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  • in reply to: Results Settings and Display #55402

    Inspected your site and CSS.  Your theme is using a grid layout and wrapping the results box in that grid. i cant even click on the individual phone number but when I inspect that div line in the result

    to see the formatting, the results wrapper is inherited from div inside article. In that wrapper you have no label.

    Basically your theme is overwriting how the results are being displayed.

    The labels are populated because they appear in the INFO MAP Bubble.

    Therefore without knowing the ins and outs of your themes and other plugins I cannot guess as to why you have no email line. I am guessing that you have some CSS that needs to be addressed. You can try choosing a different plugin style , but other then that I cant fix the css on your site and you do not wish to buy the experience add-on to overwrite the rules via the CSS module from Experience   , I am back to suggesting you try to address it in your theme  CSS or javascript.


    that is outside the realms of what the basic free plugin does. We cannot overwrite your theme.  SLP is working as it should.

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    in reply to: Major problems #55398

    P.S. It is helpful if you follow the Posting Guidelines and create a post title that is specific to an issue you are having.  A title of MAJOR PROBLEMS  would lead me to believe that your whole site crashed when you installed the plugin or worse.  If your title for the topic is not specific enough you chance others glomming onto your post and your request gets buried. We wouldn’t want that.

    For instance, if you would like to ask about Displays in Results,  a good forum title would be Results settings.  Please review the documentation,  you can search by keyword. We cannot guess how everyone might search but we add as many tags as possible. most questions are answered there.  If there is a search term you do not see that you would find useful please let us know

    in reply to: Major problems #55397

    You need to add what you want it to display.  Go to Settings/results/labels….under phone in the box type phone, under fax in the box type fax…We leave them blank so people who want to show something different, like the word telephone in stead of phone can do so…


    See the documentation, about results settings scroll down halfway down the page and see under RESULTS LABELS

    in reply to: Split: Custom Icons Disabled #55396

    All of your add-ons are outdated.  Please see versions. You added onto a post from September and there have been multiple WP and SLP version updates since then.

    Please always start a new topic. Your site is unique and you most likely  have different versions, themes,  and settings then the person’s post that you glommed onto.  Please read Posting guidelines.

    in reply to: Import Function not working #55393

    Please provide the information required to assist you. I.e plugin environment, Version of PHP, WP, SQL, add-ons, SLP, your site info. A screenshot of your plugin environment would help. ,  There have been recent version updates . See Posting guidelines

    in reply to: Display Map and search form Problems #55378

    Your initial post said PRO, not Power, thus the answer about legacy

    Is this your site url that has thSLP on ?”

    I just typed in zip code 51250 within 500 miles for radius because I have no idea where your locations are and I see a return of more then a half dozen sites and showed the map with all the map markers…so could you tell us what isn’t working from your perspective?

    If you are seeing it sometimes and not others have you checked to make sure you are not over your query limit on those occasions?  If you are on a shared server, the number of queries allowed counts for all searches, geocoding etc.


    You do have these errors under your console:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

    (index):1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

    at 764b8718a8c3fa3e9d8cb8869404ffc8-deanedwards.js:8 0 0

    ping:1 Can’t Load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.

    VM233:1 WPP: OK. Execution time: 0.002031 seconds

    4util.js:37 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking ‘touchstart’ event. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responsive. See

    _.gC @ util.js:37

    MN @ controls.js:30

    YN @ controls.js:37

    _.ZN @ controls.js:40

    lO @ controls.js:51

    mO @ controls.js:50

    EP @ controls.js:97

    _.m.ea @ controls.js:145


    (anonymous) @ VM235:1



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Cici.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Drop down for country via Legacy add-on #55365

    The discrete search is not in Power, it is part of the Experience add-on. You mentioned the retired Enhanced Search, the functionality for all the Enhanced add-ons is now contained in Experience add-on.  I shared the link  to the documentation for  discrete search.

