Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus SHORTCODE FOR CATEGORIES

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  • #81850
    Andrea Bertozzini

    Good morning,

    I would like to ask you a question that I have not found an answer to in the forum.

    I would like on this page ( the map to open with the results of the selected ITS category.

    Is it possible to do this by setting parameters in the short code?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Cici.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Cici.

    In order to assist you I need to know what versions of  The SLP plug-in

    I see you have bought the Power add-on  but we have no insight regarding your settings etc.

    Please provide the information required in posting guidelines.


    please visit our documentation pages  .

    Some links regarding category

    You may need to change the results layout

    or ,

    change the

    order by 


    When I searched that site using the drop down category selector for ITs I saw all but then refreshed and only saw the ITS category…I assume that is what you mean?


    You can  also make them featured if you have the Experience add-on.

    Check the Documentation pages for shortcodes, results and layouts for the WPSLP plug-in


    Or you can also have a separate page for each category using a shortcode such as

    [SLPLUS only_with_category=”ITS”]



    Cici, in the Results listing under the map, showing our locations, I need to be able to show the categories associated with that location. I haven’t been able to find a shortcode for the categories. Is that possible?





    I need more information. I.E What version of plug-in, what add-ons.

    Please provide the information under the Plug-in Environment (. See posting guidelines) .

    Check your settings under Results.  The settings for show categories in results layout  and which Plugin or Gallery style you are using all determine what is shown


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