Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus More Info on Settings Tools tab does not refresh

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Cici.
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  • #83915
    Jan de Baat

    The Settings page of the Store Locator Plus plugin shows some settings that can be changed. On the right there is a column showing some more info on the setting the mouse is hovering over, or has hovered over when it is drifting away from the Settings screen, e.g. when going to the Admin section on the left.

    Using version 2025.19.02 I see that this information is not refreshed when I switch to the Tools tab on the same Settings page. This probably can have something to do with that I only see two buttons on that Tools tab which both do not have any “More Info” to show?



    lance is concentrating on updates to the SLP SaaS. I have no idea what version 2025.19.02 is. The ;last update to the WP plugin is version 23….

    I am no longer testing , nor do I have access to those old versions.

    We are suggesting customers move over to the SaaS.

    Side note:

    Because of the  recent chaos in the WordPress environment over the WP Engine controversy and related funding issues, we’ve been having problems getting responses from This is preventing our updates with Store Locator Plus® from being listed in the WordPress plugin directory. This ongoing lack of stability within the WordPress plugin directory has led us to make the decision to focus efforts on our SaaS offering. The SaaS offering provides our service on all web presence platforms, including WordPress.



    P.S. If you update to newer versions , that may solve the issue. There will be another update coming end of Feb- march


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