
  • This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Cici.
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  • #78926

    We have a some stores which are essentially 3  different brands of the same store and so we setup a parent-child category arrangement so that when users search for the group they see all three brands (using their own logos.

    Unfortunately, as the parent category has no stores (just the three child categories), it shows nothing when you select it.  Can you please advise how to get the stores in the three child categories to display when we select the parent category


    That is ok, but the parent category has to have a name/slug associated with it , you cannot have a selector without also having the parent ,  you can use “Single Parent with  cascading drop down that will show all the children to select from.



    If you watch the video ignore the tagalong reference, it is just categories now on your SLP back end, that video is from older versions. The capability is the same though,





    Thanks Cici but unfortunately that page is only loading as a blank page.

    I’m also wondering if the horizontal or vertical selector feature might help but can’t see how to access this even though I have a premier subscription


    Hmm the docs site was being updated and I reported it to the developer . There was something going on with WP rocket showing blank page(s(.  but I believe he fixed it. Sorry about that

    (I  just clicked on that link now and it cane up )

    The category selector is under Search /Settings (see attached screenshot) It is a drop down menu.


    DO you have the premier zip file installed and active on your site?  Did you add your Premier user number and ID under General Admin section?


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    P.S. Once you add your premier id let me know if you do not see the expanded category selector, the default first selection is the ” Hidden”option. Also once you are in Premier you can register and post in the Premier forums. I tend to look there first to answer any questions


    Where would I find my Premier ID?


    Log into the SLP home page under that shows WordPress login  (Where you found your downloads) , THE MENU TAB your account

    in bold letters there is your premier id and subscription number.

    Instructions here


    Thanks for that.  Not sure why but the drop-down menu only show the one parent and three chilldren categories but doesn’t show the other three categories which aren’t part of the parent-child categories


    Are you using single drop down or single Parent? To show all categories use Single Drop down . it will show the child indented under the parent and also show all the categories that do  not have a parent to choose from.


    if yoiu use Single parent as a selector you will only show categories that are parent


    Or use Horizontal checkboxes, that will show both Parent child and those without child

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