Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Fatal Error – Cannot Access Website

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  • #43280

    My website is down, please help. I have no idea why or how to fix it. We use Store Locator Plus on one of our pages and have been locked out for two days with the following message. We have no developer on site to know what this means:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function stripslashes_from_strings_only() in <b>/var/www/wp-content/plugins/store-locator-le/include/module/options/SLP_Options.php</b> on line <b>369</b>



    I clicked on your site and I didnt see anything broken.

    Could you provide the exact page that is broken that you are using Store locator plus on?

    We also need Your Plugin environment which will indicate versions, add-ons and version of WordPress(see under your Plugins click on SLP, click on INFO)

    It appears based on that error message you may have been using an older version of Word press that at the moment is not compatible with the version of Store locator Plus, but I cant be sure without more information.


    We were down too long, we had to have a developer pinpoint the problem and help us resolve it.


    Ok, Could you let us know what it was?

    Are you using  Multisites? The developer discovered something in WP 4.6 changed the handling of multi site get sites and is updating code for next version release

    Lance Cleveland

    There is a patch coming in SLP 4.6.2 for that issue.


    The problem is the function used in the SLP 4.6.1 code is only available in WordPress 4.4 or higher.     The 4.6.2 patch for SLP replicates the code for that broken function within SLP itself.   Not a great way to do things for performance reasons (re-inventing the wheel) but to maintain compatibility with older versions of WordPress the extra overhead needs to go into the SLP code.

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