Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Premier Support Losing Categories With Experience Plugin

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  • #81347
    Jesse Kurrasch

    I am very confused with all the WordPress Plugins.  I created a bunch of categories for the search function on the map.  I created a Category for the search as a dropdown.  I was then told to move to the Experience plugin so I can better design the look of the search.

    I lost all categories and when I added the <span style=”background-color: #dae0e7; color: #101419; font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, ‘Segoe UI’, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;”>[slp_search_element dropdown_with_label=”category”] </span>

    Nothing showed.  This is a great program, but the search looks sloppy and I’m trying to make it look more organized and I need the categories.


    Thank you for your help.


    Please, provide your plug-in environment when posting in the forums.  I had to look up your name, and order to see the  Premier and the site. Note: If someone else were to answer in the forum they would not have access to that info and wouldn’t be able to help

    The Experience add-on would NOT make you “lose categories”.  EXP does not have anything to do with categories.  Categories are part of the Power add-on

    Did you recently update plug-ins?  Did you back up your site first and are you working on a test site or staging site and  not the live site ?  If making changes it is always advisable to work on staging sites, ditto before updating plug-ins themes etc

    I believe someone from your team wrote into support and asked about adding CSS.  In order to add CSS to the SLP style you need to activate the Experience add-on.

    Your theme or other plug-in is dominating the look of the page the map is on.

    You can add CSS under Settings/view.  or, depending on what you need to do, WP also now has CSS capabilities.

    Or if you were using a Legacy Locator style (examples Above and beyond1 , 2 , 3

    See Legacy Locator Style

    Custom CSS support is built into WordPress core and themes only need to tell WordPress they support that option to enable the functionality. Many modern themes now include this option. Go to Appearance | Customize | Additional CSS and paste the CSS there.

    Please provide more info about losing categories and provide the link to your test site or the page where your categories are being shown or not shown so that i can better assist you


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