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  • in reply to: Store Locator Plus #40321

    Here are some links to help you,  documentation in text and if you visual help via  videos.

    Getting Started

    Adding Location Adding Store Locator Plus

    How Search works


    Tutorial Videos

    Video on How to get started

    in reply to: Show only one Location #40320

    Hi John,

    Here is how the free Base Plugin Works…Getting Started

    If you only plan on having one location (HQ) on the map with directions then just add one location.

    If you have many locations that you want to have for internal purposes in the data set but not show to the customer then  you can hide any locations you add by marking them private.  A private location is a location that appears in the administrative user interface for managing locations but does not show up in the front end (public) in the  search or results.    A  check box on the location add/edit page allows you to mark any existing or new  location as private.

    You can try the demo and create an SLP site your self . Intro video about how to use the Demo.

    The Demo site (with add-ons)

    Do you have many locations that you want to display under the map and/or on the map but only limit the directions link to one?   That can be done with some add-ons and some trickery either by limiting results, , featuring the HQ result and limiting that, or modifying the results/ or map layout , or even redirecting to another page that has an Only_with_category and make HQ the category


    I hope I have answered your question.


    in reply to: How to Bulk Export/Import #40289

    That is a function of tthe  ProPAck addon

    See Locations/Manage subtabs documentation , there are links there  to the new doc site that will give you all the data and info about how to import/.export as well as links to the SLP YouTube channel

    Partial list of  what feature (s)  included in various add-ons…note this has not been updated recently and there may be additional features functions not listed here.

    FEATURES (where to find).

    in reply to: Store in postcode not showing up in radius #40287

    Your version is too old that that , the version you have was  when the map domain automatically went to the International Google server

    All of our plugins and add-ons are at versions 4.4.xx…soon to become 4.5…Please update your add-ons if you have those as well, by the looks of your site you also have ProPack??

    See the change log for all the versions and where they are at now…SLP is about to be released  as 4.4.37

    change log about the version that changed that and

    Heres the article:

    4.4.05 2015-Dec-23


    • The Experience / Map / Domain setting now influences the Google results when users type an address or zip code in the search box.
    • Start on WordPress REST API Endpoints for locations.
    • Support for new Experience add-on.
    • Simplify the add on system code. Increases stability and performance.
    • Skip add-on update and upgrade checks during plugin deactivation.
    • Add an option to show 50 locations on manage locations tab.
    in reply to: Directions link #40261

    Ok, when you say rules in your theme style, are you referring to your Word Press theme, not your SLP plugin style?

    I do not see Pro Pack or any other add-on in your list above. If all you are using is basic SLP then it is your theme modifications and probably your css rules, they are incorrect. There are ways to change the SLP plugin style and customize it with CSS using ProPAck. Any independent or incorrect changes to the data field names , options.maps elements in the layout can cause issues with Directions. Because when you click on the directions link it queries the Google Maps.Api to get the directions using the data from the locations manager. , i.,e the address you want to get directions to

    Your href above points to a slp_option_0_map_domain map domain. ??

    where did that come from?

    You see mine? it points to an actual address field pulled from the slp locations data field…called addy, i.e. address…

    if you have a Theme or another plugin that does anything with Maps it could also mess with SLP calls . You didn’t provide your site url or a screenshot of your Plugin environment so I cant look at anything to help you. I would save your special css somewhere on your drive and then get rid of it from the locator page and see if that resolves it.

    If you need someone to privately look at your site or you cant share it here, you would need to go the Paid support option I am afraid.

    in reply to: Store in postcode not showing up in radius #40253

    Hi, You arent showing me the right screenshots. I need to see your Plugin Environment..(see Posting Guidelines) and your locator url would be good if I need to go inspect the site

    Try some of these settings:

    1) have you selected the Google Map Domain as Australia?

    If all your locales are in Australia, then you should…Google universal map doesnt like AUstralia zip codes (Nor Denmark nor a bunch of other countries) For this reason, the developer went back and wrote the code to go to specific Google servers in the country.

    2) where have you set the radius behavior? There are two settings that effect that, one is under Experience/search and the other is under Experience/Results.

    I could give you more suggestions but I do not know what if any add-ons or versions you are using so I do not want to confuse you with tmi..

    Let me know the answer to those after you have posted your version info (see under Info for Plugin environment) and I will try to help you some more.

    There is additional information under the Documentation
    The new documentation site allows you to enter a keyword and it will find all the info for that one keyowrd, etc.

    in reply to: Shortcode Broken? #40247

    Hi , Yes that is what Lance is saying…As noted on the Page Template documentation

    ” The revised Default Page Template has eliminated any href of shortcodes in an html string as WordPress 4.2.3 no longer allows that.”