    The Experience add-on also allows for a Dropdown menu for countries.   You can also add labels in the address box to request people put in more information so that Google will come back correctly.   What I meant by a blinder, is: Australia does not have unique postal codes. Google will return other countries that could have a similar postal code. I have attached a screenshot, using GOOGLE MAPS (not SLP) and requesting zip code 2100 there are 3 results returned. Belgium, Portugal and Denmark…which one am I looking for? It didn’t come back with Sydney.  Thus the experience add-on and the Premier add-ons have added things such as autoocmplete address which will pre fill with locations from your SLP locations list.  I hope this clarifies what I mean by having blinders on. Obviously Google comes back with the most common searches when someone types in a postal code of 2100.  See How Search and how Google MAP API works

    To be able to assist you properly , please read the posting guidelines. The screenshot we need is of your Plugin environment (see Posting guidelines)

    As a side note: The developer is looking into changes that WP made as security patches in how SQL was being handled. WordPress 4.8.2 updated  how they “fixed” string security. They also then changed another set of rules in 4.8.3 but it wasn’t in their codex. The developer is working through their CODE now to see if it could have any impact on how search javascript is working in the event that Google has not changed their algorithms.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Cici. Reason: attach
    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    @ Christian,

    Please start a new thread, you have added a brand new set of topics to this post , i.e importing, and a page worth of strings in html that is not  easily read and it is not showing the info that we need to assist you . We need your plugin environment and site url.  The issue reported by the originator of the post will be in next release as identified by Lance.

    1)  Please provide your PLUGIN environment, a screenshot of the PLUGIN ENVIRONMENT is best. , read posting guidelines to see what info is needed.

    2) have you updated SLP to 4.9.1, that should solve the language issue.

    3) Please do not post multiple issues in your post

    4) Please do not add to someone else’s post as you may not have same plugin environment or configuration or servers or PHP versions etc.

    in reply to: Fatal error: Class 'SLP_REST_Handler' not found #55362

    Thank you, Please provide your full plugin environment, which should include your site url.  See required Info here .  we have not received any errors about REST API. Please review the documentation about the REST API configuration  for SLP  and the Required Permissions

    in reply to: Geocode and Google Browser key issues #55347

    You might want to update WP , but it is your theme messing it up (See Troubleshooting)

    Looking at your  console using browser console developer tools, you are getting a fatal error.

    Uncaught TypeError: $(…).prettyPhoto is not a function

    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (custom.js?ver=4.8.4:318)

    at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)

    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)

        at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)

        at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)

    marker.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)


    We have a team that can work on your site through a retainer program.

    Do you have a virtual or staging site? They will require that a backup of your site is done (that is separate if you do not have a backup WP plugin like JetPack )  If it is your theme that was copied over wrong…not sure how many hours it will take.  You will have to discuss with the  developer and get on schedules. All troubleshooting, building or   fixing WP sites  is done through cybersprocket.


    @ Joe

    Please refer to troubleshooting…as I began to mention but hit submit button too fast   this is not coming from SLP…It is another plugin and/or your theme that is also using a Google MAP API.  Your Site has multiple map APIS, it also has error message “sensor not required” which hasn’t been an issue with SLP for over 3 plus years

    …and you have referrers which Google does not allow

    See your Google developers console error messages.

    Here is Troubleshooting guide

    Did you migrate your site  or update ANY other plugins or themes?

    Turn them off one by one (basic WP debugging) switch to a WP theme, etc

    These issues most likely did not pop up overnight without some updates occurring, unfortunately the map or search not working almost always raises an alarm.


    P.S. Also if you do not have a valid SSL certificate there is a good chance Google will not return much of anything. They are getting very strict with their protocols and security.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    @ Joe, your console shows these error messages .



    js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:94 You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.

    bh @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:94

    js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:38 Google Maps API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError

    Your site URL to be authorized:

    _.Pb @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:38

    util.js:249 Google Maps API warning: SensorNotRequired

    FC.j @ util.js:249

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:145

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:59

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    _.P @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    _.x @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:31

    fe @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:145

    util.js:249 Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys

    FC.j @ util.js:249

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:145

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:59

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    _.P @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    _.x @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:31

    fe @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:61

    (anonymous) @ js?language=en&region=US&key=AIzaSyAxUXrqsb4hbDXJycqw-Vor0tmvso-YW_0&ver=4.9.1:145


    @ Joe

    Lance was answering Suzanne who glommed onto your post.  That is what happens when people add onto another post, we are not chastising anyone but it is difficult when you start seeing multiple conversations when users add on and  use same topi. The topic functionality issues… is so general…

    Go Here and you can download any version of WPSLP, Scroll under advanced view, previous versions all the versions are in there.

    in reply to: Functionality Issues with Latest Update #55326

    ALL SLP versions can be downloaded direct from the Wp directory.


