just as the title suggests, is it possible to have different styles, depending on what window size the user is using?
I am currently using a style with search and results on the left and map on the right. Trying to use the map with a mobile becomes very difficuly as everything goes incredibly narrow. I would like to use a style that has the search above the map and now reslts list, or maybe a results list in a scrollable list (so it isnt endlessly long) – similar to the style “Hidden Results”.
I don’t mind creating the style myself and I do know that I can change the boxes around via the Locator Layout box enabled by the Pro Pack in Experience – View in the settings but I am not sure how to implement this so that it depends on the screen size.
Or am I wanting something impossible?
I have everything up to date and have the following add-ons:
Pro Pack
Enhanced Results (Legacy)
Enhanced Search (Legacy)
Social Media Extender