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  • in reply to: WordPress Admin not showing after latest update #39599

    Your theme is breaking it, it is using an antiquated version, you need to ask theme author to update using best practices and not force an old version of JS,
    VERSION and COMMON Issues

    i.e. The most common issue is that there were some updates in Store Locator Plus, WP or newer versions of the plug-in that you updated and another plug-in may be interacting with and breaking the latest version of Store Locator Plus. Sometimes older themes or other plugins have old jquery versions that need to be updated.

    You can use Firefox debugger or WP debugger on your site to identify the erros, but as mentioned a quick inspoect of that site shows a lot of things not loading, so I am guessing it is your theme version of Js

    You may want to have your developers refer to the WP guide Including JS

    in reply to: WordPress Admin not showing after latest update #39597

    Is it your WP admin Panel where all your Plugins are contained or only SLP?

    The only thing I can think of is you may have a security issue. You can look at the WP support forum to see if anyone else is having an issue,
    But if you just go to your public site and using Chrome or Mozzila Inspect, these fields are coming up,. seems Chrome related.
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < chrome-extension://boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED chrome-extension://dliochdbjfkdbacpmhlcpmleaejidimm/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED chrome-extension://enhhojjnijigcajfphajepfemndkmdlo/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED chrome-extension://fmfcbgogabcbclcofgocippekhfcmgfj/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED chrome-extension://pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED chrome-extension://fjhoaacokmgbjemoflkofnenfaiekifl/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    in reply to: WordPress Admin not showing after latest update #39588

    David, This is nothing that SLP did. If you cant Login to your WP site you need to go to WordPress and reset Password.


    You might have the admin Locations display field set too high,

    Use Janitor to see what that setting is now and and reset clear out the admin ui display ,
    see the forums answers about this isssue and the Janitor version release details about sl_optionsnojs

    display admin ui use Janitor

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Many Records Don't Import Correctly #39554

    Please note that you can add extended data but the header rows must be recognized and in the correct order When you import,

    You probably want to enable Extended Data Manager and you can add the additional information data there. With the new updated 4.4 versions as explained in the above (There is also a tutorial)

    Instead of trying to change the import data columns to get the results you want to appear under the store (childs name) just change the Results Layout and add the extended data fields string. You can change the order under the Results Layout so that the extended data field “age” for instance will appear in a different order

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Many Records Don't Import Correctly #39550

    What is 3.1? Is that a version of something? WP, or other add-on?

    SLP is on 4.4.30 and works best with WP 4.4

    Can you provide your Store Locator Plus Plugin environment (can be found under the SLP INFO [panel) and your site URL where your SLP page loads.
    Please read the Posting guidelines, without the info we will not be able to answer your specific question.

    The file you attached does not have the  correct Sl header rows.  In Your file on the first “header: row  the first entry is request date, that will not be recognized as an import field into SLP, having a  date format will also not be recognized and will also cause issues, the words in bold and italics will not import properly.

    Request Date,Store,Age,City,State,Tryke,Cost,Amount Raised,URL,Image,My Story,Description,Tags,Rank


    You MUST have the CSV file and field names in the exact order:  Base Field Names

    These are the fields provided by Store Locator Plus that can be imported by the CSV file.   The header field names should be entered exactly as listed below:    Items with two options can use either option, the faster processing option is listed first.

    sl_id , id

    sl_store , store

    sl_address , address

    sl_address2 , address2

    sl_city , city

    sl_state, state

    sl_zip , zip

    sl_country , country

    sl_latitude , latitude

    sl_longitude, longitude












    If you are looking for specific instructions on Import and CSV file formatting you can find the info here.

    in reply to: Can I add a search by name feature? #39527

    Please provide your Plugin Environment, I do not know what you are using now,,,Do you have base SLP and any add-ons? Versions?

    Experience add-on allows you to have a search by name feature.

    Buyers Guide


    you ca  also visit the demo site to try out various combos


    in reply to: How to translate search form labels #39525

    No the icons are not clickable.


    in reply to: Setting the category dropdown order #39521

    You can use Tagalong but it is order by category count or, you can rank the categories but it does not effect the drop down menu, it effects the map markers as it is explained.  The default for the selector is  is alphabetical.

    But  with ProPack, you can add tags and have them appear any way in drop down:

    Here is how I arranged a dropdown using ProPAck to appear in order

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Only 1 search result and several jquery errors. #39518

    Cant help without seeing your Plugin Environment per the Posting Guidelines. No idea what versions you are using

    in reply to: Google Map not showing, only location icons #39515

    It looks like you have another plugin that also has Maps encoded, you cannot have two plugins with Maps features.
    certain themese can do this For Instance many of the Themeforest themes and it looks like you still have somewhere RT-Theme 17 Author Tolga Can:
    See the specifics below:

    this post was from 2012:
    Bad themes conflicts


    in reply to: Google Map not showing, only location icons #39513

    Do you have another Plugin That has a Maps display, such as Snazzy Maps, or a theme that has not been updated with latest jquery versions?
    You can turn off each plugin one at a time and check to see if SLP map appears, that may be the easisest to try first, otherwise:

    Turn on the WP debugger and provide any error messages you see. Info on how to do that is here:

    in reply to: Many Records Don't Import Correctly #39507

    Do you have a specific question?

    Please provide your Plugin environment with versions etc per the Posting Guidelines, there have been many updates and improvements and patches in past weeks. News release Updates

    in reply to: How to translate search form labels #39486

    You can Update ProPack to 4.4.06 and SLP to 4.4.30. The SLP 4.4.30 assists in some translations.


