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Please provide your Plugin environment will show us versions etc.
See posting guidelines.
Your theme or another plugin is breaking the javascript needed to execute SLP Follow the debugging guideline if you cannot isolate it. The easiest way to isolate is to turn off plugins one at a time. To test if the theme is overriding and breaking SLP.
change to a WP default theme to see if that fixes it.follow the troubleshooting guideline here:
CiciKeymasterUnder the Settings/Search if you scroll down the page, see the section under category selector there is a “search tag selector” from that menu you choose how you want it to display.
You will also need to add your tag “labels” you want to appear in the drop down.
See screenshot
CiciKeymasterHere is some info in our docs site, how to debug:
any browser developer tools, clicking on inspect and under console you will see errors.
It is most likely your theme that has broken jquery. These are the failure errors on your site
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
autoptimize_c704622ac1359b0f57bf5f6b78bd828f.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at autoptimize_c704622ac1359b0f57bf5f6b78bd828f.js:1CiciKeymasterYour theme is overriding the SLP layout. You need to adjust the theme , also check your settings under results for number of results to display , radius settings etc.
if you need to add CSS to override your theme rules or add custom style sheets that is included in the experience add-on. Otherwise you should contact your theme author or whomever added the CSS to your theme.
But when i went to your site and every time I search , only two results appear. using developer tools under console you will see what fires off first.
Look at your theme link
* When the document has been loaded…
*/If you are unsure of troubleshooting please refer to the documentation.
CiciKeymasterFantastic glad I could be of help. If you haven’t done so and would like to leave positive feedback on the WordPress site and mention the timely support it would help me out immensely. I will have support send you a request via email as well
Thanks again!CiciKeymasterPlease provide the information about your site and SLp plugin environment per posting guidelines. did not know which markers you were using or what you had selected. It is not a canned answer but directs you to the documentation.
i went to your site, I see the marker you chose Flag azure, I went to my test site to see if that marker still exists and it does. Go to the SLP plugin, go to Settings,
go to map
scroll down page under markers, Location marker…that is what you are referring to as destination marker.i have attached the screenshot.
Other then that i cannot recreate any issues with selecting a marker
CiciKeymasterAre you selcting your csv file from A LOCAL DIRECTORY or folder on your computer or are you trying to select from a non-public html path?
I just tested it out on my test site and once I selected a csv file that I had saved on my local pc it intitiated and loaded instantly. Of course I tested a small file but your file size of 1300 locations is not that large
Are you seeing the csv file in your media library?
Important note:When I visit your site you are showing above, under WP Content sources I see file folder SLP POWER 4…that is not what it should be showing me, it should only show slp-power all small letters and no 4 after it.
I also see when i click on that source this: is not right either. So unless you are importing on a totally different site, something messed up your add-on.
I do not know what may have happened , if someone copied the plugin add-on over from another site, but you should reinstall Power from your account. I know you had some issues last fall. Do a clean install of Power.
CiciKeymasterP.S. Of note SLP core plugin is version 4.9.10. Also of note someone ( a developer perhaps or your web designer??) has added a csl filter with incorrect CODING THAT IS CAUSING FAILURE. Or the original customer had an add-on or a premier subscription that they let expire. I cannot tell with the info you provided.
Also it appears they did not copy your files over correctly and now SLP cannot initialize.
Is your theme using jquery version 1.12? WordPress requires it.Before you fool around with your site you should be testing on a staging or dev site, use jetPack or some back up service before updating etc.
All themes and plugins should uses the WP bundled version of jQuery by enqueuing it when loading scripts, as per WP guidelines.
After your site has been fixed and if you still have issues with the way Google is finding Australia postal codes ( as they often do have issues with their MAP APIS offered to sites and developers as opposed to their ” Google proprietary data ,domain and map handlers” Some people have found that the experience add-on is useful by having drop downs of locations, or Append Australia etc. There is more info in documentation.
CiciKeymasterHello Paul,
See documentation concerning correct csv file headers etc. There are also some examples in the various docs site.
here are some links for your review.
