Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Extra bold line below location name?

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  • #43814

    Any way of changing a template to incorporate a second bold line under the facility name?

    Our locations are medical clinics, and we would like to place the physician’s name under the clinic. Possible?

    URL on attached is incorrect. It’s actually:



    You can change the Locator Layout which determines the order of the information (i.e you can have address first and name second line or in the left column instead of right column by copying the line in the layout and moving it to the position you want to see it.

    You can use CSS to  change styling such as bold,font colors,box lines etc. There is a video on the docs page that will take you to the SLP You Tube channel  from there you can view a short tutorial on how to accomplish customized style sheets can be found in the documentation and video.

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