• This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Cici.
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  • #44586

    My client had the SLP plug in on two sites and about a month ago both sites started having the same issue — when the results map displays, it’s a gray box. The pins are there and the text results are below, but no map display. Chrome Dev Tools show an error in line 94 of js.migrate (see screen capture for exact language), saying Google Map API is being called too many times, but there’s nothing else on the page and no other maps in either site.



    I tried disabling all other plug-ins (including on/off with SLP Power plug-in), but I still get the gray box. The theme has a spot for the Google Map API to be added under “General Options” so I added it, removed it again, even tried getting a whole new Google Map API key… still nothing. Again, no other maps are in the site and the sites are hosted on different servers with entirely different hosting companies.

    I’ve been round and round with the theme developers. They created a test page with a simple Google map coordinate and it works. http://ritmullerusa.com/test-page/ (Again, there were no other maps until this test page and the PearlRiver site doesn’t have any other maps.)

    Plug in environment on Ritmüller:

    Store Locator Plus: 4.7.2

    Site URL: http://ritmullerusa.com

    This Info Cached: 1483026218

    Network Active: No

    WordPress Version: 4.7

    PHP Version: 5.6.29

    MySQL Version: 5.6.28

    PHP Limit: 768M

    WordPress General Limit: 40M

    WordPress Admin Limit: 768M

    PHP Peak RAM: 66 MB

    PHP Post Max Size: 128M


    Pearl River Environment:

    Store Locator Plus: 4.7.2

    Enhanced Results: 4.4

    Site URL: http://www.pearlriverusa.com/priver_2015

    This Info Cached: 1482420626

    Network Active: No

    WordPress Version: 4.7

    PHP Version: 5.3.13

    MySQL Version: 5.1.55

    PHP Limit: 2024M

    WordPress General Limit: 40M

    WordPress Admin Limit: 256M

    PHP Peak RAM: 59 MB

    PHP Post Max Size: 75M

    As I mentioned, the client has been experiencing a problem now for about a month on both sites. If this can’t be resolved in the next few days, the client would like a refund, so we can purchase a different plug-in.
    Thank you.


    You need to loOk at any other plugins, for instance we have heard reports that the CONTACT FORM 7 added Google MAP API

    Your first reference of Client


    that isn’t their ENTIRE  plugin environment.  They have the POWER  add-on with CSS rules.  (This is why we ask for a screen shot of the plugin environment not merely a typed in answer.  ) So make sure they have latest versions of the plugins and the ADD-ONS. So I am guessing if they own both sites that they also have Power on the other one as well.

    They are using a lot of CSS rules and plugins that also are querying Google MAPS API. They can try “turning off SLP Maps” and only use the theme map

    Use Firefox  to debug and check for errors, instructions are in the Troubleshooting , under Map issues. Please post the results from the  Debugging log here .  Alternatively , if we  (the developer here)  troubleshoots and logs into their site that is a paid support option, but since they have paid you perhaps you can do the debugging and take it from there)

    If there them has a place for Google Map API that means they use it whether or not  you have entered the API there or not.

    If you use Firefox debugger, you will see  queryimg Google MAPS API. The theme  has a bug in it and drops the dynamic CSS rules.

    You are also seeing this:

    console.error(“This site adds property <“+a+”> to Object.prototype. Extending Object.prototype breaks JavaScript for..in loops, which are used heavily in Google Maps API v3.”)

    If you need additional support See https://wp.storelocatorplus.com/product/product-support/


    They have made changes to both sites since I turned the sites over to them. Can plug-ins still cause conflicts, even when they’re all turned off? Because I definitely have tested turning off everything else and still get the weird gray box.

    I’ll go back and check the SLP Maps again; I thought we’d also tested every variation on/off on that page, as well (I think this is also the tab with the Force Load javascript), but maybe we missed a combination.

    Thank you for the link to the Troubleshooting. I’ve been through the forum and what must be a different troubleshooting area, which I found under Documentation. Not the same and this one looks much more on target for what I’m trying to resolve.


    I’ve posted on the public forum about themes as well, but wanted to let you know here — it turns out my client was getting a log message every time I went in to test and he was turning the SLP maps back ON (he thought it meant I was trying to eliminate the map off the page and only have the text results). Grrrr! So… there is a conflict with the Bodega theme with too many map calls, but turning of SLP maps does resolve the issue. Especially if you test while the client is at lunch. (Did I mention grrrrrr?)




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