Store Locator Plus® for WordPress Forums Store Locator Plus store locator shortcode not working languge transalation store pages Reply To: store locator shortcode not working languge transalation store pages

Lance Cleveland

Dennis –

I am still working with WPML on compatibility.   At the moment we are at a “it should work” moment from WPML.   I am now tracing through how their gettext() processing is working so I can tell them why their “should be working” system is not working.    Since I do not know their code nearly as well as mine it is taking some time.

One thing we have discovered is the for some reason SLP is only working on translating strings if a COMPLETE language file for the alternate language is present in your Store Locator Plus languages directory.    If your main site is English and you use WPML to switch to Spanish (or Dutch or Italian) you will need the complete Spanish (or Dutch or Italian) language file in place for WPML to show the proper text.

You can use the free Loco Translate to create and save the alternate language files.   If you do create a new complete translation that we are not shipping with the product, please send us the .po and .mo files and that way they will be present next time you upgrade SLP so you do not have to recreate your work.

Documentation on Loco Translate as well as some of the WPML compatibility is here:


Once we figure out why WPML cannot translate the static strings in the product we are going to work on making things like the “Find Button Text” and “Search Label”, which are stored in the WordPress options (admin settings) translate consistently.  At the moment sometimes WPML translates the strings but sometimes it does not.  Very aggravating, especially when they are only telling me “well, it should work”.  :/


I will get it working.  Eventually.  Hopefully soon.


Thanks for your patience.