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  • in reply to: Import hanging up #58584

    I’ve actually reached out to the server via a support ticket because I cloned the live site into a test environment on the same server and it worked there.

    I tried checking the box to skip geocoding and it still doesn’t progress past 0% (see the attached image).

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    in reply to: Import hanging up #58577

    I should also note that this has worked in the past, as early as October 2018. Could it be an issue with WordPress 5.0.x?

    in reply to: Import hanging up #58576

    I turned on import messages in General/Admin but they’re still not showing up.

    The odd thing is we have another site using the same plugin environment on the same server and it’s working fine. I also tested everything locally and it worked fine.

    in reply to: Import hanging up #58558

    I don’t seem to be getting any import messages. The screen never advances past the 0% loader. However, I can confirm that the csv file is being uploaded to the server.

    The columns I’m using are:

    sl_store    sl_address    sl_address2    sl_city    sl_state    sl_zip    sl_phone

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by grayloon.
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    in reply to: Confusing Notifications #57298

    Issue resolve. For whatever reason the store locator table had not been created on install.

    To my original issue, the notifications are confusing and I hope you’ll consider passing to the dev team so that they might provide more useful information in those notifications.


    in reply to: Confusing Notifications #57294

    It wasn’t added and I don’t think the google server is busy.

    So outside of the above, you have no additional resources or suggestions?

    in reply to: Confusing Notifications #57284

    I’ve test the ajax connection via the instructions on this page:
    Result in screen shot below.

    I have included a screen shot of the plugin environment reference.

    I have not set up a page yet. I’m stuck at the “Adding Locations” step in the How To (see screenshot). Can we narrow the scope of this discussion to that step?

    Included are a series of screen shots labeled “ScreenX” where X is a number. This shows the series of steps I’m taking and the results I’m getting.

    Screen 3 is where I’m confused. Screen shot shows what I’m confused about. What I want to know is how do I figure out what those notifications are about. That’s all I want to know.

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    in reply to: Confusing Notifications #57280

    The geocoding api is active. Has no api restrictions.

    Screen shots reflect manually input of data. Yes, I did download the csv, and yes, I am trying to get the point where we can uplaods csv, but that’s not what I’m trying to fix right now. It’s just dummy data being manually inputed on the “add” panel in the app.

    So if I’m reading your response, by providing the site url, you should be able to provide me with log messages that will shed light on the issue, correct?

    This site url is:

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