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  • in reply to: Custom Map Pin on Locations #56454

    Please see the forum posting guidelines and provide your Plugin environment

    If you only need a different map marker, you can load it in your WP media and then associate it on an individual location basis. See documentation about custom map markers

    If you are asking about categorizing or assigning categories (or brands or store type etc) and want a legend and custom map markers or icons by categories you need the Power add-on see under docs site What to buy FAQ

    in reply to: SEO Pages #56450

    Set up a staging site and play around with turning off plugins and/or switching to a standard WP theme. To provide any further info we would need to know the url of the site you are having issues with, the version of SLP, Power, EXP, and premier that you are using. If you cannot post the url in this forum you can always send an email to support and someone will take a look at it when they can

    in reply to: SEO Pages #56447


    Could you please start a new thread? Need your versions and plugin environment We also would need the url you are having issues on to be able to assist you.

    in reply to: Premier Button Bar #56436

    Which SLP Plugin Style are you using? Do you have a staging or dev or virtual site where you can change the plugin style to the recommended Bennet SLP plugin style?

    The category button bar works with our Gallery style named “bennett” which was the Plugin Style that the button bar was designed for.
    See documentation

    You can add a shortcode to search layout
    — let us know what style you are using and the developer can add the CSS rules.
    You can reply here or send an email to the Contact us in support

    in reply to: Premier Button Bar #56435

    I am seeing Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys

    Google is requiring API keys. Make sure you have entered the Google API key

    Navigated to

    The Link that you have that Page on is saying it is a directory. What Plugin style are you using. The link above only shows me this
    “How to use this directory

    To use this directory, simply wait for the map to load before entering your suburb/town and state, then click search.”
    On that page under your theme you have
    I assume that is from your theme.

    I am testing the button bar selector in the meantime.

    in reply to: Zip code shows NO LOCATIONS FOUND. #56422

    Hi Danny,

    Unfortunately this has nothing to do with SLP nor WP updates. It is Google

    Google decides what to return for zip/postal codes. The postal code 2000 is not unique enough so Google determines what to return if a visitor to your site types in 2000. Googles algorithms determines what they “Think” your user is searching for based on how frequent those searches appear. For example Johannesburg South Africa also uses 2000 as their postal code. So their is a good chance that Google is looking there an sees that you have no locations in your database fitting the desired outcome when it returns the results using your SLP search and results radius settings.

    (Information about this in Docs

    There are some work around such as adding more text in the search box instructions for your site visitor to add more info such as a srett address or a city and state or country so Google can correlate better.

    Alternatively, the Experience Add-on allows you to append a county via the search form or using a shortcode added to slplus. If all your locations are in Australia that would be the surest solution.

    Premier customers have the ability to set a search address guess or autocomplete options

    Please provide your Plugin environment and versions when you post in the forums.
    See Posting guidelines at the top of the forum. This allows us to be more accurate with our answers. For instance I have no idea which version you are using and if you already have any add-ons, what versions they are.

    in reply to: Premier Button Bar #56421

    Could you provide your Plugin environment and which plugin style you are using?

    (See Posting guidelines)

    Deleting a category does not matter. You said you recently updated. Did you also update the base SLP and Power add-on, and any other plugins or your theme?

    in reply to: Yellow Icon in Kansas #56406

    Check your center map…if you have not set anything it will default to the United States which Google has determined to be somewhere in Kansas. The yellow icon is your home marker and the home marker is based on your center map under Settings/Map.

    If you want NO home marker and you have the experience add-on you can just check off the setting “Hide home marker”.
    If you do not have Experience add on and you do not want any marker indicating the Map center you might want to use the “Blank” home marker icon or you can add your own map marker to your media library.

    See documentation for more settings.

    In the future please provide your Plugin Environment information so that we can better assist you and be more accurate with our answers. See Read before posting guidelines.

    in reply to: Cannot change "Featured" option #56397

    Lisa, Dod not update the base plugin version 4.9.11, just skip over that version to 4.9.12.

    EXP 4.9.11 fixed the bug you mentioned but the SLP 4.9.11 (if you already updated), reversed most settings to default, so if you have not updated the base plugin as yet DONT.

    Skip to
    v 4.9.12 of base plug-in instead.

    As always we strongly urge everyone to have VAULTPRESS or JET PAck or some sort of back up service before updating any plug-ins.

    If you DID update the base plugin of SLP to 4.9.11, see Lances article about restoring the option tables.

    in reply to: Center of map at start #56393

    Sorry, leif, something slipped thru testing…

    and a bug was in SLP 4.9.11. Lance has already fixed it…for most people they will just need to restore from their recent back-up prior to the update.

    Please see article for more details.

    in reply to: Google API not loading #56392

    We apologize for the inconvenience. You should be able to use your old Google API , the key should still be available in your developer console project. Do not add restrictor keys the way Google tells you to, that is not correct info.

