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  • in reply to: Woo Products Not Seen #56026

    Sorry about the frustration, I had not used the Woocommerce in the past and I was not familiar with it. thanks for looking in documentation, it is very much appreciated. Lance sent out the slack channel invite with login credentials I believe.

    in reply to: Woo Products Not Seen #56023

    The Woo Products import does work, I just tested it and downloaded the csv file with a column header of woo_products. as shown in attached.

    Your invite to slack just went oot

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    in reply to: Woo Products Not Seen #56022

    Hi Jackie, I just made a small import file with a column for woo_products and added the sku in the same column with a colon after the text, the documentation from 2 years ago is misleading. The screenshots are not correct either, I will have to update that page. There is not a separate SKU box as shown. Those screenshots are not accurate. You can import a column for woo products with sku as mentioned.

    Could you tell me what it is you need to do other then import?

    in reply to: Woo Products Not Seen #56014

    Hi Jackie, So i downloaded the Woocommerce and the buy here woocommerce SLP add-on now on a test site. I will test the import function next.

    in reply to: Woo Products Not Seen #56013

    Ok, that documentation is over 2 years old but i believe it uses the Buy Here Woocommerce SLP add-on. I do not have Woocommerce on my site so I cannot test it and have a question in for the developer. Did you download the BuyHere woocommerce add-on which should be available to you under your account downloads?

    The documentation and a video can be found here in the meantime.


    in reply to: Remote file retrieval settings #56008

    Thanks for the additional information.

    Note: f you are on a staging/development site you may need to force WP-Cron to run by adding /wp-cron.php to the site address in your browser. Normal production sites should not have any problems with the new import process.

    Also, please see there are new updates to Experience add-on and Power, we are on version 4.9.7  You should update

    A couple of  questions, when you client changes the files, are they saving it as a new  file? If so is that link still public?

    Also are they checking off Duplicate ADD and Not Skip?  When they “change” the list are they adding new locations or just Updating?  what are they changing?



    in reply to: mobile view issue #56007

    if you need to add CSS to change the layouts and you cannot achieve that by changing to a new gallery style, there are more gallery styles and options with either the EXPERIENCE add-on Or  a Premier subscription.

    Layout  Documentation under Experience.

    The developer customizes new styles for Premier and  as part of his paid customization projects on a regular basis, but since there are so many themes out there, he cannot customize one size fits all  for every one of them.   There are quite a few different gallery styles available to you, but as mentioned the ones that work best with responsive design may require an add-on.

    in reply to: mobile view issue #56006

    if you need to add CSS to change the layouts and you cannot achieve that by changing to a new gallery style, there are more gallery styles and options with either the EXPERIENCE add-on Or  a Premier subscription.

    Layout  Documentation under Experience.

    The developer customizes new styles for Premier and  as part of his paid customization projects on a regular basis, but since there are so many themes out there, he cannot customize one size fits all  for every one of them.   There are quite a few different gallery styles available to you, but as mentioned the ones that work best with responsive design may require an add-on.

    in reply to: Enhanced Results version 4.4 has been disabled #56005

    Yes, there should be no problem and your data is maintained.   I would back up your site if you have any concerns since I am not sure what versions of WP, PHP, etc you are using and it is just a good idea before making any updates especially on a live site.

    Here is an instructional page about upgrading the base plugin and then the add-ons. Before you download the EXP add-on file, you will want to deactivate the Enhanced Results, and once you have EXP activated delete Enhanced Results.  Its been a while since I had any of the Legacy add-ons on my own site. I think they will be deactivated anyway but to be sure I would deactivate it first since it isn’t working for you at this time.


    in reply to: Woo Products Not Seen #56004

    If you are referring to the “Buy here Woocommerce” free plugin, I would need to coordinate with the developer of that separate plugin. That is no longer available for normal download on our products page and do not recall when it was last updated. I see that it appears as available for downloads with Premier subscriptions (not sure if it was intended to be included still as it has not been upgraded and tested for a while) , so if you could let me know if that is what you are referring to I will see what I can find out for you.

    in reply to: Woo Products Not Seen #56003

    I do not know what you mean by Woo-products? We do not have a header field named woo-products.

