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  • in reply to: Input label text #41457

    Changing the labels in that is part of the base plugin, do you mean what appears on the back end or the front end?  I am not sure where your issue is coming from.  I just deactivated all my add-ons (except propack and tagalong like you have), I went in and changed theExperience/Results/  label for phone to MYPHONE. saved changes, went to front end, voila it is MY PHONE in results.  So I am not sure what is causing you to have problems on your site I am afraid.


    Concerning the Themes, keeping up with  developmen etc. , that is totally a WP issue. It is coming from WP . Wp updates quite often and has had some major updates. We have no control over that and we cannot make SLp to work with every old version of various plugins and themes, so the developer does the right thing and updates to make it work with the current version of WordPress.   WP updated to 4.5 and are using the newer version of jquery, they have advised everyone to update and have noted that some themes that were poorly constructed or perhaps didn’t use best Practices were forcing javascript versions or Blocking jquery.   They have a list of the bad boys themes and have advised users , if ther theme author that is from a commercial side wont update, perhaps change your them to a WordPress theme (their words) they also have no control of the free market commercial themes.

    The developer of Store Locator Plus understands all too well about abandoned WP lpugins and that is how he got into the WordPress world to begin with. (about his background) . That is why he and many others have offered Paid Add-ons that need to be purchased.   Otherwise it is just a hobby and people tire of hobbies. The intent is to be able to continue providing updates and maintenance and support, to attend WordCamp conferences and keep up to date on WordPress changes and new developments.

    Store Locator Plus is JavaScript intensive. The author wrote a blog about it here.  and wrote about Themes and their function or non function a few more times , all the way back in 2012  Themes can and will interfere often with SLP loading depending on where in the schema it loads.

    As far as the WPML issue, that again was a change in WP codex to change to text. That was a while ago.

    On another note, anyone who does want to translate will get a free add-on or discount to new add-ons. More info on that. can be found on our new docs site. 

    in reply to: Split: pages #41456

    Hi Stephanie, Actually you can access it right here: It was the Base plugin that needs update.


    I tested it and it fixed the issue, but I also have Premier, Power and Exp. so it would be great if others tested it. It will be in Production tonight if no one else reports issues.


    in reply to: Pages Post Type Not Showing Up #41454

    SLP Pre release


    I tested it and it worked on my site but I have all the fancy schmancy add-ons like Power, Premier, etc… It will be released in Production tonight if no one finds an issue

    in reply to: All Website links being converted to HTTPS #41451

    I spoke to the developer and he asked if we could see how and where you are entering it in the back end in the locations panel?  As mentioned above I noticed you have another plugin  called Google My Maps, so I have no idea if that is effecting the redirect, but when I brought this up at our meeting he said it will convert images to the same as sites directory path url (http toor https) where images are  stored otherwise you will get error messages in your console about not loading resources but we never heard of this happening with SLP website links .  Are you using Network Active Multisites?  Something else is converting the site links, perhaps something in your theme or in your map plugin.

    What does your SLP  Results Layout look like for the attribute website links? For instance Mine is “slp_result_contact slp_result_website”>[slp_location web_link] , have you modified the SLP Plugin style using CSS by any chance?

    I could not reproduce your situation.  The steps I took to try and reproduce

    1) . I added a brand new location randomly picked off the internet, that had an http not https. I added it and copied the link to  PO Melvins  exactly as it appeared in my browser.

    2) updated and went back to my Locations and found PO Melvins, I hovered over the link.

    I have attached what it looks like in the back end, and what it looks like on the front end.


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    in reply to: Before you Post in the forum please READ Guidelines: #32124

    Simple rules:

    Please do Not add to this post.  Start a NEW topic

    post a separate question ,provide your plugin information and url for your site , do not add on to other’s questions.


    in reply to: Pages Post Type Not Showing Up #41437

    Cole do you have a test or dev site that you can load 4.5.06 Pre release on? There was another patch and we are waiting for a customer to test it before Lance releases it for production, the more people who test it the better. Thanks

    in reply to: Split: pages #41436


    Sorry I have the new Power add-on so was having a time of it figuring out the issues, but now I understand , patch was supposed to be in 4.5.05 but the patch is actually in 4.5.06. Our apologies,  4.5.06 is in pre release.  If you cannot find it to download and test I can email it to you.  Please test the pre release if you can



    in reply to: Pages Post Type Not Showing Up #41435

    Ok, I have notified the developer that this issue is occurring, we apologize, Pre release 4.5.06 SLP Can you load it and see if it comes back


    hi Chris,

    Thanks for letting us  know. That is curious.  I would not think you would need to show it in the drop down menu but just put the parentheses around the preferred radius.  Did you have to correct your CSV file?