    See the developers article about the bug in 4.9.11 and the way to restore from back up or if you have the experience add-on to reset option tables

    in reply to: Google API not loading #56383

    P.S. Did you add your key under the right field under the General

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Cici.
    in reply to: Google API not loading #56382

    It looked like you were grandfathered in because we see multiple messages, one says No Google MAP APi key and another shows something about a geodocding javascript API .
    I see that on the Google developer console they are now telling people to get unrestricted for testing but then when they move to production add browser restrictions…
    But for the key to work there should NOT be restrictions in the key as far as I know. there should be No restrictions added for the Google MAP API key to work in SLP.
    We will investigate further as these appear to be new instructions from Google and they are misleading. (I am guessing it is so they can sell Google Ads, I do not know at this time)

    Could you provide your Plugin Environment per the posting guidelines?

    Additional info would also help: did you migrate your site recently from Http to https , update any other plugins, WP, or themes? Can you roll back using your back-up to before your update?

    in reply to: Cannot change "Featured" option #56370

    tested with the Experience and SLP 4,9,11 on test site and the un checking feature is working

    It was a bug in the base plugin.

    So once the testing has completed it will be published, or you can download the SLP pre releases 4.9.11. beta on staging to see if it works for you. Expect testing to be done by end of week and readty to publish by tomorrow but the more people testing the merrier and quicker. thx

    in reply to: Cannot change "Featured" option #56369

    Hi Lisa,

    We have a few new updates that lance has in Pre -release 4.9.11. beta that are being tested. As a premier subscriber you should be able to see them under Downloads under pre releases. If you could upload the new pre release and see if that bug is fixed. I have not checked his release notes as yet to see if that was addressed but he did say there was a bug in the Experience add-0n that he addressed.

    Only Use them on your staging or test site, not your production site. There was a bug in the way the options and settings were being initialized.

    Thank you for letting us know. If you do not see the pre release and want to test it on your staging site, send a quick email to support, or if you are on the Slack channel we can provide the zip file there.

    in reply to: Display Tag Dropdown #56367

    Correct, if you are using the shortcode “Only with = “one specific tag”, then there is no reason to have a tag drop down selector for your customer to choose from if in essence you are only going to display the results for ONE tag…

    Think of it as a true false statement. Do you want to give them a choice or are you making the choice for them.

    in reply to: Destination Markers #56361

    Good to know, thanks for getting back to us and letting us know it has been resolved.

    in reply to: Locator not working On HTTPS URL #56359

    Glad you found the problem. Thanks for letting us kn ow it is resolved.

    in reply to: Locator not working On HTTPS URL #56348

    P.S. We inspected your site when you wrote in the support contact email and your theme was breaking or preventing SLp from firing off. Did you get that fixed?

    in reply to: Locator not working On HTTPS URL #56347

    P.S. We inspected your site when you wrote in the support contact email and your theme was breaking or preventing SLp from firing off. Did you get that fixed?

    in reply to: Locator not working On HTTPS URL #56346

    I noted that you just updated to premier.

    Make sure your site is backed up. Especially if you recently migrated from http to https , hopefully that was done before any migrations.

    Make sure you have the Power add-on

    and the experience add-on downloaded.

    If you updated just SLP and left the old legacy add-ons, they will not work.

    They should deactivate any of your legacy add-ons.

    If you need assistance let us know

    in reply to: Destination Markers #56343

    Something, a plugin or your theme is breaking Javascript in your admin library.
    WordPress Store Locator Plus map rendering and the library management is managed by the slp.js JavaScript file. It sets up the communication with the built-in WordPress AJAX handler, admin-ajax. Your server must be setup to allow the built-in WordPress AJAX handler to execute. Additionally, ANY PLUGIN or THEME that is breaking javascript will break SLP functionality.See the troubleshooting or how to debug your plugins

    in reply to: Destination Markers #56342

    I have no idea why you cannot see them. I cannot recreate the issue. Can you provide a screenshot of your plugin environment/

    Is your site in English?

    in reply to: Need ranking among our shops. #56341

    The importing is part of the Power add-on, the others (enhanced etc) are part of experience add-on. They are two separate add-ons

    Refer to the Import documentation for information.

    with Power add-on the import process is done via a cs file. If you need to export locations before upgrading your site that is also a Power add-on feature.

    To get both and all the other features you could buy Premier subscription.

    see the product details for both/all.

    You can also check the Buyers guide.

    in reply to: Plugins Update Path #56340

    Update to the latest release.
    The version numbers do not always match. Sometimes the developer pushes a release on the base product to fix a bug or an add-on, not always at the same time if one patch does not effect the other.

    You can see current versions that are in production here.
    (You can subscribe to the Premier forum if you have Premier. We tend to answer those questions first.)

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