Forum Replies Created
As posted on our site and in the news feed and in the forums,
See the question and answer here in FAQ on the documentation site.
They do work you need to update them from your account.OR
if you would like to upgrade to the Power add-on which contains the features found in ProPack, Tagalong , Contact extender and more to continue and improve the SLP v 4.6 , you can take the hosting survey and request a coupon towards Power Add-onCiciKeymasterIf you have locations outside of Australia as well you can make the search form “smarter” by adding the Widgets dropdown by city,state . That feature is part of the Experience Add-on. I notice you are still using the Legacy add-ons from 2013. Thepackage you bought is no longer offered but you are eligible for a coupon to upgrade. Premier might be your best bet, but you would want to upgrade to Experience or Power add-on in order to keep the features you are currently using as well as some improvements to load and import times. Contact support for more information or you could request a discount currently being offered via the hosting survey. (P.S. If you would like some help updating your site we are now offering that service through Cybersprocket )
See the Legacy mapping to new add-ons under our FAQ New docs site
CiciKeymasterUse the discrete search function since you have Enhanced Search, are all your locations in Australia
CiciKeymasterDid you update ProPack? Really need your info, see Posting guidelines as far as what we need to be able to assist you.
CiciKeymasterThank you for providing your Plugin Environment. There are many SLP plugin styles for you to try out and there is documentation here on how to get best results. Some work better with certain WordPress themes than others. For instance SLP has a Woo memorable plugin style . To override your WordPress default theme you would need to know CSS and /or HTML. There is a tutorial about using CSS on the SLP YOU TUBE CHANNEL.
You mention you want something like ” Visit Store Page” , Do you have the Power Add-on or Pages Legacy Add-on? Power add-on includes (new ProPack, Pages , Categories (fka tagalong) Manager, Contact Extender, Directory Builder.
For more information on the functionality and features of the various add-ons, please see the Our add-ons under Documatation
CiciKeymasterP.S. DETERMINE the criteria you wish to use UNDER slp General Admin setting
CiciKeymasterThat is because you downloaded the POWER pre release not PRODUCTION version.
You should only use Pre releases (beta or RC) on dev sites or staging sites, not on live published sites. Download your zip file under your account that says POWER production
If you want to try the pre release out that is fantastic, you can down load the SLP pre release for free, but again it is only recommended for dev sites.testing pre relases, helps us uncover any issues before release to the world.
The PRODUCTION version of POWER is 4.5.13.
CiciKeymasterThat is Google. I have posted many news feeds (like this article) and answered forum questions on this subject matter. I have experienced the same thing on occasion especially with Sydney and Australia. Google decides to send people to random places. The developer of SLP has compensated by adding selections for map domains and discrete search functions, append search country (if you have Experience Add-on)
(See Countries and languages in Docs)
Also an explanation here in the documentation and what you can try to make sure the default goes to the right area of the world.
Please provide your Plugin environment if you need more information
CiciKeymasterBut EDM is included in Premier. I just posted this excellent question under FAQ in our new docs site
Now I shall close the post. Thanks
CiciKeymasterLOL, Fantastic. If you appreciate the support and the free Plugin, I invite you to leave feedback a ★★★★★ rating
CiciKeymasterBrad, An Update, the Developer is still debugging this issue. He has a pre release out but it failed my test so he is back on trying to recreate the issues you and I discovered. Sorry for the wait in getting this resolved. Once fixed a changelog showing the fixed version will be in the news release will be visible under your SLP Info tab. He is also working with the next WP update to 4.6, fingers crossed that the WP major version release does not cause unwanted issues.
CiciKeymasterHi Dave ,
Glad I could be of help and for letting us know it is resolved.If you appreciate the support I have given you and the Store Locator Plus Plug in, could you take a sec and believe we deserve a great rating ,click on the stars ★★★★★ on
P.S. If you wish to explore any add-ons or other cool features you can check out our demo site which has all the add-ons including Premier installed…and , even better, if you take the hosting survey that appears on your SLP admin page you can request a coupon or discount towards a product or service.