    I will discuss the “curious” radius function with Lance next time we have a meeting.

    I would appreciate it if you would  be willing  to leave some feedback about how well the base  SLP plugin has met your needs or anything you can contribute as far as what I can do better to make your experience a positive one.     Just follow the yellow brick road (or in this case grey)  If you like Store Locator Plus please leave a ★★★★★ rating A huge thank you from Lance and his fellow code geeks

    in reply to: Pages Post Type Not Showing Up #41431

    I understand, Look under General/Data do you have a check box Enable pages visible to you?   The Pages custom posts was moved under General/Data for Power release.

    in reply to: All Website links being converted to HTTPS #41430

    Colin, could you update to ProPack 4.5 please.   If you click on the locations website link does it redirect correctly… please let us know if updating to ProPack 4.5 helps    I have not seen this particular issue before.  I noticed when I visited the site link that you have a “Google My Maps” appear  on that site, is it possible that is redirecting?

    I have asked Lance about the website links.   He will answer you in email, when he gets time, he has some paid customizations etc going on at the moment.

    in reply to: Split: pages #41428

    Stephanie, you submitted your post in the wrong section so I split it out to post here.


    When you show us your Plugin Environment that means you go to the Info Page of SLP and take a screenshot there.

    I cannot see from your screen shot what versions , add-ons you have etc.  What did you update from and to?

    You should be able to click on the Pages tab

    in reply to: Pages Post Type Not Showing Up #41425

    Hi Cole,

    what does your page template look like?    We have had a few customer/developers in our Premier forum with  Pages issues a few months ago, most of the issues were theme related or they hadn’t caught the changes in the WP codex when using html and short codes.   (Lance just did some custom features  for Pages that will be included in the new Power plugin. that you may be interested in, it includes ProPack and Pages and a few other plugins and new features.  The Pages 4.4 is now  considered a Legacy add-on . I did take a look at  your site and it appeared there were some issues with the Theme layout or Contact form but I couldn’t tell you exactly what.

    I have taken the liberty here to copy  Lances response to another customer  in the Premier forum about the Pages templates and changes:

    “Are you editing each individual page and not the Page Template under the Pages tab?

    You need to go to the Store Locator Plus / Pages tab and set your template there, then go to the Locations / Manage subtab and create/recreate your pages. Keep in mind any edits you made on each individual page is overwritten.

    Read this article for assistance:
    Generating Store Pages

    Also, in Pages 4.4 there are specific shortcodes for setting the email hyperlink automatically, as well as one for a location map and website link. It is part of the default template. You may want to copy out whatever your existing template code is now to save it and then delete it (set the field completely blank) and save settings. The default page template for Pages 4.4 should be restored. It will likely have a lot of elements you want it will certainly have WordPress 4 friendly shortcode formatting without quotes.”


    in reply to: Debug Warning #41411

    Hi Phil, Could you provide us with your Plugin Environment and what version of WP, your url etc.

    Enhanced Map is considered a legacy item. It will get fixes if there is a substantial bug, but  Enhanced Map, results, search and Widgets are now part of the Experience Add-on 4.5.xx. which has been coded to work with SLP 4.5.xx and WP 4.5.xx and above.

    Because of the substantial amount of overhead and time and interactions (updating one add-on or base plugin can break something else etc)  the author and developer is trying to expeditiously create a faster more efficient system of plugins that are grouped together according to functionality.

    We appreciate help tracking down any bugs but as mentioned it is a little low on the priority list for those legacy plugins at the moment.

    Because of the amount of add-ons Mr. Duncan  has purchased in the past (last one in 2014 I believe) , we can offer you a coupon code to discount and reduce your cost to the  Experience add on if you are updating your WP and SLP to 4.5 you should really take advantage of the update.

    If you would like to do that please contact support  and request a coupon towards the purchase (we can discuss via email the value)

    in reply to: Pages Post Type Not Showing Up #41407

    Could you please provide your Plugin environmnet?

    A screenshot would be best.  What is your site url, etc.

    Please see Posting Guidelines and recent articles.   about updates, href, jquery, WP updates etc.


    Also you updated what version of which  from what version?

