Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Premier Support Experience 4.7.3 downloading incorrectly

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Cici.
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  • #44772

    I have been trying to download Store Locator Plus – Experience 4.7.3 from my Downloads Dashboard, but the actual download is 4.7.1 which is incompatible with Store Locator Plus 4.7.3. (I also have Store Locator Plus – Premier loaded). Can you help?




    Hi Kev,

    The auto updater is not working at the moment,

    I have notified Lance, most likely he did not have it be an “auto update”   because it w0uld break something!

    but after you update SLP to 4.7.3

    1) Download from your account EXP 4.7.3 as a zip file to your computer

    2) Deactivate and delete Experience 4.7.1

    3) Upload and activate the zip file it will be 4.7.3


    Lance published the release notes on 4.7.3 Experience and SLP in You Tube if you want to check it out, haven’t done a post as yet.


    P.S. Make sure you have a back up as usual.

    Let me know if you have an issue



    Yep, that’s what I was attempting to do. I may have been downloading it prior to the Dashboard Files being uploaded. All good now.





    No problemo.

    We haven’t had a chance to release a blog as yet, Lance was just giving me a tutorial on the plugin styles, what changes, what over rides what…why my site was not clearing the Plugin style cache , etc….(halfway  of which I started to glaze over and my eyes were rolling into the back of my head, shh dont tell him….)



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