Hi, sorry I have been offline a few days and did not work over the weekend..
I checked the link and it loaded aerial view as I assume you changed to aerial view. Has this issue been resolved? If a map isn’t loading , use the browsers inspect or developer tools to see if there is a conflict.
For instance, I checked using Inspect and saw this warning :
Google Maps API warning: InvalidKey https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#invalid-key
main.min.js?ver=4.6.1:1 40 1010 940 5
main.min.js?ver=4.6.1:1 40 1010 940 5
In this case it appears you are not using a valid key. If you are using an API key associated with a different domain you will receive warnings or failures. If you have added ANY restircions such as a referrer the google Map API key wont work.
Otherwise, Maps not loading is usually an issue with either conflicting plugin or your theme.
See troubleshooting tips