    Are you referring to categories and the category manager?

    See the csv file information in the documentation. There are a few different pages:


    in reply to: Enhanced Results version 4.4 has been disabled #56001

    Yes, the announcements of the phasing out of the legacy add-ons  were posted in various news feeds, twitter, facebook , forum posts, and in the documentation pages.

    Updates were made so that the SMART options and recommended WordPress best practices , can be utilized ,   including the security updates to WordPress.  If you decide to downgrade SLP instead, please refer to the documentation about compatibility issues.  before opting to downgrade . You may want to opt to upgrade to the Experience add-on which is currently on sale and includes all the Enhanced add-on functionality.

    in reply to: mobile view issue #55999

    Please provide the information we need to assist you, i.e versions, add-ons plugin environment. Please see Posting guidelines.

    You may also want to try a different plugin style available to you. See documentation, gallery styles.


    in reply to: Can't Activate The Plugins #55997


    in reply to: CSV Import Won't Start #55984

    You welcome!

    in reply to: Can't Activate The Plugins #55983

    That is because you no longer need Enhanced anything, it is replaced by Experience add-on which you should have access to as a Premier subscriber.

    Log into your account, and under the WordPress Products you should see Downloads, Click on that and download EXP.

    Once you have downloaded it get rid of , deactivate and delete those old Legacy (enhanced , etc) add-ons.

    Sorry for any confusion. Here is some info about Premier subscription and where to enter idi f you are having difficulty accessing.

    I am reviewing the premier changelog, the developer just updated how the renewals and auto updater works so it may look different on your screen then it does for me, but you should be able to access all the  downloads. , I noted in your account you had already downloaded Power to replace Propack and tagalong

    Let me know if you have any issues or questions after  accessing .

    You will want to review the documentation  site since verbiage may have changed. You will also see a lot of additional features with Premier.

    in reply to: CSV Import Won't Start #55979

    ok, let us know. I also tested with UML with the store_user header field and it exported ok and imported ok, so I thought it might be that…but it imported no problem.

    in reply to: CSV Import Won't Start #55977

    One more question, Do you see the csv file in your media Library?
    If you are on a staging/development site you may need to force WP-Cron to run by adding /wp-cron.php to the site address in your browser. Normal production sites should not have any problems with the new import process.

    See docs about the import process  since 4.9 updates while I do some more sleuthing on my end

    in reply to: CSV Import Won't Start #55970

    If you have deleted all your locations and are starting a new import into SLP with no existing stores, have you deleted the sl_id column from your export file?

    Are you importing to the exact same WP site?

    The CSV docs explains further about the CSV file headers and use of sl_id.

    If you have already deleted the sl_id column, you didnt mention how large the import file is. If it is very large import your server may not be completing the import based on your configuration, limits , google query limits etc. etc.  The Import is a 3 step process now.

    If you have import messages on it will show you what your headers were and import info. See screenshot, I just imported a csv file of 86 locations that took less then 15 seconds and the import message file shows what was imported.

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    in reply to: Random location not inputted in back end showing on map #55964

    Hi Matt, I just revisited your site, Looks good, are you all set? Looks like the center map at is now in SOCAL. No more Dorothy’ lingering around in Kansas

    in reply to: Not all post codes can be searched #55956


    The issue is not with Store Locator Plus but with the Google algorithms. We have introduced work arounds to assist, specifically for those countries that Google seems to have problems with. Australia being one of them. (i.e  some of the postal codes are not discrete enough for Google’s taste, there are other countries that use that postal code 2000 etc and Google will come back with the one that they decide is most relevant.)


