Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Split: result go to a link to SEO store page

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Cici.
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  • #45168

    Hi, I see this has been asked before but not answered – the video just explains how to link to store page instead of website urls, but results still open in map in bubbles when you click on them – how can results be changed to ONLY link to store pages? This is quite important, especially when you have the map disabled or when you have a lot of results – if you then click on a result and it links to bubble, nothing happens since map is not there or results list is too long to show the map!

    Help please 🙂 Thanks!



    I just found a solution!


    In Experience -> Results -> Appearance


    wrap the whole: div id=”slp_results_[slp_location id]” …..


    with: a href=”[slp_location sl_pages_url]”


    and a closing tag  at the very end of everything – this makes the clicks on the results show up on the map but then automatically link to the store page of the result. Hope this helps someone ?



    But this isn’t the “click on the map info bubble” that I thought you were asking about.  The Post from a year ago is no longer valid because of the amount of changes.  You are clever and understand html and css…lots of people out there do not understand and try to customize their own solutions, so there are tutorial videos . Thanks fir taking the time. You can also create a tutorial videoon you tube and mention WP SLP that would be amazing.




    Thanks 🙂 It’s a great and customizable plugin!! Very versatile. Took a while to figure out the correct shortcode, is there a complete list of ALL shortcodes available with a short explanation?

    Might do a video tutorial about this topic as soon as I find the time.


    doh :\ I just realized that somehow, after upgrade to 4.7.6 this wrapping the div does no longer work – I can see the link in the source code but nothing except popup of bubble in map happens…. any other idea where to change what to make the whole div of a result location link to its store page…..?


    unfortunately that happens when you customize your own solution. Sometimes changes to the code undo your creative solution

    Here are links to short codes, data fields and SEO Pages

    Layout Shortcode Cheat Sheet

    I know I may have mentioned it before, but new or special requests from Premier customers do get “first ups” in regards to  answers from the developer (instead of just me), and  the developers attention when they want , or see a feature they would like to have. He often builds the requested feature into the next Premier release  if it provides  a useful function for multiple customers that would  warrant the additional coding time.


    I mentioned it to Lance and when he  retooled the javascript in 4.7.6 this may have caused your improvised solution to no longer work.  He just wrote an article about the changes here.


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