    Did you update WP to 4.5  recently as well?

    in reply to: Can't Get Capabilities to Work #41390

    Hi Rodney,

    Thanks for letting me  know its working now. If there is anything else you have questions about let me know. I just started using WP sites myself not too long ago. If you like Store Locator Plus please leave us a ★★★★★ rating on  If you do not feel we deserve a five star rating , please contact us at support.






    in reply to: Cannot change "No locations found." copy #41381

    Seth, Please provide your plugin environment (see Posting guidelines at the top of the forum)  You mention Enhanced and you mention Experience…which do you have installed ( screenshot of your plug in environment would help) I see that you purchased Enhanced Results a year or so ago.  You change those labels  in the UI under Experience/Results/Labels


    Results Labels Appearance Documentation

    in reply to: Can't Get Capabilities to Work #41380

    you  have GOOGLE Maps  store locator active not   Store Locator Plus?  You  Can’t use both, they will fight each other and there will be a conflict.  you need to decide which one to use. SLPLUS shortcode wont work on Viadats store locator


    Documentation Links on our new doc site will say Power add-on but it is same for ProPack as far as Import info.



    Your header line data filed formats seem to be  mixing apples and oranges. For instance you have sl_store, but “State” instead of sl_state.     You have a bunch of empty spaces  after the words and before commas, i.e.
    WAITROSE AMPTHILL       , and that is through out your csv file. You can see I have no spaces after any of my data fields I exported, they are commas..

    You should not use capital letters for categroy  slugs. Location Imports information

    For instance this is what my header line (data field names are) when I exported them:

    You do not need all of them of course, for instance you do not need your latitiude and ligtitude if you are not importing those. When you uploaded CSV file did you choose, First row has header?

    Here is a link to csv examples of and what your CORRECT SL_FIELD NAMES will look like.

    in reply to: Can't Get Capabilities to Work #41370

    Could you provide versions of Plugins and any other SLP add-ons if you have any , as well as your theme that you have and/or site url  and which WP version?
    A screenshot is best for these purposes. SLP 4.5.05 works with WP 4.5.xx

    Do you have Network Active Multisite WP configuration by any chance?

    And you do or do not have the User Managed Locations add-on for SLP?

    Once we have this info we will be in a better position to assist you



    Hi Leigh,

    Not likely that the issue was created via  changes in SLP,  or we would most likely have heard an awful lot of complaints by now and the testing is fairly robust.  I am guessing it has something to do with your CSS rules or theme,. Having said that,  sometimes bugs are revealed that we are unaware of  since there are so many combinations of unique settings and site configurations out there.

    I can have the developer take a look when he can but he is working on two paid customization projects at the moment so I am not sure when he can get into looking at your site.

    If you want to provide some login credentials and get on his schedule ASAP you would need to go through the Paid Support.   If it is a bug on SLP’s  part we of course would not charge you the support fee,.  To get on his schedule to troubleshoot your site, please opt in for  the level of Paid Support. you feel you need.


    in reply to: East Coast, West Coast option #41312

    What you are looking for is akin to territories I believe. Territories is part of the Premier Subscription which also gives you access to all the add-ons and functions, features of Store Locator Plus.  You might look into Directory Builder options if that would suit your needs.  You can test premier and other options on our Demo Site


    There are tutorial videos and additional documentation on how the Territory feature works

    in reply to: Location Sensor Not Asking to Use Location #41281



    Yes I tested by going to your site, Firefox  sends me a message saying , this site wants to access your location…but Chrome is assuming that , for the safety and security of their users supposedly, they aren’t even going to  ask. If you are http, they assume you are not a secure site.  If  a site deems it as important for that message for everyone  to be asked  to share their location regardless, perhaps they should consider researching if  converting to https, makes Chrome happy. .regardless if people do not want to share their location, they can say No to it anyway, at least for desktop surfing.

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    in reply to: Location Sensor Not Asking to Use Location #41280


    Are using WP 4.5.2? If you are still having issues  you need to upgrade and also ask your theme author to upgrade. Jupiter is using jquery 1.11 and the current version of  SLP and ProPAck are written to work with WP 4.5.2 which uses jquery 1.12  Test your site and see your error messages about headers, and your directory path to your icons, .  Check your AJAX returns as well, there is a tutorial that will show you how to do it, it is fairly simple to follow.  There are security patches with WP 4.5 , we understand that people do not want to update because their themes might not work properly but the solution is to either get the theme developers to update and fix the themes or change themes. WP has a plethora of ideas on how to test your plugins and themes.

    See the Troubleshooting guide on how to do this. It is throwing the error messages and we can not promise you ProPack or your results will work correctly until this is addressed.:


    /*! jQuery v1.11.3 | (c) 2005, 2015 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | */


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