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  • in reply to: Locations not loading #39344

    @ Joe

    What isn’t working and what is your plugin environment, I went to your posted link and performed a search and got results back…Changed location and radius, new set of results…so not sure what you are saying..but your drop down radius should have more chalices perhaps, it only shows a selection up to 50 miles…check your settings, I have no idea what you are trying to show, saying “we are having same problem” isnt helpful see Posting Guidelines. Provide information , be specific,  do not Glom


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    in reply to: Trouble with map limiting to tag #39339

    I may have misunderstood your question: Is you issue on the individual (Store) Pages that are created or the  initial start on map? Are you using Pages shortcodes: i.e. storepage field=  ” ”  as shown in the documentation for Pages  Pages template?.


    What goal are you trying to accomplish?

    For additional info on setting up the Pages, there are a couple of  tutorial video

    in reply to: (bug report) Search by postcode in WPML translated page #39304

    Lance has been notified. Since WPML just decided to go their own way last summer and recreate the wheel (there are a bazillion known issues on their website) He has been  working with a WP international developer team as the site is being revamped. If you would like to contribute to translations, please see links to that



    in reply to: Locations not loading #39303

    P.S. when I said theme, is is your custom theme at rainbow , not the SLP Plugin style (formerly referred to as theme)


    in reply to: Locations not loading #39302

    Something is breaking jquery and that will break Store locator Plus:

    You need to run the debugger (tutorials on how to do that using Firefox are here and )  to find out what plugin , or theme.  The first Failed to load seems to point to something in your theme.

    Just by Inspecting with Chrome immediate error messages were apparent, the first one went to your theme and the second one could not load your icons


    (see troubleshooting)

    You are getting a failed to load resources under  your images/icons  list. Make sure it is pointing to the right directory.


    in reply to: Zoom not working #39301

    Hi Mark,

    The zoom controls are under the Enhanced Map (Legacy) or Experience add-on

    do not scroll and auto zoom settings

    As far as results, you just dont want to show them at start or you want to disable initial directory ?

    If  the latter that  functionality is part of the Experience or enhanced results, please view Enhanced results or Experience features

    You get the maximum control over the map, search, and results with the Experience Add-on. 

    if you plan purchase the Enhanced Map (legacy) and /or Enhanced Results (Legacy) keep in mind that they will not be maintained other than bug fixes , there will be no additional features other than what is currently included  and eventually  they may not work with a newer SLP 4.5  base Plugin.  (not yet released) They will continue to work with the current versions of SLP 4.4


    in reply to: What parts of the wp-admin folder is it using? #39300

    I am not sure I understand your question: There is nothing in SLP that will prevent anyone from searching on your  Public webpage. The search queries google and therefor cannot have AJAX blocked.


    You can view some tips here: Troubleshooting


    in reply to: Trouble with map limiting to tag #39298

    Check your Enhanced Results ranked settings, if you have anything like Rank first then closest it will take precedence, also check your settings under the radius for results (show at start up or after search)

    in reply to: Shortcode Broken? #39292

    P.S. I looked at your lines for those two  on your site, and there is a space before the field attribute name…not as shown above. If you take out that space before the field attribute does it now work?
    The Lines look like this:
    href=”mailto:[storepage field=” sl_email”
    and for the site url href="[storepagefield=" sl_url"]

    Also there are still error messages that indicates another plugin is also loading Google Maps on the individual store pages.

    You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.Qg @ js?language=en&ver=4.4.27:90

    js?language=en&ver=4.4.27:76 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘offsetWidth’ of null

    in reply to: Shortcode Broken? #39288

    Lance suggests the following:
    Replace the email in the straight HTML version with a dynamic field from the database…. [storepage field=email] for example.
    There are some caveats on email as some of the fields are special cases with extra formatting.
    You can add other weird stuff to mailto: hyperlinks, but anyone messing with that needs to really know HTML and the premises to create the rules. There are ways to add a from and subject line but it is complicated.
    Regardless the premise is the same. Start with the “vanilla” HTML without SLP shortcodes. Get that working then rip out each element that should be “dynamic” (replaced with SLP data fields).

    in reply to: Show featured by default with link to show all results #39280

    Experience add-on should accomplish most of what you are requesting. With Experience you can use the Featured, Ranking Order by.
    See the Demo site (there is a tutorial video on the SLP you tube channel“how to get started with the demo site”) which has installed Experience, ProPack and Tagalong installed. If you think you need customization after viewing (and playing with ) the demo please contact us via email Custom Support

    Posting Guidelines

    in reply to: Zoom not working #39266

    Please provide your Plugin Environment (see posting guidelines) if you need specific help that you cannot find in the forums or documentation.

