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  • #43915

    I have – bought it maybe a year or two ago.

    Recently I updated this and WPress overall recently to latest version also. Ever since then I cannot import any more store locations. Have taken out the site detail, but here’s what i have.

    Store Locator Plus:4.6.4
    WordPress Version:4.6.1

    PHP Version:5.3.24
    MySQL Version:5.5.43
    PHP Limit:256M

    WordPress General Limit:40M
    WordPress Admin Limit:256M
    PHP Peak RAM:54 MB
    PHP Post Max Size:33M

    I tried
    based on what is noted at

    That did not help. still getting “Location import is provided by the Power add on.
    Pro Pack users should update to the latest version.”

    any advice?



    I took these steps to recreate your issue. I found your account. I downloaded the version of ProPack. I went into my account and deleted my version of ProPack, I deactivated any of the plugin add-ons I had so that I would only have proPack and SLP. I activated ProPack it activated as 4.6.4 SLP is also 4.6.4 I have import.  I then went to the Import choose file, I uploaded a CSV file I had. It uploaded and added my locations, no problem whatsoever.

    Please follow the steps exactly as outlined above.

    Here are screenshots of my plugin environment. If yours is different, for instance if you have multi sites or did not deactivate and delete please let me know.

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