Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Not all addresses included with import

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    Hello. I imported my csv file — 750 locations. about 50 of those locations did not import the street address.  All other information imported (name, zip, phone, etc). Help!

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    Hello Donald,
    We request that you provide your plugin environmnet and store locator page url, (see Looking for support and Posting Guidelines
    FAQ Review the hgints and tips under FAQ and the Documentation about Imports and CV file formats

    A screen shot like what you provided does not provide us enough information to help you. The actual CSV file might give us a clue, but you can review that yourself and ensure it was set up or converted from excel etc, correctly.

    But , in this case, just by looking at your screen shot (without a CSV file to compare), I can surmise that you have some errors in your CSV file. See the first line that does not have a street address? Agri-AFC (Arabi)

    Look at that phone number, it is missing a leading parentheses whereas all the others have the leading parentheses, ditto the next line. This tells me that it is probably in the wrong column or not separated by a comma, or the parentheses around the store name is being read incorrectly (in which case put it in quotes, )  orthere is  a special character in those address  lines that caused them to not import correctly.  Review your CSV file and you will probably be able to see the errors.


    I have tried removing anything that appears to be an issue — no change. I have noticed that nearly all of the locations are in Alabama — not ALL of the locations, but nearly all? I cross-referenced with Google — actually typed the name the same way they are in google maps and still not coming up.

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    I looked at your CSV file and there are still many  errors,,,quotes around  street addresses, and within the names  with double quotes. ::: also  spaces where there shouldn’t be after  street names, double ampersands

    This indicates that the excel file or whatever was used to create the list, someone is adding a hard return or shift tab. or something which is is adding special file characters where they shouldn’t be.  Do a search of your file and  you can easily find the quotation marks  in the csv file by using the find next button , see attached

    Altha Farmers Co-Op,”18453 Main Street, North “,Blountstown,FL,32424,(850) 674-8194

    Another  prime example below
    “Big “”A”” Farm & Ranch”,699 Earlene Sizemore Road,Sumner,GA,31789,(229) 402-4969

    I even tried to search for some the way you have them in your csv file, searched in Google maps and got:

    Your search for “Big “”A”” Farm & Ranch”,699 Earlene Sizemore Road,Sumner,GA,31789, did not match with any results.


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    Thanks for responding. Here is what is so odd — the Big A is not one of the problem locations — it has an address. And those characters are NOT in my excel file — they only appear when converted to csv file. And why are all of the locations in and around Alabama — even though I have cross-referenced w Google.


    Can you provide me with your Plugin Environment and url, (see Posting guidelines) also your settings under Search , radius and import

    Do you have Enhanced Results or Experience add-on with a setting for order results by?

    Understand about Excel ,,,,the extra characters sometimes show up in the csv files when a shift/tab or carriage return is inadvertently entered when the data is added in the actual Excel file (and it would be invisible to you in EExcel format unless you viewed the formatting in excel you might see it) . that is why we suggest exporting to Google Docs and downloading to a csv file from there.  Excel is crazy depending on versions you use doesn’t forgive you or forget the original format after the fact  you need to format the columns before entering.  For instance, I had an issue with excel dropping the leading zero on a zip code, that causes the inactive geocoding issue,

    The last question I am not following you at all

    Are you saying Google is geocoding incorrectly or that all your locations are showing up on the map as  Alabama first?

    or that only Alabama isn’t loading at all on import?

    If they arent importing at all then it must be those lines in youe csv file or you are over your quota when it gets to those lines?  we have nothing against AL and I dont think Google does…they seem to not like Australia zip codes but


    Halelujiah, I think I got it! Apparently there were hidden spaces in the excel file that would not show up until it got into the tab delineated format. It took quite a bit of running around to figure it out — converted the excel to csv, then opened the csv in TextEdit (mac) to view w the commas. Did a search for all the the commas and quote marks.

    Then for some reason, I couldn’t bulk delete all of the locations at one time (728 locations). It would give me a random number of locations to delete at one time (sometimes 50, sometimes 2, etc). Finally got over that hump. Then it gave me a geo coding error — which I worked out.

    All seems to be good to go. Thanks VERY much Cici!!!


    I am  so happy  that I was able to shed light on crazy excel.

    P.S. there is Janitor for SLP it is free. any time you need to reset certain options etc . The bulk action will only delete what is on that particular page, so if it is showing 10 locations then it will only delete 10 locations at a time, if you set the filter to display 50 locations, and then  check all and delete permanently , and hit APPLY (I always forget that) it will delete the 50 on that page, ditto 100 etc…. ,

    As a side note if you DO ever re-set the Amin UI display to a high number like 1,000 and forget to reset it back down before trying to reload the locations page, it will freeze up  the locations page so you wont be able to see it to manage etc,,,if your server cant handle it.

    As a result of this happening ,  more than once to people , the developer added a   new feature so you don’t have to use Janitor if that ever happens

    Now you can reset the manage locations  display right in the SLP base plugin under GENERAL/ADMIN reset manage locations. it resets back to 10 locations per page…on the back end not the front end of course.

    f you like Store Locator Plus please leave me a ★★★★★ rating on
    A huge thank you from Lance and his fellow code geeks!

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