Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Premier Support Premier options not showing up and related errors

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  • #83340


    Our site ( currently has a premier subscription but we are seeing the “for development purposes only” error message. There has been no changes made to our subscription. Our plug-in Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Version 2307.11.01 is activated but it will not allow me to active the premier add on (error: No plug-in found).

    Our wordpress is version 6.3.1.

    Any direction of how we can remedy this would be appreciated!</span>


    • This topic was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by alison.howard.

    Hello Allison,

    This has nothing to do with Store Locator Plus. When you see that message it is directly from Google. You must have billing enabled when you use the plug-in version (If you were using the SLP SaaS version we handle all that for our clients)

    If you use dev tools in your browser you will see the error.[Error]

    You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at Learn more at

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    As far as the second question:

    I just noticed it, You had  two different Premier subscriptions for the association.  Only one is currently active so make sure that is the one you are accessing.

    Instead of trying to activate from the back end under Plug-ins you may have to download it directly from your account and manually install/activate /update if you are not sure you have the right account id let me know and I can look it up for you again.  I believe the email that was under your org name  should be used to log into your account and access all the plug-ins and add-ons.

    If you have any questions you can email us @ support under contact us.




    Thank you. This helped and I was able to resolve the issue. I appreciate your assistance!



    If you want to leave a positive review about the support only you can leave it here in WordPress.

    No need to mention Premier or add-on issues ( that flags it to WP team and they will say its not the right place to comment)




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