WordPress version 5.6 updated jQuery broke many plug-ins and themes

 WordPress 5.6 bundled version of jQuery upgrade effected SLP SaaS

The base stand alone WordPress Store locator Plus plug-in does not seem to be effected but the embed script that displays the MYSLP SaaS has been effected by this change.

MYSLP customers should NOT update to WP 5.6

As always we urge all Word press users to only conduct updates after backing up their site and to test first on a staging site or dev site. This should be standard practice before upgrading ANYTHING on your site including WordPress itself.

Restore back-up to previous version of WP

Restoring your back-up ensures your settings and database will revert back to the previous versions. Rolling back WordPress is not the same as restoring a back-up.

WordPress Store Locator Plus update to version 4.7.4 will disable and deactivate some Legacy add-ons

Store Locator Plus v 4.7.4

Over the past year and a half the developer and author of Store Locator Plus has been updating and revamping the software to be more efficient, robust, responsive and faster by using less overhead and cleaning up any old JavaScript commands that were left in the core base plug-in for the sole purpose of supporting the Legacy add-ons.  It is now time to move into the next phase with better graphics in the View for Plugin styles which adds gallery styles for one – step styling  and more functionality.   (YouTube video about Gallery styles, released in 4.7.3 )