    So if you are still using this: you will have issues   <a href=’mailto:[storepage field=”sl_email”]?subject=Contact from Church Finder Website’>Click Here to Send Email</a>

    <a href='[storepage field=”sl_url”]’>[storepage field=”sl_url”]</a>

    in reply to: Store Locator: Pages – Map is not showing #40220


    Thanks for getting back to us and for the solution.  If you feel you received fair and timely support and the base plugin is fantastic, please”

    If you like Store Locator Plus please leave a ★★★★★ rating on A huge thank you from Lance and his fellow code geeks!



    in reply to: JSONP Response Error #40219

    @ Jill

    There is  a rating that reflected poorly on my support…so if you have a chance and think we (or support or the base plugin)  deserve a

     ★★★★★ rating on  A huge thank you from Lance and his fellow code geeks!


    in reply to: Store Locator: Pages – Map is not showing #40217

    On a side note, I guess my first suggestion on the very first post about a conflict with your theme was the right answer.! That’s almost a first for me on this subject matter.

    in reply to: Store Locator: Pages – Map is not showing #40216

    Hey Dmitry,

    if you wouldn’t mind, what was your theme? Or was it customized for you?  I would like to  put a note somewhere in Troubleshooting about conflicts, especially since I will forget about this issue if someone asks two months from now.

    There are so many WP plugins, and themes , and customizations, not to mention the evr changing codex in WP that keeps everyone on their toes.. it is impossible to catch all the nuances.

    As the developer always tells me  when something doesn’t work the first and most obvious to users is that the Map doesn’t appear, its in your face and obvious…so they pretty much assume that he  broke something in SLP

    Not like   that’s never happened. ..


    Thanks everyone , for contributing and taking time out to help your SLP community.

    in reply to: Directions link #40211

    I am not seeing it in my directions link. Do you have CSS rules somewhere?


    <a href=”;daddr=656%20Long%20Point%20Rd%2C%20Mount%20Pleasant%2C%20SC%2C%2029464%2C%20USA&#8221; target=”_blank” class=”storelocatorlink”>Directions to </a>

    in reply to: Shortcode Broken? #40209

    I’ve put this back on Lance’s radar to assist you , there was an update to Pages March 24th, did you update then along with SLP 4.4.36?


    in reply to: Store Locator: Pages – Map is not showing #40191

    Ok it

    Well your test showed that it wouldn’t work , so that is consistent with what we expected….so that goes back to the error messages I saw.

    Unless I looked at it when you were fooling around with that.   I inspected one store page , more closely and

    Something is blocking the map from loading because of the errors.   I just noticed you have a contact and share form on the same page as the Store Pages and that can be interrupting the store Page, you cant have those on the Store Pages in place of some of the template elements because where the map is supposed to load is being overtaken   Not sure which Plugin if it is a social plugin or a special theme and someone added some special call methods but it is messing with the JSON call : See this error…

    Error :   cdn.api.twitter url <b></b&gt;

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

    If that is part of your theme you may need to get someone to clean that up.

    ..if you do need the developer to log on (as Shad mentioned Lance was able to find his issue by troubleshooting)

    You can send the info as you described it in the first section under Paid Support , there is something unique to your site and I cant replicate the issue at this time.   Sorry you are having trouble with this.


    in reply to: Store Locator: Pages – Map is not showing #40189


    Whoa, back up., maybe I am understanding…Are you trying to add shortcode SLPUS]] to the individual store pages? The plug in cant work that way. It is fighting with itself and getting confused.

    That is the ingredient we are missing in solving what is going on with your site.    Please paste the full page template you have crafted

    See this Post about Pages shortcodet in the forum and the links and explanation.

    The developer further explained :


    ” Appears you now have an issue with Store Pages,

    You have an issue with how your Pages template is constructed.

    …………..  be advised that WordPress changed how shortcodes handle quotes. It cannot handle shortcodes with quotes for attributes within an HTML element that has quotes. There has been a lot of controversy over this move by WordPress but they refuse to change their position citing security concerns. It may require some creative templates to do what you want, but let’s start with pasting your Page template setting here.”


    in reply to: Store Locator: Pages – Map is not showing #40177


    Yes if you need the Developer to Troubleshoot and/or  logon to your site you can request with Paid Support.

    But beware, he can point you in the right direction, give you specifics  but if it is someone else’s  Plugin or your theme he will not be able to “fix it” . You might need to ask your theme developer to update the theme (you mentioned you paid him to create?)

