Forum Replies Created
I erred with my previous statement about being able to do that with the Power Add-on. , You are correct:
The reason I said Power is because Power replaced ProPack for all intents and purposes , with that exception. You used to be able to add and edit CSS with ProPack…If you had ProPack previously and had CSS rules, those will still be applied. But if you did not previously have ProPack and want to add or edit CSS that is a function of the Experience Add-On (or if you are adept at CSS rules use any editor)
If you have BOTH the Power and Experience add-on there are more features and styles that will work best and you might find a style \ exactly as you would like it without doing ANY CSS. You see a view of the style in an inset if you have Premier.
In my opinion, if you are going to purchase both add-ons, your best value is the Premier Add-on with Subscription. You will get additional exclusive features not available with any of the stand alone add-ons,as well as the third party add-ons that you can opt to use or not, (such as Social Media Extender, Extended Data Manager, Gravity Forms integration, User Managed Locations) but that you may find useful, eliminating the need to have a lot of other WordPress add-ons. Less outside add-ons =less conflict potential, , less maintenance , and less juggling for support on your end, since you will also have access to the premier forum (the questions in premier get answered first). Any recent purchases (like your Power Add-on) will qualify you for a discount off the Premier set-up fee.
Info on the CSS and plugin styles
advanced plugin styles and CSS
I am sorry, I understand this is frustrating…And we will get to the bottom of this
One more question:
Using the Experience add-on What is your setting under Search/Experience/ Radius behavior?
From the drop down next to the Radius Behavior, Is it “always use, do not use, or use after search”? It appears there is a combination in your settings that is the issue. When inspecting your site using Firefox, .we see one of your parameters under Experience in SLP as Limit 0 , it appears to be in a radius setting. There are a couple of places that have radius settings that will effect results.
I cannot recreate the issue on my site even if I change the radius behavior , but I do not have the same configuration (PHP, settings etc).
If you change these settings under Search (and under Results if need be) and if that does not work,
please email us at and provide us with an admin login so that I can have Lance troubleshoot this… (you do need to go through paid support, I will see the support email and make sure it gets to Lance, the developer)
the reference to 1.11.4 , that was my mistake, I saw the cache for js ver. =1.11.4 in the core.min, etc and at first thought it was jquery v 1.11.4., oops.
P.P.S Yes Exper3eince Add-on replaces ES, ER,EM, and Widgest since it is the replacement for thoise indiviual Legacy add-ons and you cant have two versions of the same functions at the same time.
CiciKeymasterIf you want to change the Appearance and Layout of the results, or map, or the search as far as how they appear you need the Experience Add-0n.
Since you already own Power Add-on you might want to consider upgrading to Premier subscription (best value if you intend to purchase both) which will include everything , all the add-ons and additional features only available to Premier members and provide you access to the Premier forum. You can request a coupon for a discount off the sign up fee if you decide to purchase Premier
If you would rather not have to do your own set-up, design , customizing, updating of the locations plugins, and keeping things running smoothly, suggest checking out the plans to see if it is something you might be interested in.
CiciKeymasterYou have the ability to change or override theme or plugin styles by using CSS with the Power Add-on. There is a tutorial video to guide you through this. The tutorial video references ProPack but it has the same information as far as how to find the div and css rules using Firefox or any other browser developer tools
CiciKeymasterThe only suggestion I can provide is to turn off your other plugins one by one and see if the issue goes away.
regarding your Pages add-on, are using the default template?
As mentioned, something is using jquery 1.11. There is a tutorial video about debugging if you need more guidance.
(See troubleshooting)
I can bump this up to Lance ,, he is coding at the moment and I am not sure when he will get to look at your particular site. You can also opt for a developer to log in or one on one paid support if all else fails..
CiciKeymasterThe remote url is in the box to the right of the URL. Most people will not be using the remote file retrieval unless they have a scheduled import. The back end did change the way the UI looks but it works the same.
The section on the right of the Import panel provides more control over recurring imports from a full url where you CSV file resides and allows flexibility for scheduling the time for daily imports.
WordPress cron is not exact, it executes the next time a visitor comes to your site. WordPress times are UTC/GMT time NOT local time. Set to none and leave the URL blank to clear the cron job. Example: 14:25. (Default: empty = do not run daily cron)
August 26, 2016 at 5:20 PM in reply to: No Results Returned in Store Locator Plus Power Add-on Reports #42872CiciKeymasterAnna,
Do you recall the answer I provided you about a month ago? When I answered that question back then it was not related to Pro Pack. It was the console errors and you needed an API key. You never responded to my questions and answer from July 23rd so it is difficult to ascertain what is going on with your site now. Is it the same url site from a month ago I see the errors are gone from your console now, I just did a search for 29464 and no errors and lots of results. Don’t forget you will only see the top ?? whatever limits you set for results in your report. For instance I now changed it to see top 50.