When you post in the forums it is useful to post a screenshot of your Plugin environment found under the Info tab under SLP, and your site url so we can better assist you. Things like WP versions, PHP versions, MYSQL info is helpful as well as the versions of the plugins.
See versions here to ensure you truly have the latest versions.
CiciKeymasterPlease read the Posting guidelines:
and Provide the information about your Plugin environment and configuration which can be found under the INFO tab under the wPSLP
You have not provided sufficient info for us to be able to assist you.
CiciKeymasterI looked at your site . Under console there are fatal errors..Did you recently move over to a new site or try to copy your database tables? You have some major issues with however you set this up Under your WP content Plugins there is a file folder A file folder named
Not sure where that came from.
Also there are errors (Inspect console using any browser tools Something is using old jquery vesion.
jQuery 1.7.0+ required, undefined used instead. FAIL.
Additionally, there are many themes and poorly constructed plug-ins that use old JavaScript or jquery ui that can cause Store Locator Plus to not work. SLP is updated frequently to ensure it works with the latest WP versions.
See troubleshooting guide to debug your site
CiciKeymasterYour marker destination points to this link and the page is 404 (not found) therefore it will not appear since it is not a public accessible link or has moved.:
if you have customized markers or icons, add them to your WP media library and copy the link from the media library and paste that url under your Settings/Map/Markers.
See docs site with tutorial and instructions:, I see on your site that you updated the Base SLP plugin at 4.8.10 but do not see the current version of SLP Power add-on which should be at 4.9.8
I visited your site and performed a few different searches with zip codes in Mass and zip codes in the Charleston SC area and both searched returned resuts.What specifically is not working for you?
CiciKeymasterIf you have the experience add-on also check the settings under Results…Do you have disable initial directory checked? If so you will not see results until a search is performed. But the other errors on your site are not caused by SLP. Your Map also is not showing until a search is performed so assume you have that set to hide until search.
CiciKeymasterPlease provide the information requested in the Posting guidelines, your Plugin any add-ons versions etc.
When I use Chrome and inspect with the developer tools I see all these errors:
Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at (index):169
cart-fragments.min.js?ver=3.3.3:1 Uncaught TypeError: a.cookie is not a function
at HTMLDocument.(cart-fragments.min.js?ver=3.3.3:1)
at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)When I load your site using Chrome there are no results at all being shown only a search box: until I perform a search so if you are seeing results it is most likely because your browser cache is loading them for you,.
Your theme or another plugin is most likely causing the issues. To check, turn them off one by oneCiciKeymasterHello Catherine,
I have reported this to the developer after testing on my site. It seems if you edit an individual location and un-check the featured , that is not being saved as you mentioned.
But , as a work around, I tested the Bulk actions filter and when I used the Bulk action filter…”Stop featuring location” and checked off only the locations I wanted to stop featuring and then hit the apply (Not apply to all, be careful on that) that does work.
The developer will be fixing that bug this week. Once he fixes the bug you may want to Update SLP and the Experience add-on to current versions.
Sorry for the inconvenience.CiciKeymasterHello Scott, after you update Power to 4.9.9 let us know if there is an issue
CiciKeymasterSend an email to Support so they can make sure they are sending to the right customer
CiciKeymasterI can send you a copy from Woocommerce order system, it will go to whomever is on the purchase as the buyer.
CiciKeymasterThe Locations oading indicator is the Import in the back end. we answered the email, if you want the front end to indicate they are loading that is customization. If you are referring to the Power Import feature let us know what is happening, it could be your server side.
CiciKeymasterHi Amanada, if the email was from “Mick” I answered today. Delete sl_id column and there are some other inconsistencies in the file. Also make sure you have now updated to latest versions of Power and SLP etc.
CiciKeymasterThe plugin environment information you are showing….You have not update to the latest versions? Please update power to 4.9.9, etc.
I just tested the only_withTag=”xxx” on my site and it is working correctly.
On that url you provided, there are error messages in your index under:
see screenshotAnother plugin or your theme may be overriding and creating issues with the SLP javascript.