    The way the search and results works:

    SLP doesnt go out and get the lat long, that is done directly from Google Maps geocoder API. Ditto when Google returns results based on wherever their search engine domains are located.

    Please read this and if you can report what is happening when you follow the troubleshooting guidelines.

    I have been importing dozens of locations and they are all updating correctly, so we need to look at what is different on your site.

    I will discuss with developer.

    in reply to: Fatal error: Class 'SLP_REST_Handler' not found #55324

    Holly, Are you using Windows?


    And which versions of WP?

    in reply to: Drop down for country via Legacy add-on #55323

    Google has an Australia blinder on. We understand totally an sympathize. The return that google search does is outside the scope of the SLP plugin. The developer has built in some tricks to try and force Google to FOCUS on what is being asked for.  I have an Australia only ,map my self and by adding the country Australia to the short code all addresses return correctly.

    Power add-on doesnt control where Google searches, the location sensor helps but there are restrictions (for instance do you have a valid SSL cert) and you would have to assume that the only people searching are within same (Australia)

    the experience add-on also allows for an append filter.

    See shortcodes 


    Here is more information in docs site on how the search works

    Discrete search


    in reply to: Major problems #55322

    Email addresses will display, I thought your question was to change the way the results load now.

    Here is an explanation of how the basic free Search Plugin works


    I do not know much about your site, but there is more than one Cape Town in the world so the Google algorithm and interface needs more information.  It is the google search engine that determines where to search.  the Add-ons that were built, such as experience add-on are designed to pass resolvers along to help Google make a better guess.

    That is what the discrete search function etc does (that is also included with experience add-on.


    As far as your email question: I understood ( I thought) that you did not want the word email but the actual email address to be displayed…the  label can be changed with the Experience add on, by adding a hook/filter in your WordPress theme or creating a small plugin to do just that. yes… it can be changed with CSS or JavaScript or any number of ways outside of the Experience plugin.  To change it from the admin panel via settings, yes you  need the Experience add on.

    As far as your price point issue:

    The author could keep adding  more and more “rudimentary” options that every person asks for into the free plugin  1) People complained there were too many settings and 2) NOBODY paid for support. That model proved to not be viable.


    For those that don’t value the thousands of hours  spent building and documenting the plugin and keeping it maintained can always take the time to code the same features in their own add ons or themes. The base product is 100% documented with phpDoc and includes all the hooks and filters you need to do anything the add on products do. Every single add on that we have is built using nothing more than what ships in the free product.

    in reply to: Display Map and search form Problems #55320

    Could you provide your Plugin Environment?  If you are referring to proPack, there is another forum post that explains that the ProPack Legacy add-on is not compatible since SLP version 4.8. See previous Post.


    That is being fixed in SLP 4.9.2 and will be released within next day, if not later tonite.

    Thank you for providing the plugin environment and necessary information.



    in reply to: Tag Dropdown – Not filtering results #55293

    He is working on and testing Power updates and just updated SLP , posted what he is working on this week from the issues punch list .  After the update you might want to consider updating PHP to 7 as lower versions of PHP are being deprecated according to  WP . I do not think it will effect you in short term.

    in reply to: Store Pages #55292


    Did you update to latest versions?  Could you let us know where you are at and if you are still havung an issue with this?  Are you importing a large list of locations for instance or are you only having issues with the SEO Pages?  The developer needs to know some basic info, PHP, debug log, javascript errors?

    in reply to: Bug when WPML active #55290

    Update v 4.9.1 released. See authors post

    in reply to: Store Page menu gone, menu items missing (dutch language) #55289

    Update SLP 4.9.1 resolves the issue according to the Developers post here. Please review and try it out.

    in reply to: "Add" and other tabs not displaying #55288

    Hi Sketch,

    Lance thinks he isolated the bug with the language files.  See his news release here

    If after updating to 4.9.1 you still see issues please let me know ASAP

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