Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Power Add-on Import Feature Frustration

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  • #43992

    WP 4.6.1, Experience and Power Add-ons (the latest)

    Presumably, the csv file has been imported. But locations are not added.

    Did get a message about meta data?

    Very frustrating.

    Also, is the “pre-release zip” supposed to be installed (that should have been indicated on the download email).



    As you can see from attached screen shot, I’m told my import executed but they don’t show up in the locations.


    Did you recheck under Locations after you refreshed your screen?

    It can take a minute to upload. If you have double checked could you  please provide your site url?

    Did you have duplicates handling add?  In other words were the locations already in your locations manager and were you updating them. See

    There are a few more pages in the docs site about imports and CSV file formats etc.

    if it said that 302 locations were added  I would have to say to refresh your locations and go back and check. It can take a little bit of time to show up if you are not on a dedicated server.




    Terry the link you sent me shows the front end but not the back end. Are you saying the locations were added and you can see them in the Locations Management Panel but not on front end?

    If that is the situation you need to look at your settings under Experience. For instance when I clicked on your first site, Steiner it redirected me to another page that had different pins and markers and another map page. If I recall from your emails. you wanted the location name to be clickable and redirect to a site url (presumably the DR web site).

    You have it redirecting to another map page instead .

    If this is still in development stage that is fine, but I would have to say that if you are not seeing them on the front end but are seeing them on the back end  the issue is that some of your settings are not what you want.

    If the issue is that they are not geocoding, then you may be sharing the geocode limitations if you do not have your own API key.

    We are getting a few of your questions via forums and a few via  piece meal but aren’t quite sure what exactly you are hoping to see as an end product with the site.

    Now that you have Power you can have contact field names if you want to do that instead of having their names in description, you can add more shortcodes to display more fields


    For instance I see you have the dropdown search by city and also by state and also a search by zip code and also a search by category. You may need to add instructions in the labels to tell the site vistors exactly what they should be choosing, do you want them to search by zip and city and state and category?

    I think you can get there , for instance I see all the sites in and around 29464, I can further define search by equine,  but not all your locations show up on the initial map. That tells me you do not have a large enough radius under Experience/Results/Initial search radius. You should have that be a large number and also  the number to show initially make it a large number.


    Or do not show the map until a search had been conducted.


    If you can explain exactly what you would like to optimally do we could better assist you.






    Thanks for all responses over the weekend.

    I presume Steiner goes to a new map because that location does not have a website? You’ll notice the next listing, Richardton Dental Clinic, opens the client’s website.

    So, do I need some sort of “if/when” statement in the coding?



    It already has the ifset command I believe. I am not an expert at coding. You have started a new topic thank you. Since we are no longer speaking about imports. I have answered some of your questions in your new post.


    Terry, I just visited your site again. It is coming along nicely. I used the category and zipcode search and got the location in MT Pleasant SC.

    Have you figured out how to move your search layout and results layout around now?  Sorry  I didn’t get back to you, I had some urgent matters I had to take care of the past few days so haven’t been on a s much

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