Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Store Locator Tool Not Working

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Cici.
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  • #82826


    I am not an IT person and our web site developer was unable to solve the issue. Word press and store locator are companies wihtout real technical support so I have to post on a forum to get a response (ridiculous and absurd)

    The store lcoator tool plugin is not working. It states that “Store Locator Plus® requires PHP 7.2 to function properly and has been deactivated.”Godaddy was running php 7.2 on this server for your site.  I changed it to PHP 7.4, but that store plugin is still throwing that same warning. <b></b><span style=”font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: ‘Calibri’,sans-serif; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;”><!– [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–>

    The thing is….it is not deactivated in the dashboard.  It is active.   If I try to activate your Pro-pack add on for that plugin, it says

    “Store Locator Plus Pro requires Store Locator Plus to function properly. This plugin has been deactivated. Please install Store Locator Plus.”

    It seems as though there is a software issue with the store locator plugin.

    I need help ASAP.


    Pro Pack Add-on has been defunct for over 6 years…It is a Legacy Add-on.  I see that you spent $12.50 for Pro Pack in 2013.

    As you can imagine that version is not going to work with any current version of Store Locator Plus or any version 5 and above.  We provided – two years notice to our customers.

    We need more information to process your query.

    If you have Store locator Plus please follow the Posting guidelines are and provide us the url, the Plugin environment which can be found under the info tab.

    As a side note.  If plug-ins and tools are “free” then I am sure you can understand that we need to pay  a support person , this means it would be a net negative cash flow and any business, and many plug-ins are abandoned . Most plug-ins have add-ons that are purchased in order too pay for development and support. If you went into a restaurant and didn’t buy anything but wanted the wait staff on hand just in case or to serve you water all day the business would not thrive.

    I understand about your complaint about support, but this is not a hobby for us.


    Alternatively, if you have No experience with adding Google APIS, Troubleshooting, Updating PHP, Updating plug-ins a good alternative would be to sign up for the SaaS Store Locator Plus version. The price starts as low as $5 a month for an advance plan.   You can cancel at any time.  We have access to the back end so can readily assist you.



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