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  • in reply to: Critical error – SLP Power #83971


    Yes, I see you downloaded the free SLP base plug-in.

    But I do not see anything in the support.  You need to log into your account and use the current version of Power as well if you are using that or any other add-ons.



    in reply to: Critical error – SLP Power #83966

    If you can provide the environment for the Plug-in it should also show the PHP. I looked at your site and it appeared you had 2301-14 version of base plug-in. We are now on 2503.20 But hold off updating until you send the debug log.

    If you downloaded a newer version of Power it may not work  with older versions of plug-in.


    in reply to: Critical error – SLP Power #83965

    Hello Carolyn,

    Can you email support with the debug log.   The developer would like to look at it to narrow down the issues.   Also what version of SLP and Power are you using?

    Contact Us 

    in reply to: Security Vulnerability #83956

    The “vulnerability” is a non issue . Because of the chaos surrounding the WP and WP engine we have not been able to get them to respond.

    We will be having another update before the end of this month if you want to wait.

    You would have to  download the plug-in and manually update , there is no auto updates of  SLP plug-in through WordPress.

    in reply to: Geocode Error #83955

    The version you are showing does not exist. When I visited your site it was showing a version of SLP from at least 6 years ago.

    We do not have an add-on called pro.

    I cannot recreate your issue. If you wish to update to a current version of the plug-in, Log into the  SLP account in the versions and download the current SLP version. I do not know if it will be compatible with the rest of your plug-ins if you have not updated them as well.    As far as not geocoding, you would have to look at your Google API key and make sure you have the right kind. They changed billing multiple times over the years and again on March 1.

    Alternatively you can switch over to the SLP SaaS. Read in documentation the pros and cons.

    in reply to: More Info on Settings Tools tab does not refresh #83921

    P.S. If you update to newer versions , that may solve the issue. There will be another update coming end of Feb- march


    in reply to: Upload CSV file gives internal server 500 error #83920

    I believe this was answered in the support email

    I do not see any huge issues with that csv file, so not sure what to tell you.  Make sure you are using the latest versions.

    Double check that csv file for formatting.

    P.S. I imported the CSV file that you attached into  my SLP SaaS Staging site. (new release scheduled for the end of the month) and the import was slow but the entire file did import correctly, even the locations that had  obvious errors (like Australia as a zip code with country US)

    in reply to: More Info on Settings Tools tab does not refresh #83918


    lance is concentrating on updates to the SLP SaaS. I have no idea what version 2025.19.02 is. The ;last update to the WP plugin is version 23….

    I am no longer testing , nor do I have access to those old versions.

    We are suggesting customers move over to the SaaS.

    Side note:

    Because of the  recent chaos in the WordPress environment over the WP Engine controversy and related funding issues, we’ve been having problems getting responses from This is preventing our updates with Store Locator Plus® from being listed in the WordPress plugin directory. This ongoing lack of stability within the WordPress plugin directory has led us to make the decision to focus efforts on our SaaS offering. The SaaS offering provides our service on all web presence platforms, including WordPress.


    in reply to: Security Vulnerability #83691

    P.S. If you go to the  site reporting this you will see  this ”


    This security issue has a low severity impact and is unlikely to be exploited.

    in reply to: Security Vulnerability #83690

    This is not a vulnerability. The developer is aware of this as identified by the poster  ,

    when the  locations in your dataset is marked private  you can still find the url.

    We do not see this as sensitive or a vulnerability considering the type of use the plug-in is intended for.  Just delete any  locations you don’t want to be shown instead of marking them as private.

    Please list any other issues you have found or specific info  reported if it turns out that’s not the “sensitive data” they are referring to.

    The plug-in is not intend for sensitive data use. It is intended for the ability to find locations for your customers queries.


    in reply to: Plugin Vulnerability #83671

    This is not a vulnerability. The developer is aware of this and identified  , the “Private” marked locations in your dataset can be located through their URL. We do not see this as a vulnerability..

    Do you have any locations in your dataset marked as private?


    Simply do not mark locations as private in your data set.

    Please list any other issues you have found.

    in reply to: Vulnerability Found #83646

    Could you  share what sensitive data exposure was found  as a vulnerability so I can pass it on to the plug-in developer?  He is working on updates as time permits.


    in reply to: Post code / Zip code search does not work #83550

    I believe we answered this via email, but for others reading this”

    If you are using the plug-in version , make sure you have the Australia map set on the site where you have the plug-in installed. As far as the search by zip code, that is entirely dependent on what Google determines. You will need to reach out to them. You might be able to add the append to search short code if all the locations are in Australia on your customers site. That would require the Experience add-on to use that short code

    I have tested the zip code 2000 on my test site page for Australia and no problems returning that zip code. ( See attached, we are also using the append to search Australia short code)

    if you were using our SLP SaaS we could add some addresses into our list for the search engine to return the correct zip code response before it uses the Google API..

