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  • #56475

    Hello, We have noticed that one of our international agents has dropped off the map but is still set up in the backend.

    Here is the link to our website not showing a pin for UK
    But looking at the backend, UK – Metcalfe Catering is set up (see attached pic).

    Any idea what the problem could be? I wanted to delete and set up again but would be good to know what causes this problem in the first place.

    Thank you!

    Store Locator Plus:4.9.7

    Site URL:
    This Info Cached:1521498853
    Network Active:No

    WordPress Version:4.7.9
    PHP Version:7.0.28
    MySQL Version:5.6.38

    PHP Limit:256M
    WordPress General Limit:256M
    WordPress Admin Limit:256M
    PHP Peak RAM:20 MB
    PHP Post Max Size:64M


    SLP is now on version 4.9.12 . WP is 4.9.5, I have no idea if that version had compatibility issues with other plugins or your theme or if something in that version of WP caused issues, or if there were other changes. I have not seen any bugs reported about a marker just disappearing.

    You can troubleshoot to see what is coming back using any browsers developer tools and inspect the console for script errors, Css, and any errors header files etc.

    That location you mentioned does show up if you use the search form and enter United Kingdom and change the km to 500 km . So it is there and does have a marker and is showing on the front end

    Check your settings under Settings/Results…how many to display and radius to search, it bases what to display using the center map at setting for initial distance

    See other information in docs

    Make sure you have a full back-up of your site before you update. Vault press , JetPack has very affordable option


    Thanks for your help. I went to Settings/Results and changed the number on how many to display and that fixed it!! The map shows now smaller on the website and I couldn’t change it back to bigger but I can live with that as long as all pins show 🙂


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