Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Licence / Update Options

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  • #82989

    Hi Cici

    We’re currently running the Store Locator Plus® for WordPress.

    I see our licence expired back in January 2022 (sorry) and the current version appears to break when running it on PHP V8.

    So have two or three of questions?

    The available update in our WP dashboard is for version 2210.25.02 which seems to depart from the existing version numbering.

    Q1/ Is the update from Version 5.12.3 to  2210.25.02 straightforward or can I expect some problems?

    Just fyi we’re also running – Experience Version 5.11 |  – Power Version 5.11 | – Premier Version 5.12


    Q2/ What is the cost to renew  the licences for the above?


    Q3/ Any (other) recommendations for us at this decision point (e.g. move to MySLP?)





    Hi Pete,


    There have been a few changes and yes Lance has changed the version numbering scheme to be date driven instead of WordPress centric.

    There are a few new releases in Production and a few more that will be published today for premier and Power.

    1) Update should be straightforward. We have tested with PHP 8, our new servers are running PHP 8 so there should not be an issue. BUT when  you update SLP you will need to also Update the Add-ons and Premier.  As usual suggest having a back up and since you skipped you may want to update on a test or staging or clone site first.

    2) If you want/need to renew the Premier license just log into your account.  Go to your Account and where  the ON Hold for Premier ($275) just view and you should be able to pay it. Don’t worry about the missing payment, just continue. Welcome back.

    3)IF you wanted to switch to the SaaS version, the advantages is no need to worry about updates, no fooling around with Google API keys, we are able to access the back end for the SLP plans and tweak settings or troubleshoot for you.

    The down side , if you are using on more than one customer, each customer would need their own plan.   Also SEO Pages are not included in mySLP Saas if you are using Pages feature.

    The plans have some restrictions as far as number of locations and Map view depending on the $ level , Advance, (compares toBasic) Profession (compares to Power and Experience with exception of SEO Pages) and Enterprise (Compares to Premier but one per customer)  Like Google there are fees associated with MAP view overages. Read the articles and docs site to compare.



    Thanks for the super useful reply Cici. Will consider and get back,


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