Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Search by city or postal code not working


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  • #56726


    We have been using SLP for a while now and very happy with it.

    Noticed an issue recently that locations are displayed according to the default set up but if we try to find stores located near a specific city or using a postal code (we’re in Canada, ay…) the address box reverts to blank and the overall results are displayed.

    This is our page:

    Any help would be appreciated.



    without knowing what you are using for versions add-ons etc: (see posting guidelines )

    I quickly went to your site page, it took a while to load but either way, you can also check using a browser drop down under developer tools AND inspect the console.
    You will see these errors:

    js?key=AIzaSyDzCNhUx_nNpDNHtnDVZrBGhj3LEPQj-ek&language=en&ver=4.9.6:95 You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.
    Eg @ js?key=AIzaSyDzCNhUx_nNpDNHtnDVZrBGhj3LEPQj-ek&language=en&ver=4.9.6:95
    crfA3JdGF0U.js:57 ErrorUtils caught an error: “<![EX[[“Bootloader: %s is not in the component map”,”GeneratedArtilleryUserTi…”. Subsequent errors won’t be logged; see
    reportError @ crfA3JdGF0U.js:57
    crfA3JdGF0U.js:57 ErrorUtils caught an error: “<![EX[[“Bootloader: %s is not in the component map”,”GeneratedArtilleryUserTi…”. Subsequent errors won’t be logged; see
    reportError @ crfA3JdGF0U.js:57


    If you reply or post again:


    Please  provide your Plugin environment for SLP as requested (seee Posting guidelines)..


    Hi Again,

    sorry about that, we are using the basic SLP Plus, Version 4.9.15

    WordPress Version:4.9.6

    PHP Version:5.6.32

    MySQL Version:5.6.32

    PHP Limit:256M

    WordPress General Limit:40M

    WordPress Admin Limit:256M

    PHP Peak RAM:89 MB

    PHP Post Max Size:64M

    Hope this helps.



    Thank you,
    1) If you would like the results to load closest to the user when they search you would need to have a secure site (https)

    2) Check to see if another plugin or your theme is causing the errors as mentioned above that are preventing SLP to woork properly.

    info on Troubleshooting and things to look for in documentation

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