CiciKeymasterElliot, PS You are getting this error message, you can checkl these using the developers tools on any browser, I just clicked on your link and right clicked on INSPECT element and under “Console” this is the warning ::::….Google Maps API warning: InvalidKey
Delete what you have entered in SLP for your google key and follow the documentation info and Tutorial video
for help with how to get the API MAP keyCiciKeymasterHi Elliot
I added this to my location on my site
Store Locator Plus wants you to know:
Google thinks 171 Brighton RD Coulsdon CR52NH UK is at lat: 51.3197566 long -0.1388583
Art rebellion cafe added successfully.I clicked on the lat longtitude (it is a clickable link on the message) and it looks correct. The location shown when I open it in Goggle Maps is near the Coulsdon library, note I did not add a Space in the “zip code”
I have the US map domain for my site and it still geocoded it correctly.
Not sure whats going on with your set up
Did you need to get a Google API Map browser key, was this a new domain?
Did you add it to the correct spot (not the Google BIZ license)under General/User Interface/Google developers console, Google Browser key?CiciKeymasterI cannot tell what the issue is with your locations not geocoding. Make sure your Address is properly formatted, if you give me an example I will see if it happens in my test site.
Also we request that forum posters read the posting guideline and provide us with the details about their SLP Plugin Environment.If you post the info requested and Plugin environment I might be able to help.
CiciKeymasterI just added your address above exactly as shown
this is the message I got
Store Locator Plus wants you to know:
Google thinks 5858 East Molloy Road Mattydale NY 13211 is at lat: 43.0978815 long -76.1137606
Mary Hair salon added successfully.Please provide your plugin environment, I cant help you without seeing your versions.
Also, If your site existed before June 22 2016 you do NOT need a Google API, that is only required for new sites.Were you importing?
Did you have Bulk actions any special update instructions, again I need your plugin Environment and please start a new thread unlkess you have the exact same configuration as the person you glommed on it doesnt help us assist you or answer Elliot.
CiciKeymasterOOps, As you can see I logged into your account as you to make sure the products /Downloads page was available…It is…so you answered as your self, now I’m answering you as me.
Lance is working on the WooCommerce updates to chain products and associate them with groups
CiciKeymasterOk I see that you mention you have 4.5.13. Assume you do not have any add-ons, such as Power, or ProPack, or Experience Add-on. So what you need to tweak is your center Map at, your search default radius, and the other settings mentioned above. You say your default is 200 miles, it will show the results based on closest to your map center. Your radius behavior under the Search, is it set at Always use? The screenshots above do not provide the info we need as far as versions , configuration but apparently you do not have any add-ons.
setting up the various parameters settings under search and under results in the documentation page. Setting the Results radius to a large enough number to include all, etc is paramount.
CiciKeymasterEgad, Thst not good. The developer was working on that earlier today, WooCommerce updated and he was going back in and adding the add-ons available. I know he was working on the yearly, I am going to contact him right now about this. I will have something back to you within the hour.
I am very sorry that happened.
Please provide a copy of your plugin environment, screenshot is best, and also your URl. as requested in the Posting guidelines.
I cannot really help you without that information, the posting guidelines suggest you update versions first. Troubleshooting also provides guidance, i.e what can cause issues with your maps locations etc…also check your settings, radius etc…what add-ons if any you have. Please provide details, otherwise I can only make guesses as to what your particular issues are.
CiciKeymasterHi Ryan or dave,
Are you revamping this site or just updating everything? It seems that there are some leftover plugins or themes that are not using the latest jquery v in accordance with the WP 4.5.3 updates.