Is it possible that one of your other plugins has settings that also collects data (wooCommerce?) your theme? I do not know if that would interfere with the results parameters being generated but I would try debugging or looking at the settings in your other plugins
August 26, 2016 at 4:40 PM in reply to: No Results Returned in Store Locator Plus Power Add-on Reports #42868CiciKeymasterI cannot recreate your issue, I just tested it on my site and it works. I reset for a new time frame, saved settings and regenerated and my results shown changed from 57 to Total results 15 and Top ten. Do you have Enable reports set under your settings tab?
CiciKeymasterWhat are you using for Add-ons and what language? There is documentation on how to do this in our documentation site. Localization
Using SLP on multilingual sites
More Info on Translating
CiciKeymasterSiegfried, I do not see any emails from you in our Support In box. Send your translation Po files to
We have received others attachments so it should work.
CiciKeymasterYipes. Can’t tell you how many times we have heard that story, or that a plug-in was abandoned and cant be updated (which is one of the reasons the cybersprocket was relaunched, these guys aren’t going to disappear).
1) If you send an email to support we might be able to help you with the account access if we have enough information, such as the name of the company but you do not need that info if you do upgrade buy purchasing the Power add-on. 2) Adding Power and or Experience eliminates multiple legacy add-ons, same reason you have cited, and why the developer of SLP did that. He was having to update and maintain over 20 separate plugins every time WP updated and they had a domino effect. 3) The new versions are faster with imports and uploads and are being maintained and updated.
If you are using WP above 4.5…you will have little choice other than to update your theme or other plugins if there are conflicts with versions of jquery. Any plugins or themes need to be 1.12 or there will be conflict with other plugins and consequences, such as SLP maps not showing.
You can minimize expenses and request a discount coupon for any of the featured add-ons by taking the hosting survery
CiciKeymasterWhat version WordPress do you have? Check WP version update , post about how old jquery versions effects SLP and generating of maps. (Are all your themes and other plugins updated and using jquery 1.12 or higher?)
WP 4.6 and SLP 4.6 was tested with ProPack 4.5.07 without issues. It would be better for your customer to update to the newer replacement add-ons (see FAQ) instead of downgrading everything else. I would suggest you make sure it is an actual issue with SLP before downgrading. Those older versions are no longer supported nor maintained.
Using old WordPress versions and/or plugins could leave you open to security risks. WordPress and the SLP developer have noted and written about WP hacks and security risks on a number of posts.
If you need more advanced Web Development services and/or additional technical help with your overall WordPress site, or need design updates, or platform recommendations, I recommend Cyber Sprocket Labs @ , our Web Presence team of expert developers, software engineers and graphic designers.
CiciKeymasterStore Locator Plus searches are based on Radius. Not roads that go around the mountain or over terrain. How would you know which direction mileage to provide if the person doing the search checks “do not allow my location to be shown” for instance. Or if there are two or three stores within 5 miles from them, which mileage per which route in which direction do you show them? What if they can take two different routes to get to their destination, for instance they want to take the scenic route or do not take highway route 1 and want to travel down route 17 instead…? Even Google directions allows you to select a different route. As you can see there are too many variables and dependencies to make this solution one size fits all.
You might be able to write some code for your particular wants or needs but it is not something in the regular base plugin or add-ons. The closest thing with that type of logic would be territories in the Premier plug in There was a lot of complex coding and logistics built into that one feature with oodles of developer hours to design that one little feature.
August 25, 2016 at 12:01 PM in reply to: On import of CSV duplication of data from field Address 1 to Address 2 #42842CiciKeymasterMost likely whomever created the original file did a hard return (enter) which would then force the next line to move down or over to next row in your file. Or some other error in the data field. A copy of your csv file would be more useful then a screenshot of how the end results look.
I imported a csv file yesterday using Version 4.6 SLP,POWER and EXPERIENCE and everything imported perfectly as well as the import messages.
CiciKeymasterPlease check to see if you have latest versions and also read the posting guidelines for required info to be able to assist you.
CiciKeymasterI am not sure but this sounds like something that would be closer to a DeBaat add-on, Gravity Forms Integration
If you wish to ask about the Third Party add-on, you can post in Debaats third party add-on forum.
is that a live site you are showing? If so you shouldn’t be posting user and passwords here in the forum.Your CSS path is failing to load use any browser tool to Inspect errors and debug. I do not know if your WP or child theme were ever updated. But you have something in your WP UI that is running jquery 1.11. which is a no-no with WP 4.5.3.
There are a lot of folders that are showing 1.11.4 jquery. This will interfere with your map.
jQuery UI Widget 1.11.4
* http://jqueryui.com
As far as your child theme, check where the css file lives and make sure it is still following the right path.
Failed to parse SourceMap:
Failed to parse SourceMap:,
Please refer to information about formatting for CSV filess readily available in your excel or google sheets instruction or the internet.
You can not do a hard enter, a hard enter tabs down a row and puts it into the next line.
