how you are building the site but you can do it a variety of ways depending on the results you are trying to achieve. You can add the Search by Country widget , it will redirect the map.  Or have a discrete search in a dropdown

    Or have a Countries directory 

    You can add a shortcode  to list international directory


    in reply to: OLD SLP WordPress integration vs NEW Google API #57444

    Hi Shaun,

    You have a couple of different issues, but the one that might solve  a lot of them  has to do with Javascript errors.  A greyed out map indicates that you have Javascript errors.  I see on that site that under Ajax/googlejavascript it is running 1.11…..that could be an issue

    Also, if your theme or any other plugin has outdated Javascript it will interfere with SLP working properly.  See Troubleshooting docs about that specific issue here

    WordPress mandated they would not support anything below version 1.12, that was done quite a while ago. maybe WP version 4.4, you would need to look at WP support and codex.

    As far as running ProPack version 3 with a SLP version 4. How is that working? 2 years ago we wrote a blog about it,  I do not think that version had an export capability.  either way, you need to fix that site with updates (best way to do it is to get a staging site, make sure you use something like JetPack ) You should be able to copy any CSS over to a folder on your server or computer if you need it later.

    here is a link that tells you how to do the updates etc.and best practices. , there have been a ton of security updates in WP and SLP followed suit.

    The best bet is to clone or set up a staging site to do your updates on.

    I do not know what type of customization you are referring to. (theme? other plugins? )  I was able to get the map to load and refresh on that site when I declined allow site to know my location, but  it took a minute…one reason might be because it takes so much time to draw the map due to the thousands of map markers loading. This might be a perfect place to use Cluster Map markers when you do get the site updated and current so that you can use  premier on it.

    That site url does have lots of errors and warnings such as: ReferenceError: stLight is not defined[Learn More] dealers:160:1

    TypeError: document.getElementsByClassName(…)[0] is undefined[Learn More] dealers:647:12

    As far as Google ID , private key  etc in old versions, that had nothing to do with API keys. That was for Google Business licenses, and there is no need for you to have one of those.  Because you have such an old version of SLP, that version was released in 2015 , it dated back before June of 2016. ,June 22 2016 was the magical date that Google determined any new sites would need to have a Maps Javascript key, .  Therefore the back end of that version of SLP  may not have had a field called Browser server key.  I cannot support that version nor go back in time to see what it looks like since I do not want to load that old a version, it might not be compatible with my configurations and  could have security issues…Before 2016, Google did not require API keys for a site to load the map.  There probably was a place to add a Google Business Lic.  id, SLP had an OEM license and Google was pushing people to buy a $25K a year license or to buy those business lic plans , now they have decided to just push the billing to every single site that loads Google MAPS and requires them to have a key with a billing account.  They may not have caught up with everyone yet, I noticed your site just shows a warning now.


    2) Premier subscription gives you additional features and functionality that is not available directly with individual add-ons. It also puts you in line for answers before others.  It does not provide Consulting or WP development, we will of course provide you the resource documents and advice but Premier is really meant for developers with advanced technical knowledge of WP and CSS.

    Currently our developer is fully committed on a few projects and he is not taking on any custom work. We can refer you to obtain a Cybersprocket retainer . There is a link for consulting on our home page that will take you to the Cybersprocket page.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Cici.
    in reply to: Trying to change to Location Boundary #57439

    Hi Nick,

    I have reported this as a bug to the developer.  He will need to fix it and Update a new version of EXP and maybe Premier.  ETA to have this fixed might be next week  because of backlog with the holiday etc.

    In the future if you could provide us with the versions you are using, i.e. your Plugin environment that will help us determine if it is a recent update.

    Thanks for reporting this.

    in reply to: Location Sensor finds, then relocates elsewhere? #57437

    @ Shaun

    Patched in Power 4.9.20, SLP is on 4.9.19.

    You may post in the Premier forums, I double checked your status and it is enabled for you.

    in reply to: maybe found some small bugs #57436

    Ok, I am not sure about hitting enter, I usually click on the “Save” or updqate” box, but I will ask the developer if that is an issue. Thank you for letting us know.

    Check versions, there are updates for SLP and Power.

    Power had a couple of bugs with zoom and with location sensor so if  those features effects you you will want to auto update.



    Carolina, to clarify, I am guessing that you added the Google MAPS Javascriot API and pasted the exact same key in both fields. that would explain the first error message we see on your site. i.e Google Maps Javascript used multiple times. Both errors point to SLP version 4.9.19.

    There are two places to enter keys. You only need to add the Maps Javascript API key under the First one if you did not restrict via referreres.

    The seond error shows that you did not enable the Geocoding API that you need to have for a search by zip code or to be able to geocode any locations with correct lat/long.

    As mentioned in our Getting started documentation you do not need to get a separate Key but you DO need to authorize the Geocoding API in your Project. Google bills the two services at different rates, therefore they need to ensure that you have both APIs
    Your other option is to try the MySLP subscription plan for your site. You would probably want to be able to modify the results layout. if so you would want the professional plan. You can always start out with the Advance plan and move up to which ever plan best meets your needs,



    Please refer to the posting in the forum guidelines.

    It is not a good idea to glom onto another persons post, you may have different versions of the plugin. Also the first sentence, i.e Did you get a Google API key.  Looking at your url, you have many errors or involving the Google APi keys:

    =4.9.19:95 You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.
    Mg @ js?libraries=geometry&language=pt-BR&region=BR&key=
    js?libraries=geometry&language=pt-4.9.19:39 Geocoding Service: This API project is not authorized to use this API. For more information on authentication and Google Maps JavaScript API services please see:
    _.Nb @ js?libraries=geometry&language=pt-
    slp_core.min.js?ver=1535755981:1 Map set to fallback lat/lng: -30.0281574 , -51.2286422


    I have no idea what location you are trying to load, but you need to enable the geocoding API for your site. The error message on your site states that specifically you have not enabled or if you did, it is not authorized for the site you are trying to use it on.

    See documentation

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Cici.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Cici.
    in reply to: Location Sensor finds, then relocates elsewhere? #57416

    Hi Shaun,

    I am testing a bug fix for the developer  concerning the location sensor. There was a callback/timeout issue that would initially load correctly but then time out after a few seconds so i am testing that next update will be version 4.9.20.

    As far as the :geoloaction API. I spoke to the developer. SLP has never needed the geolocation API to work properly. It needs the two APIS enabled, Maps Javascript  API and geocoding APIs. I will be clarifying this in docs pages since there has been some confusion and of course the google Cloud Platform screenshots have changed so much recently.

    IF you need Geolocation API it would possibly mean that your theme needed it and if it was not present it would break javascript, which in turn would effect SLP.  But that API is not required for SLP to work properly. if you look at the description of what the geolocation API is and the intended use, it is for Mobile App , Wifi cell towers.  Geocoding

    in reply to: Issue with initial zoom level #57415

    Ok, Well there was a bug that effected that and also similar to zoom but it was a Callback time out error that would initially display correctly but then reset to the center map at after x seconds so there will be another update of Power. I am testing that next.

    in reply to: Issue with initial zoom level #57411

    Awesome. You do notn use Location sensor do you? We have a different issue when using Location sensor that I am trying to get to the bottom of. It may very well have to do with Chrome announcement to deprecate SSL certs as of M70. Fisrt release of Chrome M70 was scheduled to be Aug 30 2018 with stable release in Oct. Which means everyone will be scrambling again to update the SSL certs.

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