Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Specific zip code doesn't work


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  • #40538

    If you take a look at this page: you can enter zip codes into the Search by Address field and it nearly always works. But there are certain zip codes that seem to be broken somehow. For example:

    62917 – correctly finds a dealer in IN

    62919 – correctly finds a dealer in KY

    62918 – gives no results and puts a pin in Saudi Arabia? Wha…??? 62918 is a real, valid zip code in Carterville, Illinois. I’ve got my search radius set to 500 miles, so there should definitely be results shown.

    I am using:

    Store Locator Plus Version 4.4.37
    Store Locator Plus :: Enhanced Search Version 4.3.03
    Store Locator Plus :: Pro Pack Version 4.4.04



    See the answers to Tabitha posts.  Google has decided to move some zip codes out of the US>.  And there is absolutely nothing we can do at the moment until the developer comes up with yet another magic pill. So in the meantime (see the forum post link above) The  solution is to make people specify more than the zipcode.

    Google has also moved a zip code in Ohio to the Ukraine, when I set my map to only use the USA Google map domain, it was kind enough to send me to Alaska instead of Ohio or  the Ukraine.  It is frustrating and periodically Google changes their algorithms for unknown reasons but make sure it only effects the Developers API….   You can see that it is actually an error in their own  Google API,  they allow you to test and enter a zip code, they know I am in US and they sent me to Saudi Arabia just like you said. (My screenshot attached.)

    Google Developers API search zip cde


    Lance has published many Blogs about this issue.


    Excerpt from the developer:

    Here is a way to test if region influence works:

    Top one is Spain.   Bottom is USA.
    Have an address that is not working?   Try this first…
    When your map domain in USA the &region=US is what we send to Google…. this URL uses the same service as the Google Maps JavaScript API.


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