Did you know our MySLP SaaS offers most of the features you get with the premium add ons you see in our Store Locator Plus® add on store?

Instead of spending time managing plugins or installing software, spend time building your business. You have better things to do than figure out why your server cannot load more than 50 locations. Or why the firewall shut down access from all users on the West Coast at 10AM on a Monday. No map license keys, API libraries, or query limits. Let us worry about those things.


Power provides the location import and export features that can load tens-of-thousands of locations at one time.    Categorize locations and add SEO friendly pages built from your location data.

This add on includes extended contact information data fields and a directory builder for creating text-only listings of cities, states, or counties for your locations that can link to map or simple text listings.


The Experience add on is what you need to custom-tailor the user experience of the locator.  Tailor the search form, the list of locations, the contents of the popup info bubble, the placement of the map relative to the search form and locations, and the inner styling of the map itself.   It also includes widgets to place searches on other pages.

This product includes all of the features of the prior Enhanced Search, Enhanced Results, Enhanced Map, and Widgets add ons.