Your slow search and results loading are attributable to the theme and/or another Plugin that is still using jquery v1.11, it is preventing AJAX from performing its function . SLP needs AJAX to execute. Someone sent an email to support, not sure if it was you or another person working on the
Troubleshooting is where you will find how to debug but also the link to the WP jquery updates.We answered that email as well.Try turning off your plugins one by one, and/or change to the latest WP theme to see how it then works. You should have a dev site or virtual staging site before starting your debugging if that is a live production site.rather than copy the whole message ” look when you debug for anything that is throwing this:/*! jQuery v1.11.2 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | */b=a.nodeName.toLowerCase();return”input”===b&&!!a.checked||”option”===b&&!!a.selected},selected:function(a){return a.parentNode&&a.parentNode.selectedIndex,a.selected===!0},empty:function(a){for(a=a.firstChild;a;a=a.nextSibling)if(a.nodeType<6)return!1;return!0},parent:function(a)CiciKeymasterDave I had to split this topic, it no longer is about WPML, so please provide a screenshot of your plugin environment so that Lance can weigh in, also your url again. Lance is overseas at the moment and has a small window to work with you, The email address fir support is under support tab on slp
CiciKeymasterHi Jenni,
The ProPack 4.5.07 with Reportsexport is under a separtate tab called reports now if you ahve updated to the latest SLP 4.5.08 xx and above you need to download the current version of ProPack from your account. Otherwise you may opt to Upgrade to the newer Power add-on.
The export search reports has been tested and works with 4.5.07. if you need to post an update please start a new thread and provide the versions tab under PLUGIN environment.
CiciKeymasterHi Dave,
Sorry I thought I answered you last night but was multi tasking and lost it. Ok, So here is some new updates and I have a couple of questions.
Could you provide me with this info what is your
1) Theme (WP)
2) what SLP plugin style are you using
Here are some updates
# 1 SLP pre release Beta 4.5.10 (pertains to teh INFO about Google API keys) I assume you have an API key if you needed one for a lot of queries.
#2 Power latest production release as 4.5.09 that had fixes for the icons and markers used by Categories (formerly Tagalong). I discovered one small bug with that version of Power the General/Data enable check boxes are visible and you can check then off and they do seem to work for the locations manager but they do not appear with the checkbox when you go back to them. Lance has been notified of this minor bug.
#3 Premier was throwing an error with the Power categories enabled. Thus Premier 4.5.10. beta 4 is in pre release and fixes that bug and error message is gone. It will be published and released in Production mode if Lance can get to it before he is in the air (on biz travel). If you can test the Pre releases on your dev or staging site that would be great, the more who test the better since there are so many options for settings I cant test them all.
About your load time, I still do not have an answer. Are you loading using a different language with WPML (no idea how that would effect it, just gathering info)
I am not familiar with PHP 7.0.xxxxxso that is something you and Lance would have to discuss/ it could be something quirky with your configuration
About the Import file.
—On your Dev or staging site Are you displaying more than 50 locations on your admin page? Lance added under GENERAL/ADMIN a reset button because so many people were timing out not knowing they had pages set to 3000 or some high number in locations admin panel for viewing and that was timing out the server causing errors and issues and blank pages,
—-Have you tried to use Janitor to check to see what settings might be lingering in the background that for some reason didn’t clear out of Locations or Options_nojs when you updated?.
As far as your layout, Probably not helpful for your situation but I am graspoing here: under Premier there is a check box under EXP/RESULTS that pertains to not wrapping “When checked do not wrap the individual location search results in a div.Useful for plugin styles that provide their own non-div wrappers such as tr.” (pertaining to tables),The rle is there for HTML and CSS gurus to ensure layout table rows.
If you would like to send the CSV file I can take a look at it for you when I have a chance, send it to support email. I am holding down the fort while Lance is travelling
CiciKeymaster@Chris this is working properly. You say you have Premier, could you please provide a screenshot of your Plugin Environment so I can see what you have activated? There was an issue with Premier and Power involving categories , I am unaware of an issue with other functions but there is a new Premier beta release 4.5.10 beta that I am testing and it didnt break labels but it is having issues a bug with the Tagalong (formerly known as) in Power/
If you are a Premier active subscriber you should be posting in the Premier forum, those posts get first look and repsonses
Could you be more explicit, what box are you changing the labels. I just tested it again and it works fine, you do not have to put a blank in and save and delete but that method worked before. I am testing labels under Experience/Search and changed the address label and it saved perfectly but I am not checking every box so if you could narrow it down and provide your Plugin Environment as it looks now that would help.