    The Experience add-on would help you (on sale at this time).   You can test it out on the demo site. With Experience you can use “append” search  (see documentation about this and discrete search ) the add-on also allows for additional filters and shortcodes .  It also allows for autocomplte zip codes based on the locations in your dataset

    I have a test site using Experience add-on and a page with Australia. I have shortcode center map at Australia since I have other map pages on my test site and I want that page to only show Australia. I then checked off Append search and added Australia. (See attached)

    P.S Your site is not secure.  Therefore Google will block some searches and will not allow Location sensor (GPS) to work. See this news article about the advantages of switching to HTTPS even if you do not need Location sensor

    They consider this a security issue.   You really  should consider migrating your site to https and obtain a valid SSL.  Google  Chrome and other browsers are becoming very strict about this.  The author has written articles about this .  you may also wish to review the Google develop console, or research other articles in WordPress about the security.  It is not necessarily an easy undertaking to migrate your site and it would require some extra steps. So use care and make sure you have a reliable back-up tool. ALWAYS


    To   show you what is being blocked on your site because of the http status, use your browser tools to inspect and look under the console box on your site , you will see these errors:

    Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block; report= insecure reporting URL for secure page at character position 22. The default protections will be applied.
    q2w3-fixed-widget.min.js?ver=5.0.4:1 q2w3_sidebar_options not found!
    dEQoE7HmGQ4?rel=0&controls=0&wmode=opaque:1 Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block; report= insecure reporting URL for secure page at character position 22. The default protections will be applied.

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    in reply to: Display Category with Search Results #55943

    Yes, Under the categories manager set the media category marker
    This graphic appears as the icon or icon array in the result listing or map info bubble.

    See documentation

    For instance on this example, I have the Sydney Domestic airport icon I selected for airports but I did not change the map marker so the icon only appears under the results that has that category assigned . You can choose your own icon via the media manager as well.  In this example I only assigned a media icon not the Map marker ot be replaced. You will note that the marker is not appearing on the map itself,  I could select the same icon under the Categories map marker if I wanted to display the category icon/marker to appear the same on both the map and the results if I chose.

    You may add a legend for the category icons or use a plugin gallery style that sets a legend icon array if you wish.

    Also shown another example. I have transportation with the star maker and star icon set in the category manager, using bennet style which uses category button bar, I clicked on Transportation and you can see the icon in results next to name and also on the map as marker.

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    in reply to: Random location not inputted in back end showing on map #55935

    If the marker is in the middle of the United States it is most likely  where Google thinks the center of the map should be and is returning the “Home marker”.


    1) What is the setting under MAP/Center Map ? First box under AT STARTUP:

    aif you have not designated a center map at or it is showing United States , i Google assumes the middle of the Untied states , usually in Kansas.
    To change this Set ting:  Ttpe in the box  a location ,or a state, or a city, . I would select  somewhere in the area where your locations are in Southern California.

    2) Otherwise if you want the center map in Kansas:   Reset the Home map marker: You can select the Blank marker  (usually the second one in under the map marker icons or delete the home marker url altogether.  Depending on any add-ons they have there are also additional shortcodes

    See documentation for Map panel settings

    How radius works and other information.


    in reply to: How to export from one site to another? #55930

    The Word Press SLP power add-on would be available to download to both your old site to export your locations data.  You can then import same data into your new site as CSV file.  (It has features and functionality beyond the import/export functionality)

    If you are looking for an alternative Power solution  (under MYSLP $12 a month) there is the subscription  based SaaS solution that will also work for WP sites under MYSLP.



    in reply to: Remote file retrieval settings #55922

    The screenshot needed to better assist you is actually the

    Plugin environment    This shows us versions you are using, PHP ,  MYSQL and  WP, SLP and SLP add-ons.  (Note: some people may be reading this and  I just want to clarify, it is not the same as screenshot of peoples WP Plugin list)  Please see    posting guidelines. and under your INFO page

    If partial files are being imported the most common reason is under powered servers or being on a shared host servers.  The result is servers timing out before the job is finished.  There could be other limitations based on your configuration

    See the authors Post about configuring to improve import.

    If they are updating a location and do not need to geocode it, set the import to skip geocoding

    If you are  on a shared host, you could have hit your google query  geocoding limits.

    To alleviate that issue you could try scheduling the geocoding . There is a function under General settings to schedule timing of geocodoing, that is available with premier subscription.

    Unfortunately, logging into your site would not help , hopefully the info above will help. You can also try to have the csv file broken into smaller chunks, or have geocoding to skip, etc.  if you cannot upgrade server or PHP., etc..

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