    Results functionality and other information can be found in the Documentation. There are also Tutorials and easy to follow guides in the SLP videos or on the SLP youtube channel

    You can also use the Demos site to see how additional features interface with each other.

    in reply to: Results #39258

    @ Lenny

    in reference to you “fixing the code” .  True, your hack  absolutely  would be overwritten when a new version of the plugin is released and  you updated.  Personal hacking into the code  may give you the  one time fix but it is not recommended and may cause additional problems and issues for you.   .

    As i mentioned in your other post, this was added in a subtack for the developer. If it is a bug he will fix it but it is a minor glitch as far as all the lines of code in the Premier and Experience.

    I realize you responded in another post as to your plugin environment but it saves a lot of time and searching if you could post a current screenshot for each new post.  There are updated versions of the plugins with some fixes in EXP and SLP  as well as Janitor.

    As far as your JSON response you have not provided enough info

    Looking for technical support info needed

    in reply to: Can't Access Manage Locations Page #39244

    Thank you for providing your plugin environment,
    I cant log into your Account to see what you are talking about. Is the issue that the back end of the SLP Locations will not load? or the front end?

    What do you have your admin user interface,pages set at? See today’s Blog about Janitor 4.4.03. You may want to review what your settings are. The Janitor Plugin is free. but be careful if you do decide to play around with it, some things cant be undone if you delete all your locations for instance, so make sure you have a backup.

    . there are tutorial videos that will help you as well and  you can Search forums to see if there is info that will help: One that was resolved recently:
    For instance: Admin locations

    in reply to: Janitor #39226

    Lenny, Please provide your Plugin Environment,

    I have used all these plugins and add-ons, as  well as Premier and also the newer  installed  Janitor 4.3.03…I am not experiencing any of the issues you are reporting so I am guessing you have a  theme conflict or configuration issue on your site.

    .So before The developer can assist you we need to know your configuration, plugin environment, site URL, etc.

    *See Posting Guidelines) 

    in reply to: Results #39225

    What did you update from to?

    Need Plugin Environment and the site url before Lance can venture to guess what the issue is.

    in reply to: Shortcode Broken? #39224

    I have spoken to Lance already and he cannot help us solve your issue  without more information, he needs the exact site url that you are experiencing issues with and since you updated can you provide your  new Plugin Environment (since you stated the update broke more things??)




    in reply to: Shortcode Broken? #39218

    P.S. When you updated to EXP did you install that before updating SLP as warned in latest INFO NEWS (which can also be seen under your SLP Admin panel INFO tabs ?

    Pages Release Notes


    in reply to: Shortcode Broken? #39216

    If you saw the Release Notes for Pages, It states you must be running WP 4.4.   Also something on your site is causing Google Maps API to be called.  (see attached)

    I went to your main site and the Find church now Button worked, I do not know what the screenshots you included in first post is intended to show , when I tried to access that http://crossroadschurchsydney….URL I could not  so is that a permalink issue perhaps?

    How to setup Store Pages

    A lot has changed with the Pages and WP codex on how you could set up pages (which is a Post )

    So could you provide more detail about your page template.

    Nothing in SLP updates effected CSS if they were saved correctly as far as I know.




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    in reply to: No space between Directions and Hours in results #39187

    Sure thing, glad it helped with a temp fix..have you checked off display or “show hours” under EXP/Results? It is a check box. I only added hours on that one location to assist you, make sure the locations you are showing have some sort of hours there..and did you take out the slp_contact that same line? It might be effecting something. I am not sure why that contact is in there, it is an extended option, if you dont have contacts you may not need to have it but the style was built a long time ago for a specific layout.
    Have a great day

    P.S. If you havent ahd a chance to leave a stellar review in WP about the base plugin and teh support, please take a minute to do so:

    Rate SLP…

    If you like Store Locator Plus please leave a ★★★★★ rating on A huge thank you from Lance and his fellow code geeks!

    in reply to: Still not fully translatable ? #39186

    SLP 4.4.28 (pre-release being worked on ) has a new method for trying to set the path that is supposedly better at following symlink installs.