    As far as finding out where the error is coming from using the WordPress  Debugger , there is a tutorial on that, as well as a Tutorial on using the Firefox Debugger.

    Excerpt from our Troubleshooting page:

    • Plugin Errors, any plugin that does not load properly and does ANYTHING with page header output will break and thus cause a domino effect prevent the Store Locator Plus PHP JavaScript component from loading.

    In many cases the cause of the maps not loading is because our PHP JavaScript file could not load. We can often detect this and pop-up the “PHP JavaScript connector did not load” warning. However we cannot catch all errors.

    One of the best tools for searching for errors in the HTML page headers is to use Firefox with the Firebug plugin. Turn on the console and check the responses tab for any errors. We have resolved many client installation and map problems with this plugin. More often than not we are finding errors in other plugins, themes, or server configuration settings on the servers. No, our plugin is not perfect and is not 100% bug free (we wish it were) but we are no longer finding bugs in our plugin as the primary culprit in broke installations.

    The PHP JavaScript page header is a critical part of a working Store Locator Plus installation. Since it loads very late in the page creation process it is susceptible to failures from almost anything else you may be loading on the page or your WordPress site. The the map is not loading and you are receiving this message get some page debugging/tracking tools like Firebug and isolate any plugins that are generating coding/output errors.


    Unfortunately there is no work around for PhP versions. S LP updated to 4.4.36 recently and Lance had to “degrade” SLP to work with lower versions of PhP so if you could update again if you havent recentlly .

    Word Press has a basic form letter to send to your hosting server at the link I provided you, here it is again

    in reply to: Website link as pop up #40176

    Ok, Got it.  This  looks like it might need to be a paid customization. Could you send a request to support with as much detail as possible so I can forward to the developer.  His development schedule is filling up fast, he is booked out to May -June at this time if  you both agree on the specs and price.


    in reply to: Extended Data fields not showing in export #40175

    Hi Rob,

    Send the request to  and I will make sure Lance sees it.   Lance and I had discussed it but he  speaks the tech lingo better than I.  It should be easy agreed,  extended data manager is  a DeBaat add-on so am still trying to reach out to him as well.


    in reply to: Multi Map #40173

    Multi Map is no longer available due to un resolved  issues,  That is a Third party add-on and we are not supporting it nor offering it for download at this time.

    You can accomplish what you want to do (such as have more than one map with different settings) with Experience and Tagalong Add-ons. See details on the product page and in the documentation.

    in reply to: White space showing under search bar #40142

    Additional info See Another Forum post about changing style etc and a response from other SLP users and myself can be found here: 

    You can try a few different SLP plugin styles to suit your needs.  Many people further customize the styles using CSS.  If you know CSS and how to change themes etc you can probably write one to suit your needs. Advanced custom themes info, tutorial videos , etc  If you are looking to tweak and override or add CSS rules to the SLP plugin styles ProPack helps with that as well.


    in reply to: White space showing under search bar #40141

    Posting Guidleines

    Please provide your Plugin environment, site url etc per Posting Guidelines.

    The screen shot doesn’t show us your issue. Are you trying to modify the Style/theme? Are you using CSS?

    Style and customizing with CSS

    in reply to: (Presales question) WP REST API #40140

    Improvement to SLP Using REST API is a work in progress, the developer has implemented it with the Pages Add-on. I am not technical enough to address the subject. I will ask Lance to weigh in on this when he has free moment.

    in reply to: Store Locator: Pages – Map is not showing #40139

    Your Store Pages locations urls have error messages, i.e.  failed to load resources.:

    You  have a conflict with your theme or the content added on the Store Pages added on the individual store pages another plugin added to those store pages by the looks of it.

    the individual store pages are failing i.e  json response due to the callback,  Is Your theme or another plugin forcing a jquery call back?   FAILED ERR NAME NOT RESOLVED

    Use Firefox debugger or the WP debugger to find the plugin causing the errors, Instructions can be found under Troubleshooting, there is also a tutorial  on the SLP You tube channel if you need to review on how to debug using Firefox

    P.S. You have a low version of PhP, WP recommended versions are 5.6 .

    Tutorial on Pages Add-on



    in reply to: Change Initial Label in State Dropdown #40108

    Awesome, glad I could help.

    in reply to: Extended Data fields not showing in export #40092

    Hi Rob, I have tested it and I have discussed with the developer,

    Your Exnded data, are these special custom fields you have added and are they text, boolean etc

    The way you export a boolean field vs. a serialized field vs. a text field is different

    Currently it appears that EDM by DeBaat does not have the hooks and filters to allow for the exports.

    So to answer your question, it might need to be customized. Depending on how fast you need it etc. If you could provide more info that would be great


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