Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus Experience Results Layout non-functional

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  • #43383

    Hello everyone:

    Attempting to customize the markup of results layout and only the default layout is appearing on the front end. I have been able to use the search form layout without issues.

    Has anyone else experienced this? There is no caching on our site & I’ve tried the following to troubleshoot:

    Disabled all plugins except for SLP & Experience Add-On
    Switched to twentysixteen theme with all other plugins disabled
    Rolled back PHP version to 5.6

    None of these tests has made a difference. We originally had the legacy v3 of SLP and were using the “enhanced results” add-on. We’ve upgraded to v4 + experience add-on. Is it possible there’s some difference in the database tables that might be causing the issue?

    I’d greatly appreciate any suggestions or pointers. Thank you!

    Lance Cleveland

    Version 4.6.3 fixes a bug introduced in SLP 4.6.2 where changing the Plugin Style was not changing the layout properly.


    Update SLP and Experience to 4.6.3.


    SLP 4.6.3 will also fix the issue if you are using Enhanced Map/Search/Results Legacy releases.


    Thanks for the speedy reply Lance:

    I noticed the 4.3 upgrade shortly after posting this thread and performed the update. I’m still unable to get any of my “Results Layout” to be reflected on front end. I took a peek at the database and saw that option was being saved successfully and my changes appear in the admin page under “Experience > Results > Appearance”.

    Another thing I tried was to enable WP_DEBUG constant, but no errors or warnings related to SLP. Any other suggestions on where I might look? This seems so glaring that I’m hoping it’s an oversight on my part.

    Thanks again.


    Update: (this topic can be closed)

    I removed the SLP plugins completely, dropped all of their DB tables after exporting my locations. Sarting from scratch seemed to do the trick. I did notice that our page was employing the shortcode store-locator instead of slplus. I don’t know for sure if that had anything to do with it.





    That is not the store locator plus shortcode. Apparently someone must have had a different Store Locator Plug in at one point, mixing the two would cause an issue.

    Thanks for letting us know.



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