    According to our SaaS development team (international based WP gurus) this works in the plugins they’ve developed so it should not cause any new issues; however with 20,00 active sites it may break something for someone.
    Lance would like to invite you to test 4.4.28 pre-release when it becomes available.

    in reply to: No space between Directions and Hours in results #39173

    Hi ENEOS.

    I reported to developer and he is looking at a rev for that style. In the meantime you can easily change the layout or css I have added screenshots and directions below.

    First a few notes:

    You are not using the latest versions of ProPack or Tagalong.  I would update ProPack  and tagalong as soon as possible since it is going to become a legacy product once Power Add-on is released.    Check here for the Versions

    Also, Tagalong will not be compatible with the SLP 4.4.27 if it was never updated.  Version 4.1. is pretty old.  to remain compatible you should update all your add-ons.

    The Clean White style was built with a specific WP theme in mind for a customer a long time ago.  You can try other styles that would show the results the way you want  but if you do not want to do that there is an easy fix or you can wait for the REV of that style.. Since you have both ProPack and EXP, you can accomplish it in either way”

    The fix: 

    1) EXP add-on allows you to change the results Layout. I selected “Clean simple white” for style and saw the same results but I  then modified under EXP/Results/Results layout box, by adding the simple html   <br>  after directions and the hours will go to next line.

    I also deleted the slp_contact portion of the span class where that line is added with the slp_results_hours  for that style since I did not have any contact info in that line

    Save settings.

    The developer is updating  the CLEAN WHITE STYLE  (REV02) , with his development of the  POWER add-on   It has not been fully tested and is based to work with the   Mazznoer Clean Simple White WP Theme.

    you can request  a copy of the CSS and style to save in your CSS directory (drop  in your  store-locator-le/css/ directory )to test it out. It is too large to add to this forum , if you would like to use it and see if it works for you  send an email to or

    If you need more info on how to change results or how to perform CSS there are a couple of tutorial videos  and documentation about results layouts and Styles.




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    in reply to: Best way to list all locations within a state #39156

    On the test map site:

    1) Yes if you are that specific with your “center map at ” then you would need to show a larger radius under EXP/Results : At Startup , Radius to show initially and number to show initially.  (since Florida is larger than 75 miles).

    2) If you are searching from your desk in OK it still shouldn’t be returning OK locations on your FL map, I only see one map with drop downs so I am not sure if I am following you. I am in SC and when I searched FL it only showed locations in FL .  If you have Location sensor  on then you may want to search as a test incognito.

    I previewed your link and selected  from the drop down,  the map for FL and selected 1000 miles from drop down and it  returned locations in FL.  I do not know how many locations it should be showing. But that seems to be working. It did not show me locations outside of FL .

    3)  Check  your “Order results by” setting…if you select closest to.. then it would show the results closest to the center map at, if you have 25 results in Florida and your center map at is FL then you would want to select under EXP/Results  25 locations.

    .Documentation  Order results by

    4) Have you turned on discrete search in Enhanced Search? Article about Discrete Search   Note the layout in back end UI is different, the discrete filter radius behavior is now called Do Not Use, not “”ignore radius”. You should set do not use radius if you are using the discrete search

    Enhanced Search Discrete search filters.

    If you want to play around with settings and not disturb your staging or current site, you can use the Demo , it has Experience add-on installed in the demo along with ProPack and Taglong.  The layout may look a little different since you are using Legacy Enhanced addons.

    P.S You second link

    return error:

    Uncaught TypeError: window.addEvent is not a function(anonymous function) @ easymedia.js?ver=4.4.2:49(anonymous function) @ easymedia.js?ver=4.4.2:49

    jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:5 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check


    You do not need to update the Legacy packs at this time. There will be no additional enhancements and eventually they may not work  with a to be released newer version of  SLP 4.5. (Date of release  TBD)

    They will continue to work within the framework of the original purchase and be compatible with the 4.3 and 4.4 versions of SLP.  We appreciate your support through past purchases.

    in reply to: Auto update for location entries #39151

    Not at this time. I don’t know if it will be possible with the future SaaS development but that is a ways off .

    in reply to: Customization request #39150

    The request is being looked at by both Lance and DeBaat.  It is possible that DeBaat may be the one to look into your request for the share button as an integration with his current social media extension add-on. I have no additional information at this time

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