Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Premier Support Show page list of SLP store pages within a specific category


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  • #82574
    Clare Hindle

    On our site, I need to show a simple page list of SLP store pages within a specific category. Each page list item needs to link to the relevant store page, and show the featured image and Store name.

    I am using the Divi Theme:, and I am using their blog component. This component can be filtered to show standard WP post categories, and/or different post types, but unfortunately it doesn’t pick up the SLP categories.

    What is the best way to achieve this? Is there e.g. a SLP shortcode I can use to show just a filtered list, with attributes such as the featured image? I will need to be able to amend the list with CSS, so some flexibility to be able to customise the markup/templating would be ideal.



    I believe we just answered the question from your email to support.

    In the future when posting in the forums please show the INFO requested versions etc. so that we can address for all our users, Example.

    You need the Power add-on, etc


    There are Directory listing functionality .


    See the documentation for more suggestions


    Clare Hindle

    Hello – Thanks for getting back

    For ref: This is for a Premier Subscription.

    Unfortunately the SLP docs are not very clear regarding the directory listing functionality, could you outline some more detail please…

    For ref: I have tried using the following shortcode:

    [slp_directory only_with_category=”members” style=”list”] – that returns one single state name, rather than the list of items I need – there are 17 stores in the category (called: ‘members’).

    I need the store titles (i.e. the name/title of the post/page), and the featured image.

    Many thanks.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Clare Hindle.

    What versions are you using on your site?


    Premier subscription does not provide us the plugin environment info needed.

    Please read posting guidelines . We need that info to better assist you.   A screenshot is best.

    Are you referring to SEO Pages. It sounds like that is what you want not just a directory” list. Review these below to see if those example are what you really need.


    Please note the slp_pages short code is only available with the Premier subscription. I believ3 you posted in the other forum as well


    P.S. Could you provide us the link where you are testing?  Also Do you have enable Pages under general Tab checked off?

    if you are using any SEO Pages criteria you need to check that off

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    Clare Hindle

    Hi – Thanks I have updated the plugins, and Premier is running again.

    I have ‘Enable Pages’ checked under the general tab.

    I am getting a list to come back now, using the ‘Custom Templates’ example provided on your website.

    The only thing that is not working for me are the images. I don’t have my images stored in the storepage field=’sl_image’ type=’image’  field. I am using the WordPress ‘Featured image’ field – see grab attached. Is there any way of referencing  the standard WordPress ‘Featured image’  from within the slp_pages style=’custom’ shortcode please?


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    Did you add the images in the media file in WP and do you have a url reference?  WP Info in the developers section might help

    if   you also have the Experience add-on activated there may be more options for you.  You can check some of the available shortcodes here.

    Additional EXP shortcodes

    I will ask the developer if there is an easier way to do what you want. He is not able to take on customizations currently.

    Clare Hindle

    That would be great, thanks.

    + yes, featured images in WordPress do have to be uploaded to the media library.

    Clare Hindle

    Hello – I was just wondering if you’d had a chance to talk to the developer about using the WordPress Featured image value with an slp_pages list yet please?


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