Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Split: Could not locate this address. Please try a different location.

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  • #57420

    Hi, I have the same problem in my site:

    If you type in any ZIP, you’ll get the message “Could not locate this address. Please try a different location”.

    Can you help me?




    Please refer to the posting in the forum guidelines.

    It is not a good idea to glom onto another persons post, you may have different versions of the plugin. Also the first sentence, i.e Did you get a Google API key.  Looking at your url, you have many errors or involving the Google APi keys:

    =4.9.19:95 You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.
    Mg @ js?libraries=geometry&language=pt-BR&region=BR&key=
    js?libraries=geometry&language=pt-4.9.19:39 Geocoding Service: This API project is not authorized to use this API. For more information on authentication and Google Maps JavaScript API services please see:
    _.Nb @ js?libraries=geometry&language=pt-
    slp_core.min.js?ver=1535755981:1 Map set to fallback lat/lng: -30.0281574 , -51.2286422


    I have no idea what location you are trying to load, but you need to enable the geocoding API for your site. The error message on your site states that specifically you have not enabled or if you did, it is not authorized for the site you are trying to use it on.

    See documentation

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Cici.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Cici.

    Carolina, to clarify, I am guessing that you added the Google MAPS Javascriot API and pasted the exact same key in both fields. that would explain the first error message we see on your site. i.e Google Maps Javascript used multiple times. Both errors point to SLP version 4.9.19.

    There are two places to enter keys. You only need to add the Maps Javascript API key under the First one if you did not restrict via referreres.

    The seond error shows that you did not enable the Geocoding API that you need to have for a search by zip code or to be able to geocode any locations with correct lat/long.

    As mentioned in our Getting started documentation you do not need to get a separate Key but you DO need to authorize the Geocoding API in your Project. Google bills the two services at different rates, therefore they need to ensure that you have both APIs
    Your other option is to try the MySLP subscription plan for your site. You would probably want to be able to modify the results layout. if so you would want the professional plan. You can always start out with the Advance plan and move up to which ever plan best meets your needs,


    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Problem solved! It was the Geocoding API authorization.

    best regards,


    Thanks for letting us know

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