You can do a soft enter which is holding done the shift-enter key. Yes if you want the description all in one with commas in the paragraph it needs to be in double quotes
As far as copyright insertion, that is outside the scope of the Location Manager. you can refer to how to use UTF-8 characters with excel. or in Google sheets
CSV cannot naturally represent hierarchical or object-oriented database or other data. This is because every CSV record is expected to have the same structure. CSV is therefore rarely appropriate for documents such as those created with HTML, XML, or other markup or word-processing technologies.
There is nothing magical about SLP as far as how csv files are constructed. Store Locator Plus just provides you the header fields and mechanism to get your information imported via a CSV file.
CiciKeymasterHello Ronald,
That message with the yellow triangle is a warning not an error. An error is red and will say failed to load etc..
If there was an issue with SLP you would not be seeing results..since it is your map it is most likely one of your other plugins and/or theme that are probably using outdated jquery versions. This was a no-no when WP updated to 4.5.
Make sure all your other plugins are updated. You do not need to know javascript, but your plugin developers and theme developer should keep their plugins updated. The author posted this blog about the issue last April
The No Map appearing issues are in the Troubleshooting section. There is detailed info on how to debug to find out where the error is occurring.
If you need some updates to your design , to your platform or other technical help with your WordPress environment, we have re-launched CyberSprocket Labs.
Cyber Sprocket Labs , our WordPress consulting brand, is now offering consulting services for all of your WordPress technology stack needs. Graphics design, themes, plugin development-and-tweaking… whatever you need to make your web presence a best-of-breed solution to promote and expand your business. We have the skills and resources necessary to make it happen.
We have a handful of WordPress Core contributors on staff, some skilled cloud and web services system admins, a graphics and UX group, and even some API and 3rd party CRM gurus on hand.
Whether you are building a simple “calling card” website or a full blown web services application that uses WordPress as part of the application framework, we have the resources to get it done.
Check out the details at our re-launched Cyber Sprocket website.CiciKeymasterSiegfried,
Did you translate using Loco Translate and save the po. files? If so could you contact support and send the files. I thought it was all going to be done through WPML now but perhaps that was just the base plugin.
I know that the developer used to have to up load the translated files into the StoreLocatorPlus file path for the Legacy Add-ons, perhaps it is the same for the newer Experience and Power ad-ons . If you can help with the translation, Lance usually offers something in return.
CiciKeymasterThis issue is resolved with SLP and Power 4.6 currently in beta testing and is available for pre release testing and use on dev or staging sites. Always back up your files and WP site before updating to major version changes as suggested in the WP codex and by developers. .The production version for live sites should be released within the next week.
Thank you for your patience.
CiciKeymasterplease provide your Plugin environment per the Posting Guidelines.
If you would like to help with translations of add-ons, please review the documentation for info on using and setting WPML
CiciKeymasterHi Scott, The ProPack still works but there was a major coding event with SLP core plugin in 4.5.08 that required ProPack to be disabled and a later version installed from your account…that goes back to the versions control and labeling that we discussed in the other post. We tried to make everyone aware through various news feeds and documentation FAQ.
But you did the right thing by updating to Power. Power is where the improvements and future upgrades will happen. The imports should be faster than what you saw before. Additional tweaks to SLP and to Power in versions 4.6 are going to help your performance .
Having said that, I do not know what your plugin environment or server configuration or site url or server host is. This is where a screenshot of your Plugin environment (posting guidelines) is useful. That info weighs heavily into the equation. For instance do you have or need a Google API? Are you on a shared server? What version PhP?
There are issues with your csv file, Why do you leave the sl_address column blank and only load the address in the sl_address 2,? That address will load on the second line. When you converted to CSV , if you used an older version of Excel , you will notice your leading zero was dropped in the zip code column, that will not be geocoded or will be an incorrect geocode location….You need to format that column correctly , we suggest Google sheets IMPORT CSV FILE DOCS AND EXAMPLES see your zip codes as they are in your attached file below, they should be five numbers, NJ I assume should be 07xxx:
Here are some useful tips and suggestions in our documentation on how to improve your import process and issues that can occur (for instance the dropping of that leading zero, zip code before you convert to a csv file.
FAQ info for geocoding, importing large data sets etc
CiciKeymasterIt should be all fixed now…could you let us know if you have any issues and if it is fixed for you now? Scott thanks for quadruple checking, I do that too…I never want to hear someone tell me its operator error . I would not have known if you hadn’t reported by commenting in this post, thank you for helping the forum community and SLP..
CiciKeymasterYipes well that is not good, I download from the Products download page, but I have Premier access, if you have Premier you can download from a separate menu drop down, I am having Lance look into this now. I know he was working on the Products version via the WooCommerce plugin and had to do some special coding. The intent was to have the Release VERSION appear next to the download…sorry about that guys..Lance is fixing it right now..
Thank you so much for letting us know.
My apology for steering you down the wrong path.