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Contact Google. We have no control over the results for our Plug-in customers.

    We suggest adding text that help guide your site visitors when that happens . The instructions can be useful to ask them to add more info when searching (such as State or city and zip) .

    in reply to: Premier Subscription not working #83459


    I edited under your profile in back end that you were a Premier participant and updated you.  Please log into your account and refer to the Premier INFO now to see your Premier ID.


    Thanks for letting us KNOW

    in reply to: Premier Subscription not working #83458

    I see. I am reporting this to the developer to find out if he updated anything that would make that section not visible.


    Thank you for reporting this to us. I will get back to you as soon as possible.  Could you also send this info to Support under Contact us so we can provide you with private info regarding your subscription if necessary?


    in reply to: PHP 8 compatibility #83399

    Hi Jeff, Could you provide a  screen snap shot of your SLP plug-in environment .


    You can find the under the SLP plug-in Info Tab in right hand corner the word ENVIRONMENT.


    in reply to: Unable to Update SLP Premier Plugin #83365

    Is this you?

    Patrick Moore


    If so, you do not have a Premier subscription under that account.

    You purchased the Power add-on in 2018.

    Before that you had Legacy add-ons that were bought in 2015.

    If you want the Premier plug-in the sign up fee and subscription price was lowered.

    If you have a different name and I am not finding the right person, you will have to send support an email .



    in reply to: Premier options not showing up and related errors #83354


    If you want to leave a positive review about the support only you can leave it here in WordPress.

    No need to mention Premier or add-on issues ( that flags it to WP team and they will say its not the right place to comment)




    in reply to: Premier options not showing up and related errors #83350


    As far as the second question:

    I just noticed it, You had  two different Premier subscriptions for the association.  Only one is currently active so make sure that is the one you are accessing.

    Instead of trying to activate from the back end under Plug-ins you may have to download it directly from your account and manually install/activate /update if you are not sure you have the right account id let me know and I can look it up for you again.  I believe the email that was under your org name  should be used to log into your account and access all the plug-ins and add-ons.

    If you have any questions you can email us @ support under contact us.



    in reply to: Premier options not showing up and related errors #83348

    Hello Allison,

    This has nothing to do with Store Locator Plus. When you see that message it is directly from Google. You must have billing enabled when you use the plug-in version (If you were using the SLP SaaS version we handle all that for our clients)

    If you use dev tools in your browser you will see the error.[Error]

    You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at Learn more at

    (anonymous function) (js:138:255)

    (anonymous function) (common.js:234:745)

    (anonymous function) (js:282:466)

    (anonymous function) (js:283:280)

    d (js:282:348)

    vfa (js:235:1525)



    in reply to: Premier Version – Clustering Feature #83252

    Berenice looking at your site url here

    specifically under the USA dealers you have a WP Admin Ajax folder that is showing the below.  Somehow it appears the version at least for that page is not current. It is showing as ver=1647539720 which is not the current version .  The versions you have listed above are the current versions.

    Us any browser developer tools to see what is being reflected. Perhaps you have a parent child scenario?  Or am I looking at the wrong site?


    “success”: true,

        “slp_version”: “4.9.19”,

    “data_queries”: {

    “standard_location_load”: {

    “query_slugs”: [




    in reply to: Premier Version – Clustering Feature #83248


    The versions appear ok, but I cannot reproduce your issue.

    Is this the site you are working with

    If you have a clone, staging or test site ,  try  making some changes to settings on :

    Under Settings/View  change the SLP layout/view to default. (It appears you have chosen a non standard layout of the map that may have been discontinued and not all built in layouts utilize the Premier commands)

    Try turning off other plug-ins to see if there is anything that is a  conflict.

    Try utilizing a plain vanilla WP theme to see if the cluster map markers work then.


    in reply to: Premier Version – Clustering Feature #83246

    Please provide the Plug-in info which will show us the versions you are using.

    I tested the cluster map marker on my test site with 90 and 2 and it is working correctly.

    So if you need to update please do so. If you need help please provide the info required including the site URL where you are having issues.


    in reply to: Placeholder text in Address Field #83175


    Go to the Store Locator Plus/Settings tab/ Search.

    Scroll down to Address placeholder. See example attached where I added Search here text.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
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