    You want to change front end  Labels that appears , That is Enhanced Search or Experience Addon. See documentation



    in reply to: Janitor #39480

    Lenny, You have an issue with your server configuration . Please let us know if you have resolved so we can either investigate or close the post.



    P.S. Updates today

    and Plugin  Updates last week,

    in reply to: Shortcode Broken? #39477

    Hi Wes,
    There are three new Updates that were released today. Pages, ProPack and SLP.
    Before you get too far down the rabbit hole in redoing the Page template you may want to update those.
    Info about todays releases.

    And yeah, WP screwed up a LOT of people and pissed off a lot of developers if you follow the trail in their July 2015, I wrote about the double quotes and shortcodes it in a post a while back. You can keep up to date with News about releases and other important issues under your SLP plugin in under INFO, the News appears on the right side of that panek now.

    in reply to: Still not fully translatable ? #39447

    Can you update to SLP 4.4.30, there is a change in how the translations will be done.

    If it doesnt work you can always downgrade, but see the video



    in reply to: Categories, Tags Input not shown in foreign languages #39444

    New Updates: For Tagalong Pages 4.4.06 (video)and base SLP 4.4.30 should help you with this issue. P.S. I believe you are mentioned in the video, translated to german:
    Thank you!!
    See the video here: SLP 4.4.30 internationalization
    After up dating please let us know if there are any other bugs.

    in reply to: Google Map not showing, only location icons #39422

    Do you have the hide map box checked or hide until search. Is that the only plugin for SLp or are you using other add-ons such as Enhanced Search, ProPack etc.
    A screenshot of your Store Locator Plugin environment would assist us. You can find that under SLP INFO. That shows us WP versions PhP etc. Since you are using an Older version of WP that may be contriobuting to the issue, I am not familiar withthe theme you are using. I do not know what versions they are running:
    Here is some useful info for you. If you still cannot get it to work you may need to select an :email to developer” under Paid Support drop down menu.

    JQuery versions in themes

    See Troubleshooting section under documentation:

    Map doesn’t display after Updating

    Use the Debugger tool and if “TypeError: jQuery.Callbacks is not a function”
    Store Locator Plus moved into the next stage of development to use best practices in WP and improve performance:
    SLP 4.3 what and why changed
    Your site is most likely forcing jQuery to version 1.5 (or older) which is 3+ years old. WordPress Best Practices dictates you should NEVER specify a version of jQuery in a plugin or theme. Your sites pluginsshould use the built-in version supplied with WordPress. A patch in version 4.3.08 of SLP will check to see if jQuery.Callbacks are active. If not it will disable many of the extended features in various SLP 4.3 add-on packs that rely on the core jQuery Callbacks object.
    Note: jQuery Callbacks were added 3+ years ago and are considered a key feature for robust interactive web applications. Recommended course of action is to track down the offending technology and ask the author to use a newer version of jQuery or, preferably, simply allow WordPress Core to do the work for them via wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery’ ).

    in reply to: How to translate search form labels #39420

    Need your Plugin Environment when posting (see posting Guidelines).

    There is a whole series of information about Translating. in the documentation.

    Also a video by the SLP author on how to translate using LOCO Translate

    in reply to: Trouble with map limiting to tag #39397

    Hi Bill,
    No problem,
    I figured you inherited it. Pages is not the easiest to understand of all the add-ons, it is more complex. I still have questions that I need to vet to the developer. You might want to view some of the tutorial videos. I seem to comprehend better when watching them, (most of the time)

    There are a few specific to Pages (Introduction to Pages, How to Set up Pages, etc ) on the SLP YouTube Channel..
    Also in the recent News Blog, the video explaining the last update to Pages.

    in reply to: Zoom not working #39392

    Mark, Your Plugin environment is showing you purchased Enhanced Search

    That is not the same plugin. The only thing in common is the first part of the name Enhanced…
    there are three add-ons that begin with the Word Enhanced and they all have different functions.

    If you want all the “Enhanced” Add-ons you should purchase the Experience Add-on. (Link was also provided in my response,please click on the links and read the information provided. The Experience add-on has the additiomnal features, is first to have bug fixes if any exist and has better performance. All if the other Enhanced add-ons are Legacy…which means eventually they will not be offered separately and will not have additional features added.

    in reply to: Zoom not working #39391

    Do not auto zoom is part of Enhanced Map not search as mentioned above. All the additional zoom functions are MAP not search oriented. Please see my post above and click on the links I proivded.

    in reply to: Trouble with map limiting to tag #39347

    The question is: , are you using the Add on called Pages and trying to use SLPUS only with shortcode as well ?

    You should be able to use shortcodes on  store  pages  BUT…Just don’t try to put the normal [slplus] on there… it will fight with itself.  If you turn off Pages you can use the shortcode  SLPUS only with category…I am not sure you understand how pages is intended to work. You should watch the Introduction to Store Pages   and How to Set up Pages to understand how it works with WP  and how it works dynamically.

    The developer suggests:

    There are a hundred ways to get lists like that in WordPress but it is 100% reliant on your theme as to how that works.Create a new page (normal page) with [slplus only_with_category=“socal”] and use the no map theme or hide the map   
    just a brand new locator page with [slplus] on there… if you use “pages replace website” setting then the website link will go right to their detailed page.
    in reply to: Bulk Upload issues #39346

    When posting questions you must provide your Plugin Environment and site url. See posting Guidelines

    I cant tell anything by screenshots of your csv file. My guess is that your csv file is not correctly formatted per the Import instructions..

    see CSV file formatting and field names

    or you can search the forums for other suggestions if you do not want to share your information you might be able to find some answers that way

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